

单词 systematically
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAREFUL〕They went through the documents systematically, removing every reference to his former wife. 他们仔细翻阅了文件,删去所有提及他前妻的内容。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕In the North, Sung systematically purged those whom he considered a threat. 在北方,宋彻底铲除了他认为有威胁的人。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕At the site, rescue workers have been searching systematically in the hope of finding more survivors. 救援人员正在现场进行彻底的搜索,希望能发现更多的幸存者。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.他因吸服海洛因和可卡因一步一步地把身体搞垮了。牛津高阶〔airing〕One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.她母亲按部就班地每周一次清扫所有的房间并开窗通风。柯林斯高阶〔air〕One day a week her mother systematically cleaned and aired each room.她妈妈会每周抽出一天彻底打扫所有房间打扫并通风。外研社新世纪〔bias〕A statistical sampling or testing error caused by systematically favoring some outcomes over others.偏差:由于系统上的结果偏差而导致的统计抽样或试验的错误美国传统〔catalogue〕The manuscripts have never been systematically catalogued.这些手稿一直没有系统地编过目录。朗文当代〔cloze〕Based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply words that have been systematically deleted from a text.填充测验法的:建立于阅读理解考试基础的或阅读理解考试的,要求考试参加者补充已从文章中有计划地删掉的单词美国传统〔code〕A systematically arranged and comprehensive collection of laws.法典:系统编排和广泛收集的法律汇编美国传统〔construct〕To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms.构筑:通过对思想或词语的系统排列而创造或编造(例如论据或句子)美国传统〔deny〕The country's government systematically denies its citizens basic rights to free expression.这个国家的政府完全剥夺了其公民言论自由的基本权利。牛津搭配〔deploy〕To distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically.部署:系统地或策略地分布(人员或力量)美国传统〔destroy〕The rainforest is being systematically destroyed.雨林正遭到蓄意毁坏。牛津搭配〔examine〕This survey systematically examined their claims.这项调查系统地检查了他们的要求。牛津搭配〔herbarium〕A collection of dried plants mounted, labeled, and systematically arranged for use in scientific study.蜡叶植物标本集:制成标本、贴有标签并有系统地排序以便于科学研究的制干的植物的集合美国传统〔investigate〕To observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically.调查:详细地观察或查询;系统地检查美国传统〔kill〕The militias are systematically killing and raping civilians.这些民兵正在有计划有步骤地杀戮、奸污平民。牛津搭配〔library〕A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged.藏书:这些资料的集合,尤指系统地、有规则地排列的藏书美国传统〔mannered〕If you arrange your picture too systematically the results can look very mannered and artificial.如果你把图画安排得太有条理,就会看上去非常假,不够自然。柯林斯高阶〔organization〕A structure through which individuals cooperate systematically to conduct business.组织:一群人有系统地合作以开展活动的所建立的结构美国传统〔phase〕To plan or carry out systematically by phases.使分阶段实行:阶段性的系统计划或执行美国传统〔plunder〕The villagers were systematically plundered.村民们遭到大规模劫掠。英汉大词典〔screen〕To examine (a job applicant, for example) systematically in order to determine suitability.检查:系统地测试(例如一个申请工作的人)以决定是否适合美国传统〔service〕This government has systematically cut back public services since it took office.这一届政府自上台以来系统削减了公共服务。牛津搭配〔should〕In order that training should be effective it must be planned systematically.为使培训有成效,必须有系统的计划。牛津高阶〔slaughter〕Thousands of people were systematically slaughtered by their oppressors.数千人遭到压迫者的蓄意杀戮。牛津搭配〔systematically〕She began applying systematically to colleges.她开始有计划地向各个大学提出入学申请。柯林斯高阶〔systematically〕The army has systematically violated human rights.该部队蓄意侵犯人权。柯林斯高阶〔systematically〕We approached the problem systematically.我们系统地处理了这一问题。韦氏高阶〔systematic〕The collection has not been systematically updated.服装新款还未全部系统地上架。麦克米伦高阶〔systematic〕The search was carried out systematically.搜查已按照部署执行。牛津高阶〔systematic〕We know that human rights are being systematically violated.我们知道人权正遭到一系列的侵犯。麦克米伦高阶By the 1900s, hunters had systematically destroyed most of Africa's vast herds of elephants.到20世纪,狩猎者们已经有步骤地毁灭了大多数庞大的非洲象群。剑桥国际Each of these approaches may be valuable in teaching the physician to appraise clinical evidence more systematically.这些方法每一种都很有价值,它们可以使内科医生学会更系统地评价临床症象。剑桥国际The information was systematically recorded and analysed.对这些信息进行系统地记录和分析。牛津商务We tried doing it systematically, but in the end we adopted an intuitive approach.我们试图系统地做这件事,但最后我们采用了凭直觉的方法。剑桥国际




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