

单词 st
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEHIND〕In the photograph, a statue of St. Andrew stood in the background. 在这幅照片的背景中,有一尊圣安德鲁塑像。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕The architect's remains are interred in St Paul's cathedral. 那位建筑师的遗体被埋在圣保罗大教堂里。朗文写作活用〔Chaleur Bay〕An inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence between eastern Quebec and northern New Brunswick, Canada. It is an important fishing ground.沙勒尔湾:加拿大魁北克东部和新不伦瑞克北部之间的一个小海湾,位于圣劳伦斯湾。是一个重要的渔场美国传统〔Church〕St Helen's Church圣海伦教会外研社新世纪〔Cruzan〕A native or inhabitant of St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.圣克罗伊人:美属维尔京群岛圣克罗伊的本地人或居民美国传统〔Geneva cross〕A red Greek or St. George's cross on a white ground, used as a symbol by the Red Cross and as a sign of neutrality.红十字:白底的红色希腊十字形或圣·乔治十字形,用作红十字会的标志或象征中立美国传统〔HAPPEN〕The wedding will take place at St Andrew's church. 婚礼将在圣安德鲁教堂举行。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕St Dominic's Hospital treats about 10,000 patients a year. 圣多米尼克医院每年治疗的病人约为10,000人。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕St Helen's Hospice, which cares for the terminally ill, is holding a special fund-raising week. 专门照顾晚期病人的圣海伦安养院正在举办一个特别募捐周。朗文写作活用〔Laurentian〕Of, relating to, or being in the vicinity of the St. Lawrence River.圣劳伦斯河的:(在)圣劳伦斯河附近的、或与之有关的美国传统〔MODERN〕Her latest indulgence is a luxury state-of-the-art yacht that she keeps at St Tropez. 她近来沉迷于她停在圣特鲁佩斯的那艘设备最先进的豪华游艇。朗文写作活用〔PAIN〕The antiseptic might sting a little. 这杀菌剂可能会引起一点刺痛感。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The President's schedule includes a two-day visit to St Petersburg. 总统的日程包括访问圣彼得堡两天。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕The renovation work to St George's Hall was completed six months ahead of schedule and under budget. 圣乔治大堂的翻修工程提前六个月并低于预算完成。朗文写作活用〔Rd〕St Pancras Library, 100 Euston Rd, London, NW1.圣潘克拉斯图书馆,伦敦西北一区,尤斯顿路100号柯林斯高阶〔SHOW〕The church marks the spot where St Peter died. 这个教堂标示出了圣彼得去世的地点。朗文写作活用〔Saint John〕A lake of south-central Quebec, Canada, connected by the Saguenay River with the St. Lawrence River. The lake is a popular resort area.圣约翰湖:加拿大魁北克省中南部湖泊,由萨格奈河将其于圣劳伦斯河相连,该湖是著名的旅游胜地美国传统〔Sombrero〕An island of St. Christopher-Nevis in the Leeward Islands of the West Indies.松布雷罗岛:西印度群岛中背风群岛中圣克里斯托弗-尼维斯岛中的一个岛屿美国传统〔South〕We did an extremely fast U-turn and shot south up the Boulevard St. Michel.我们飞快地来了个 180 度的转弯,然后沿着圣米歇尔大道向南疾驰而去。柯林斯高阶〔St〕Wall St.华尔街朗文当代〔TAKE〕The train was carrying passengers from Moscow to St Petersburg. 这列火车载着乘客从莫斯科开往圣彼得堡。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕It was a long train journey to St Petersburg. 乘火车到圣彼得堡路程很远。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕In 1506, Bramante was commissioned by Pope Julius II to rebuild St Peter's church. 1506年,教皇尤利乌斯二世委托布拉曼特重建圣彼得大教堂。朗文写作活用〔advent〕Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.圣保罗教堂新牧师的到来使德特福德变得生机勃勃。柯林斯高阶〔advent〕Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.随着圣保罗教堂新牧师的到来, 德特福德有了生机。外研社新世纪〔architect〕Sir Christopher Wren, architect of St Paul's Cathedral in London克里斯托夫•雷恩爵士, 伦敦圣保罗大教堂建筑师外研社新世纪〔beguine〕A ballroom dance similar to the rumba, based on a dance of Martinique and St. Lucia.比津舞:类似伦巴的舞厅舞,源于马提尼克群岛和圣卢西亚的民间舞美国传统〔between〕Tonight's game is between the New Orleans Saints and the St. Louis Rams.今晚的比赛在新奥尔良圣徒队和洛杉矶公羊队之间举行。剑桥高阶〔biblical〕St Mark's account, regarded by biblical scholars as the earliest of the Gospels被《圣经》学者认定为最早的福音书的《马可福音》外研社新世纪〔bite〕To sting with a stinger.螫,叮:用螫针螫美国传统〔booked up〕St Just seemed pretty booked up, but we managed to find a room at the George.圣贾斯特饭店似乎已经客满了,但我们设法在乔治饭店订到了一个房间。柯林斯高阶〔branch〕They're planning to open a branch in St. Louis next year.他们计划明年在圣路易斯开一家分店。朗文当代〔breeding ground〕Historically, St Benedict's is a breeding ground for talent.圣贝尼迪克特自古以来就是人才辈出的地方。外研社新世纪〔cabin〕We're staying at Lake St Clair Wilderness Park, a mixture of self-contained cabins and tent sites.我们待在圣克莱尔湖野生公园里, 这里既有设备齐全的棚屋, 也有帐篷营地。外研社新世纪〔cathedral〕St Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂朗文当代〔cathedral〕St. Paul's Cathedral圣保罗大教堂外研社新世纪〔chapel〕The chapel is dedicated to St Michael.这个小教堂是纪念圣米迦勒的。牛津搭配〔church〕St Helen's Church.圣海伦教堂柯林斯高阶〔cloak-and-dagger〕They met in classic cloak-and-dagger style beside the lake in St James's Park.他们像经典间谍片所演的那样, 偷偷摸摸地在圣詹姆斯公园的湖边见面。外研社新世纪〔cloak-and-dagger〕They met in classic cloak-and-dagger style beside the lake in St James's Park.他们像经典间谍片里所演的那样,偷偷摸摸地在圣詹姆斯公园的湖边相会。柯林斯高阶〔close〕St. Louis is closer to Chicago than it is to Detroit.圣路易斯离芝加哥比离底特律近。英汉大词典〔construct〕St Michael's was an older building, almost entirely constructed of red brick.圣米迦勒教堂是更古老的建筑,几乎全部用红砖砌成。麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕The sting causes swelling at the point of contact.被叮咬之后接触点会肿胀。朗文当代〔cook〕Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen.圣詹姆斯皇家饭店的厨师们曾经为女王烹制菜肴。柯林斯高阶〔dean〕Alan Webster, the former Dean of St Paul's圣保罗大教堂前教长艾伦•韦伯斯特外研社新世纪〔debilitate〕Prolonged st rike action debilitated the industry.长时间的罢工削弱了这个行业的活力。牛津高阶〔dedicate〕The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.该教堂供奉的是贝克的圣玛丽。柯林斯高阶〔dedicate〕The church is dedicated to St Mary of Bec.这座教堂供奉贝克的圣玛丽。外研社新世纪〔dissolution〕St Bernard had saved the Order from possible dissolution.圣伯纳德把修道会从解散的边缘挽救回来。外研社新世纪〔dormant〕The long dormant volcano of Mount St Helens erupted in 1980.圣海伦斯火山休眠多年之后, 于1980年爆发。外研社新世纪〔drain〕Council workers were laying drains on the A917 at Pitmilly, near St Andrews.市政工人正在圣安德鲁斯附近皮特米利的917号干道上铺设排水管道。外研社新世纪〔evangelist〕St. John the Evangelist 福音书作者圣约翰韦氏高阶〔evangelize〕In AD 586 St Kentigern evangelized Tweeddale.公元586年, 圣肯蒂格尔恩在特威代尔传道。外研社新世纪〔fall〕By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul's warning to the Romans.他身旁的书偶然翻开到写着圣保罗对罗马人的告诫那页。柯林斯高阶〔feeder〕Colet Court, the traditional feeder for St Paul's school科利特小学, 圣保罗学校的老牌直属小学外研社新世纪〔flood〕Writing about St. John's brings back a flood of nostalgic memories.对圣约翰的记述使往事如潮水般涌上心头。牛津搭配〔from〕He had received a bill for nineteen dollars from St Peter's hospital.他收到圣彼得医院寄来的一张十九美元的账单。朗文当代〔funeral〕The funeral was held in St Mary's Church.葬礼在圣玛丽教堂举行。牛津搭配〔further〕I've never been further west than St. Louis.我到过的西边最远的地方就是圣路易斯。韦氏高阶〔gate money〕We gave the gate money to the St John Ambulance brigade.我们把门票收入捐给了圣约翰救伤队。外研社新世纪〔gospel〕St Mark's Gospel/the Gospel according to St Mark 《马可福音》剑桥高阶〔go〕After Moscow, we went on to St Petersburg for a couple of days.去莫斯科之后,我们接下来又去了圣彼得堡几天。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕Messiaen focused on various episodes in the life of St Francis, especially his search for spiritual grace.梅西安着重关注圣方济各一生中的种种经历, 尤其是他对精神上感受恩典的追求。外研社新世纪〔harmonize〕Bremer and Garland harmonize on the title song, 'Meet Me in St. Louis'.布雷默和加兰为主题曲《相逢圣路易斯》配和声。外研社新世纪〔helpful〕St John's Wort is helpful in relieving depression and anxiety.金丝桃能帮助缓解抑郁和焦虑。外研社新世纪〔holiday〕St Patrick's Day is a holiday in Ireland.圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰的一个节日。剑桥高阶〔home〕St Andrews is the home of golf.圣安德鲁斯是高尔夫的发源地。外研社新世纪〔honoured〕Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.雷迪先生被教皇授予“圣格列高利骑士”的荣誉称号。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.雷迪先生被教皇授予“圣格列高利骑士”的荣誉称号。外研社新世纪〔host〕She also hosts a show on St Petersburg Radio.她还在圣彼得堡电台主持一个节目。柯林斯高阶〔hurry〕I love it at St Mirren so I am in no hurry to go anywhere.我喜欢待在圣米伦, 不急着到别的地方去。外研社新世纪〔hurry〕I love it at St Mirren so I'm in no hurry to go anywhere.我喜欢在圣米伦的生活,所以我哪里也不愿去。柯林斯高阶〔inflict〕These insects are capable of inflicting a painful sting.被这些昆虫叮咬了会疼。韦氏高阶〔invoke〕St. Genevieve is often invoked against plagues.人们经常祈求圣热那维埃夫来消除瘟疫。朗文当代〔join〕The Missouri joins the Mississippi at St Louis.密苏里河在圣路易斯与密西西比河汇合。外研社新世纪〔lash〕They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate.他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。柯林斯高阶〔marry〕I'm going to ask her to marry me on St Valentine's Day.我打算在情人节向她求婚。朗文当代〔martyr〕St Pancras was martyred in 304 AD.圣潘克拉斯于公元304年殉道。柯林斯高阶〔martyr〕St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr 圣斯蒂芬,第一个基督教殉道者朗文当代〔master〕The Master of St. John's College will be launching the appeal.圣约翰学院的院长将发出呼吁。剑桥高阶〔memorial〕A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul's Church.她的追悼会正在圣保罗教堂举行。柯林斯高阶〔monument〕A monument to him was erected in St Paul's Cathedral.在圣保罗大教堂为他修了一座纪念碑。牛津高阶〔mount〕St Michael's Mount 圣迈克尔山牛津高阶〔native〕Dr Aubin is a native of St Blaise.奥宾博士是圣布莱斯人。柯林斯高阶〔nip〕To bite or sting with the cold; chill.使冻伤或刺痛;使寒冷美国传统〔pace〕He moved at a brisk pace down the rue St Antoine.他沿着圣安托万街轻快地走去。柯林斯高阶〔panel〕The central panel depicts St George.中央面板上画的是圣乔治。牛津搭配〔patron saint〕St Christopher, patron saint of travellers 圣克利斯托弗,旅行主保牛津高阶〔patron saint〕St Hubert, the patron saint of hunters圣休伯特——猎人的守护圣徒外研社新世纪〔patron saint〕St John Bosco is the patron saint of Turin.圣约翰‧博斯科是都灵的主保圣人。剑桥高阶〔patron saint〕Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.奇西克教堂为水手的守护神圣尼古拉而建。柯林斯高阶〔perched〕St. John's is a small college perched high up in the hills.圣约翰学院是一所位于山顶的小学院。柯林斯高阶〔playground〕St Tropez, playground of the rich and famous.圣特罗佩,富豪和名流的游憩胜地柯林斯高阶〔principal〕Peter Brown, principal of St John's College 彼得 · 布朗,圣约翰学院院长牛津高阶〔pulsating〕Rue St. Denis is the pulsating heart of French street life in Montreal.圣丹尼斯街是蒙特利尔法裔市井生活的热闹中心。剑桥高阶〔puncture〕She had a puncture wound in her arm, from a wasp sting.她的手臂被黄蜂蜇伤了。剑桥高阶〔radius〕There are more than a dozen golf courses within a 15-mile radius of St Andrews.圣安德鲁斯方圆 15 英里之内起码有 12 个高尔夫球场。朗文当代〔rank〕St Peters-burg's night life ranks as more exciting than the capital's.圣彼得堡的夜生活比首都的更刺激。柯林斯高阶〔redness〕There was swelling and redness around the site of the bee sting.蜜蜂蜇过的地方又红又肿。韦氏高阶〔rename〕Leningrad was renamed St Petersburg.列宁格勒被重新命名为圣彼得堡。牛津高阶〔represent〕The statue represents St. George killing the dragon.这座雕像展现的是圣乔治斩龙的故事。剑桥高阶〔reside〕He resides in St. Louis.他居住在圣路易斯。韦氏高阶〔resting place〕St Petersburg was the final resting place of the Russian tsars.圣彼得堡是俄国沙皇的长眠之处。麦克米伦高阶〔rotten〕The fruit is st arting to go rotten.水果已经开始腐烂变质了。牛津高阶〔saint〕St Andrew's school 圣安德鲁学校剑桥高阶〔saint〕St John 圣约翰牛津高阶〔saint〕St Nicholas is the patron saint of children.圣尼古拉是儿童的守护神。牛津搭配〔scorpion fly〕A mecopterous insect of the family Panorpidae, having in the male of most species a curved genital structure that resembles the sting of a scorpion.蝎蛉:一种蝎蛉科长翅目昆虫,大多数类别的雄性昆虫都有一个看起来象蝎子的毒刺的生殖结构美国传统〔seamy〕Hamburg's seamy St Pauli's district汉堡脏乱的圣保利区外研社新世纪〔shrine〕On his recovery he made a pilgrimage to the shrine of St John.他一康复就去敬奉圣约翰的朝圣地朝拜。牛津搭配〔silver jubilee〕She arrived in St Ives to celebrate the Queen's Silver Jubilee.她抵达圣艾夫斯庆祝女王加冕二十五周年。外研社新世纪〔smart〕The sting smarts.螫了很痛。牛津同义词〔snooper〕St Barth's strange lack of street names is meant to dissuade journalistic snoopers.圣巴思这个地方非常奇怪,街道居然没有名称,其实这样做就是为了打消记者刺探新闻的念头。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕St Paul speaks of the body as the 'temple of the Holy Spirit'.圣保罗把身体描述为“圣神的宫殿”。柯林斯高阶〔square〕St Mark's Square.圣马克广场柯林斯高阶〔square〕St Mark's Square圣马可广场外研社新世纪〔stinger〕Slang One who participates in or organizes the operation of a sting.【俚语】 参与或组织秘密游戏过程的人美国传统〔sting〕A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious.被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。牛津高阶〔sting〕Can I sting you for a fiver? 我能跟你借五英镑吗?朗文当代〔sting〕He felt the sharp sting of the soap in his eyes.他感到了肥皂对眼睛的剧烈刺痛。牛津搭配〔sting〕He had a nasty wasp sting on his leg.他的腿上有一处严重的黄蜂螫伤。麦克米伦高阶〔sting〕He smiled at her, trying to take the sting out of his words(= trying to make the situation less painful or difficult).他冲她微微一笑,想使他的话不至于刺痛她。牛津高阶〔sting〕Her words had a sting in them.她的话带刺。英汉大词典〔sting〕It's a good hotel, and you get good service but they'll sting you for it.这家旅馆很好,服务也好,不过向你要价也够厉害的。英汉大词典〔sting〕Never put any essential oils near the eyes. They are very strong and could sting.千万不要将任何精油抹到眼睛周围。它们有很强的刺激性,可能会使眼睛产生刺痛感。柯林斯高阶〔sting〕Plans were carefully laid for the big sting.这个大骗局已经精心设计好了。外研社新世纪〔sting〕Remove the bee sting with tweezers.用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。柯林斯高阶〔sting〕Remove the bee sting with tweezers.用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫针。外研社新世纪〔sting〕She felt a sting on her lip.她觉得嘴唇给刺了一下。英汉大词典〔sting〕She felt the sting of tears in her eyes.她感觉眼睛被泪水刺得发痛。朗文当代〔sting〕She smiled to take the sting out of her words.她微笑着,使自己的话不至于刺痛别人。朗文当代〔sting〕She was arrested in an undercover sting operation.她被秘密诱捕。牛津搭配〔sting〕Some insects can sting you.有些昆虫会叮人。牛津同义词〔sting〕Some types of spider can sting.有些种类的蜘蛛会叮人。麦克米伦高阶〔sting〕Sprays can sting sensitive skin.喷剂可能会使敏感肌肤感到刺痛。外研社新世纪〔sting〕The bees will sting if you bother them.如果你招惹蜜蜂,它们会蜇你的。韦氏高阶〔sting〕The iodine will sting for a few minutes.碘酒会引发几分钟的刺痛感。韦氏高阶〔sting〕The police ran a sting operation to crack down on illegal guns.警方展开诱捕行动以严打非法枪支。外研社新世纪〔sting〕The police ran a sting operation to crack down on illegal guns.警方展开诱捕行动以严打非法枪支。柯林斯高阶〔sting〕The smoke made our eyes sting.烟使我们的眼睛灼痛。韦氏高阶〔sting〕This won't hurt — you will just feel a little sting.这不痛——你只会感觉到像被轻轻叮了一下。柯林斯高阶〔sting〕This won't hurt, you'll just feel a little sting.这不会痛的——你只会感觉像被轻轻叮了一下。外研社新世纪〔sting〕Warm waters take the sting out of winter winds.温暖的海水使冬天的寒风变得不再刺骨。英汉大词典〔sting〕Wasps can sting repeatedly.黄蜂能多次蜇人。外研社新世纪〔sting〕You can get a nasty sting from a jellyfish.你可能会被水母狠狠地蛰一下。牛津搭配〔street〕Abbr. st.,St.缩写 st.,St.美国传统〔student〕Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。柯林斯高阶〔st〕St Andrew 圣安德鲁剑桥高阶〔st〕Fleet St 弗利特街(或译舰队街)牛津高阶〔st〕My address is 27 Lind St.我的地址是林德街27号。剑桥高阶〔summons〕She has been summonsed to appear at St Albans magistrates' court.她已经收到传票,要求其到圣奥尔本斯地方法院出庭。柯林斯高阶〔swell〕The bee sting made my whole arm swell up.蜜蜂蜇得我整个胳膊都肿了。韦氏高阶〔take the sting out of sth〕The new policy of shorter working hours will serve to take the sting out of the pay cut.缩短工作时间的新政策有助于减少降低薪水带来的不快。剑桥高阶〔text〕He preached on a text from St. John's gospel.他以圣约翰福音书中的文句作讲道的题目。英汉大词典〔thanksgiving〕The Prince's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul's.人们在圣保罗大教堂为王子的意外康复举行了感恩祈祷仪式。柯林斯高阶〔then〕He started his career in St Petersburg – or Leningrad as it then was.他在圣彼得堡 — 当时叫列宁格勒 — 开始他的事业。朗文当代〔thrash〕Second-placed Celtic thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil.排名第二的凯尔特人队以五比零大胜圣约翰斯通队。外研社新世纪〔trousers〕I was still in short trousers(= sti ll only a boy)at the time.我那时还在穿着短裤呢(仍然是个男孩)。牛津高阶〔twinning〕The twinning of Leeds and St Mary was formalised at a function held last week.在上周举行的典礼上, 利兹市与圣玛丽市正式缔结为姐妹城市。外研社新世纪〔undeveloped〕St Lucia is still mercifully undeveloped as a tourist destination.旅游目的地圣卢西亚所幸尚未被开发。外研社新世纪〔vote〕The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city's original name of St Petersburg.列宁格勒市的居民投票决定恢复该市原来的名字——圣彼得堡。柯林斯高阶〔vote〕The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city's original name of St Petersburg.列宁格勒的居民投票赞成恢复该市原来的名字圣彼得堡。外研社新世纪〔vow〕The couple made their vows at St Paul's Church in Hayes.那对新人在海斯的圣保罗教堂立下了婚姻誓约。朗文当代〔walk〕There is a stunning 10-mile coastal walk from St Andrews to Crail.从圣安德鲁斯到克雷尔有一条十英里长的风景秀美的海滨步行道。朗文当代〔way〕A man asked me the way to St Paul's.一个男人问了我去圣保罗的路。外研社新世纪〔worshipper〕Martin is a regular worshipper at St Mary's church.马丁经常在圣马利亚教堂做礼拜。外研社新世纪〔worship〕The whole family worshipped at St Jude's every Sunday.全家人每个星期天都要在圣裘德教堂做礼拜。麦克米伦高阶〔worship〕We worship at St Mary's.我们在圣玛利教堂做礼拜。牛津高阶St George slew the dragon.圣乔治杀死了龙。剑桥国际St Lucia depends on clean coastal waters because fishing and tourism provide much of its income.圣卢西亚岛依赖于清洁的近海水域,因为捕鱼业和旅游业占其收入的很大部分。剑桥国际St Mark's Gospel/ the Gospel according to St Mark 马可福音/根据马可的福音书剑桥国际St Patrick's Day is a holiday in Ireland.圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰的一个节日。剑桥国际St Petersburg was the seat of the Russian Revolution.圣彼得堡是俄国革命的中心。剑桥国际St. Francis wanted to sanctify poverty, not to abolish it. 圣弗朗西斯想圣化贫困而不是消除它。译典通A bank employee was involved in the sting in which $5 million was stolen.一个银行雇员卷入了一起500万美元的智力盗窃案。剑桥国际A true cockney is born within the sound of the bells of St Mary-Le-Bow church. 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方出生的人才是真正的伦敦人。译典通Bees do not normally sting without being provoked. 如果没有人惹它,蜜蜂通常是不螫人的。译典通Bramante was the architect of St Peter's Cathedral in Rome.布拉曼特是罗马圣彼得大教堂的设计师。剑桥国际Chapter 6 of St John's Gospel contains the parable of the loaves and the fishes.圣约翰福音第六章有麦饼和鱼的寓言故事。剑桥国际For most people a bee sting is a painful inconvenience, but for a few it is much more serious.对大多数人来说蜜蜂的蛰刺只是疼痛的麻烦,但对有些人来说却严重得多。剑桥国际He felt a sting in the elbow. 他感到肘部一阵刺痛。译典通He was admitted to St. Vincent's hospital with stab wounds.他因被刺伤进了圣文森特医院。剑桥国际Her words have a sting in them. 她话中带刺。译典通It's worth remembering (= You should remember) that prices go up on February 1 st. 值得记住的是,价格定于2月1日上涨。剑桥国际Last year, the decision was invalidated (=said to be wrong) by a federal appeals court in St. Louis.去年,圣路易斯的一个联邦上诉法庭宣布这个决定无效。剑桥国际Medoc and St Emilion are both famous clarets.梅多克和圣艾米里昂酒都是有名的波尔多红葡萄酒。剑桥国际My new address in New York is 19 East 17th St.我的新地址是纽约东17街19号。剑桥国际Ohio St.俄亥俄州牛津商务She was admitted to St Mary's Hospital with profuse bleeding.她因大出血被送入圣玛丽医院。剑桥国际Some jellyfish can give you a nasty sting.有些海蜇会狠狠刺你一下。剑桥国际Stay still then the wasp won't sting you! 不要动,这样黄蜂就不会螫你。剑桥国际The sting went badly wrong and the undercover agents were forced to flee.这圈套出了大差错,秘密警察被迫逃离。剑桥国际The Master of St. John's College will be launching the appeal.圣约翰学院的院长将提出呼吁。剑桥国际The airline's hub is in St Louis.这家航空公司的中心在圣路易斯。剑桥国际The dome of St Paul's could be seen in the distance.从很远的地方就能看到圣保罗大教堂的圆顶。剑桥国际The football team felt the sting of defeat. 足球队尝到了失败的痛楚。译典通The wedding will be held at St Martins Church and the reception at Crathorne Hotel.婚礼在圣马丁教堂举行,婚宴设在克拉松酒店。剑桥国际They used to sting their clients. 他们过去常诈骗客户。译典通We ate cakes in a patisserie off the boulevard St Michel.我们在圣·米歇尔大街旁的一家法式蛋糕房里吃蛋糕。剑桥国际We went to a service at St Paul's Cathedral when we were in London.在伦敦时,我们去圣保罗大教堂做礼拜。剑桥国际




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