

单词 times
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔OFTEN〕when something happens many times 某事多次发生朗文写作活用〔RUB〕to move your hand or a cloth several times over something 用手或布在某物上擦朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕a political writer for the New York Times 《纽约时报》的一位政治作家朗文写作活用〔at〕at times 有时候文馨英汉〔carryover〕superstitions that are carryovers from ancient times 古代流传下来的迷信活动韦氏高阶〔cheat〕a heroin addict who has cheated death many times 多次侥幸脱离死亡的海洛因瘾君子韦氏高阶〔cite〕be cited many times for one's outstanding service 因在军队中表现出色而多次受到嘉奖英汉大词典〔claustration〕the claustration of women in feudal times 封建时代对妇女的深闺幽闭英汉大词典〔colonial〕life in colonial times 英属殖民地时期的美国生活牛津高阶〔come〕a story that has come down from medieval times 从中世纪流传下来的一个故事英汉大词典〔down〕traditions that have come down to us from medieval times 从中世纪流传到我们这一代的传统朗文当代〔fall〕fall on hard (poor) times 遭逢艰难(贫穷)时世英汉大词典〔finance〕finance the automobile industry to help it through difficult times 赊货给汽车工业以帮助它度过困难时期英汉大词典〔flush〕flush times 繁荣时代英汉大词典〔flush〕flush times resulting from the oil boom.源于石油高产的供应充足时期美国传统〔form〕coal deposits formed in prehistoric times 史前时期形成的煤层 英汉大词典〔ghastly〕lurid crimes. At other times it merely refers to glaring and usually unsavory sensationalism: 耸人听闻的罪行。 该词极少用来指怒目而视的并且通常是令人不快的危言耸听: 美国传统〔hangover〕an institution which is a hangover from Victorian times 维多利亚时代遗留下来的风俗习惯朗文当代〔heart〕sb's heart rate (=the number of times their heart beats per minute) 某人的心率朗文当代〔high-toned〕the London Times and other high-toned publications 伦敦《泰晤士报》和其他高级报刊英汉大词典〔historic〕in historic times 在有史时期牛津高阶〔license〕licensing hours(= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) 限定的售酒时间牛津高阶〔logic〕behaviour that at times defies logic偶尔不合逻辑的行为外研社新世纪〔medicinal〕herbs used in medieval times for medicinal purposes 中世纪作药用的香草朗文当代〔medieval〕medieval times 中世纪麦克米伦高阶〔number〕of The Times 《泰晤士报》的过期号朗文当代〔olden〕stories of olden times 古代故事韦氏高阶〔or〕two or three times a day 一天两三次文馨英汉〔other〕in other times 以前,从前文馨英汉〔over〕enough nuclear weapons to destroy all life on Earth ten times over 足以将地球上的所有生命摧毁10次的核武器麦克米伦高阶〔over〕many [twenty] times over 重复很多[二十]次,再三地文馨英汉〔over〕read all the stories several times over 把所有的故事重复读几遍英汉大词典〔past〕in times past 在过去牛津高阶〔per〕six times per month 每月6次英汉大词典〔prehistoric〕in prehistoric times 在史前时期牛津高阶〔relation〕a question which has been asked many times in relation to Irish affairs.被问过多次的关于爱尔兰事务的问题柯林斯高阶〔run-down〕times when you are feeling tired and run-down.你感觉疲惫不堪的时候柯林斯高阶〔sinew〕sinew the state in times of danger 在危险时刻支持政府英汉大词典〔stick by〕friends who stuck by me during the difficult times as Council Leader.在我任议会主席的困难时期一直支持我的朋友们柯林斯高阶〔temper〕the temper of the times 时代特征英汉大词典〔the〕the London of Victorian times 维多利亚时期的伦敦韦氏高阶〔thousand〕thousands of times 几千遍英汉大词典〔times〕three times as long as sth 某物的三倍长牛津高阶〔times〕three times longer than sth 比某物长两倍牛津高阶〔times〕three times the length of sth 三倍于某物的长度牛津高阶〔time〕times Used to indicate the number of instances by which something is multiplied or divided: times 倍:用来表示某物被乘或除的次数:美国传统〔time〕an area five times the size of Britain.面积为英国领土5倍大的区域柯林斯高阶〔time〕in times of financial crisis 在金融危机时期英汉大词典〔time〕in times of trouble 在困难时期牛津搭配〔time〕in ancient times 在古代牛津搭配〔time〕in ancient times 在古代牛津高阶〔time〕move with the times 跟上时代潮流英汉大词典〔time〕one of the fastest times ever 历来最快的成绩之一牛津高阶〔time〕prehistoric times 史前时期英汉大词典〔time〕the times of trains (planes) from Rome to Vienna 从罗马到维也纳火车(飞机)各班次的时刻英汉大词典〔transit〕transit times 运送时间牛津高阶〔underscore〕underscore the word three times for emphasis 为了强调起见在词下划3条线英汉大词典〔unquiet〕unquiet times 动荡的时代英汉大词典〔wonder〕the Seven Wonders of the World in ancient times 古代世界七大奇观英汉大词典the New York Times classified section 《纽约时报》分类广告版牛津商务




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