

单词 ten times
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAIN〕Repeat this exercise ten times every day, and you'll soon have firmer, more muscular thighs. 这个运动每天重复十次,不久便可拥有一双更加紧实健壮的大腿。朗文写作活用〔REPEAT〕Repeat this exercise ten times every day and you'll soon have a flatter stomach. 每天把这体操做十遍,你的肚子很快就会变小。朗文写作活用〔average〕They average ten times the output of European factories.它们的产量平均是欧洲那些工厂的10倍。外研社新世纪〔crab〕You make the heat ten times worse by crabbing about it.你越是叫热就越热。英汉大词典〔decuple〕Ten times as great; tenfold.数量为十倍的;十倍的美国传统〔exercise〕Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg.每条腿重复做十次这种动作。牛津高阶〔fall in〕They fall in and out ten times a day.他们一会儿和好,一会儿闹翻,一天有上十次。21世纪英汉〔far-sighted〕Buying those shares was a very far-sighted move - they must be worth ten times their original value now.买那些股票真是有先见之明——现在它们的价值肯定是原来的10倍。剑桥高阶〔few〕I tried to contact him no fewer than ten times.我联系了他不下十次。朗文当代〔magnify〕At the Sheffield arena, the speakers were magnified ten times on a giant screen.在设菲尔德体育馆,演讲者在一个巨大的屏幕上被放大了十倍。朗文当代〔magnify〕The picture shows the insect's head magnified ten times.这张图片上显示的是放大了 10 倍的这种昆虫的头部。牛津搭配〔many〕We produced ten times as many tractors as the United States.我们生产的拖拉机的数量是美国的10倍。柯林斯高阶〔matter〕Some scientists believe that there is about ten times as much matter in the universe as astronomers have observed.有些科学家认为,宇宙中的物质约有天文学家所观测到的10倍之多。剑桥高阶〔newness〕The new planet is about ten times the size of the earth.新发现的行星大约是地球的10倍那么大。柯林斯高阶〔pesticide〕Traces of pesticide in the water were ten times above permissible levels.水中的杀虫剂残留量是允许含量的 10 倍。牛津搭配〔reach〕The price is ten times what it normally is and totally beyond the reach of ordinary people.这个价格是平时的10倍,一般人根本买不起。柯林斯高阶〔reckon〕I reckon that her mobile rings on an average ten times a day.我估计她的手机每天平均有10个电话。英汉大词典〔rule〕A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.根据经验来看,如果雇主要获得利润,那么其代理商必须卖出相当于其工资10倍的销售额。柯林斯高阶〔straighten〕Straighten up slowly, then repeat the exercise ten times.慢慢挺直身体,然后把这个动作重复十次。牛津高阶〔ten〕He is ten times the man you are.他比你高明多了。英汉大词典〔ten〕I'd ten times rather...我远远宁愿… 英汉大词典〔times〕This work is ten times better than the last piece you did.这篇作品比你上次的那篇要好上10倍。剑桥高阶〔track〕She ran ten times round the track.她绕着赛道跑了10圈。外研社新世纪〔will〕You will succeed once in ten times.十次里你终归会成功一次的。英汉大词典As a private IT consultant he could earn ten times what he made as an employee.作为一名私人信息技术顾问,他赚的钱是当雇员时的十倍。牛津商务Buying shares in Ford all those years ago was a very far-sighted move--they must be worth ten times their original value now.在那么多年前买福特公司的股票是有先见之明之举,现在它们一定升值十倍。剑桥国际Cases of cancer are ten times more frequent among nuclear industry workers.核工业工作者中的癌症病例要比一般人中的高10倍。剑桥国际We believe that there is about ten times as much matter in the universe as astronomers have observed.我们认为宇宙中的物质有天文学家已观测到的10倍之多。剑桥国际




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