

单词 subject
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ATTENTION〕to make people pay attention to a subject or problem 使人们注意某个话题或问题朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕to avoid a difficult question or subject 避开困难的问题或话题朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕a book that gives you information about a subject 为某学科提供信息的书朗文写作活用〔CONNECTED WITH/RELATED〕not connected with the subject you are talking about 与谈论的主题无关朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕a subject that you study at school or university 在学校学习的一门学科朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕a part of a subject that is being discussed or written about 正在讨论或写到的某一主题的一部分朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕to talk about the subject you are supposed to be talking about 谈论你应该谈论的话题朗文写作活用〔adequate〕a merely adequate knowledge of the subject 对此学科还算不错的了解麦克米伦高阶〔altogether〕decline interviews on a subject altogether 压根儿不同意就某一题目接受采访英汉大词典〔approach〕approach a subject with an open mind 不抱先入之见地探讨一个题目英汉大词典〔apt〕be very apt at picking up a new subject 善于敏捷地修习新学科英汉大词典〔broach〕broach a subject 开始讨论一个题目英汉大词典〔broach〕didn't know how to broach the subject tactfully; 不知道如何有技巧地提出主题;美国传统〔commission〕commission articles about a subject 就某个题目约稿英汉大词典〔complete〕a complete subject (predicate) 完全主语(谓语)英汉大词典〔complicacy〕the complicacy of the subject matter 主题的复杂性英汉大词典〔concern〕a current subject for concern 当前大家关心的问题英汉大词典〔controversial〕a highly controversial subject (figure, speech) 颇有争议的题目(人物,演说)英汉大词典〔dependent〕promotion subject to merit. independent 决定于业绩的升迁 independent美国传统〔dig〕dig at a subject 钻研一门学科英汉大词典〔dissertation〕write (或 compose) a dissertation on (或upon, concerning) a subject 就某一题目写一篇论文英汉大词典〔dissonant〕dissonant views on a subject 对某问题种种不一致的看法英汉大词典〔divide〕a subject that divided the nation 造成国民意见分歧的话题麦克米伦高阶〔empathy〕the writer's imaginative empathy with his subject 作者把想像中的感情投入到笔下的人物牛津高阶〔expound〕expound on a subject 就某个题目作说明英汉大词典〔familiarity〕her detailed familiarity with her subject 她对所学学科的熟稔牛津搭配〔glaze over〕movie actors whose eyes glaze over as soon as the subject wavers from themselves.话题一离开自己就目光呆滞的电影演员柯林斯高阶〔intriguing〕an intriguing subject for future research 有待深入研究的有趣学科麦克米伦高阶〔intrinsic〕the intrinsic interest of the subject 该话题本身的趣味朗文当代〔jump〕jump from one subject to another in a speech 演说中突然从一个题目跳到另一个题目英汉大词典〔jump〕jumps from one subject to another; jumped from one job to another.从一个主题突然跳到另一个主题;从一个工作调换到另一个工作美国传统〔literal〕a literal approach to a subject 研究某一课题的刻板方法英汉大词典〔living〕make mathematics a living subject 使数学成为一门生动活泼的学科英汉大词典〔matter〕matters of foreign policy; a personal matter.See Synonyms at subject 外交政策的问题;私事 参见 subject美国传统〔mature〕mature subject matter.成年人考虑的问题美国传统〔negotiation〕conduct (propose) negotiations with sb. on (the subject of) investments 就投资问题同(提出同)某人洽商英汉大词典〔perennial〕a perennially popular subject 长年的热门话题牛津高阶〔proviso〕subject to the proviso of section 5(2) of the 1911 Act须遵守《1911法令》的第5(2)项条款外研社新世纪〔recommendation〕a detailed set of recommendations following a comprehensive examination of the subject 对该项目进行全面考查后提出的一套详细建议牛津搭配〔relation〕the relation of the subject to the object 主语和宾语的关系牛津搭配〔research〕research on a subject 研究一个课题 英汉大词典〔reverse〕inverting subject and verb to form an interrogative.倒置主语和动词以形成疑问语气。美国传统〔science〕study a science subject 攻读一门理科英汉大词典〔shift〕shift the subject of conversation 改换话题英汉大词典〔subject〕subject peoples 被他国统治的民族朗文当代〔subject〕subject peoples 被他国统治的民族牛津高阶〔subject〕subject peoples 被统治的各民族韦氏高阶〔subject〕a British subject 英国国民朗文当代〔subject〕a magazine article on the subject of space travel 一篇谈航天旅行的杂志文章牛津高阶〔subject〕arguing that as a sovereign state it could not be subject to another country's laws.争论说作为一个主权国家其不受其他国家法律的约束柯林斯高阶〔subject〕colonies and other subject territories.殖民地和其他臣服的属地柯林斯高阶〔subject〕embarrassment about the subject of sex 性话题带来的尴尬朗文当代〔subject〕the subject of the new painting 这幅新油画的主题牛津搭配〔taxation〕be subject to taxation 应课税英汉大词典〔treat〕treats the subject poetically.诗意般表现这个主题美国传统〔unbounded〕her unbounded enthusiasm for her subject 她对自己所学科目的极大热忱剑桥高阶〔untimely〕an untimely subject 不合时宜的话题文馨英汉〔unwitting〕an unwitting subject in an experiment.一个实验中未意识到自己在被实验的一名实验对象美国传统〔vexed〕a vexed subject 经反复研究的学科英汉大词典a system of staff appraisal and development that is subject to continuous audit 取决于连续审计的员工考核与发展制度牛津商务




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