

单词 status symbol
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕The latest mobile phones have become status symbols among teenagers. 在青少年中间,最新款的手机已成为身份的象征。朗文写作活用〔aspirational〕High-end smartphones have become aspirational status symbols, especially among the young.对那些一心要跻身富贵阶层的人而言,特别是在年轻人当中,高端智能手机已经成为社会地位的象征。剑桥高阶〔status symbol〕A Rolls Royce is seen as a status symbol.劳斯莱斯轿车被视为社会地位的象征。朗文当代〔status symbol〕A mobile telephone is a more affordable status symbol than a BMW.与宝马车相比, 一部手机是人们更能负担得起的身份象征。外研社新世纪〔status symbol〕Among young people, this brand of designer clothing is the ultimate status symbol.在年轻人当中,这种名牌服装是最高的身份象征。剑桥高阶〔status symbol〕Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.养珍禽异兽是表现社会地位的最时髦方式。牛津高阶〔status〕Scars are status symbols among mountain-bike riders.伤疤是山地自行车选手的身份象征。牛津搭配〔symbol〕A stressful job can actually be a status symbol.一份有压力的工作其实可以看成是地位的象征。牛津搭配Having a swimming pool in your back garden is quite a status symbol.在后花园有个游泳池是社会地位的象征。剑桥国际Private swimming pool, fast cars, designer clothes--pick your status symbol, she has them all.私人游泳池、跑车、设计师特制的服装----地位象征由你挑,她都有。剑桥国际These watches have become the latest status symbol among young professionals.这些手表已经成为年轻专业人士的最新身分象征。牛津商务Training shoes are an important streetwise status symbol for many teenagers.对许多少年来说,运动鞋是街头地位的重要标志。剑桥国际




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