

单词 superficial
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔On a superficial level〕On a superficial level, his theory works, but the facts don't support it.表面上看,他的理论可行,但事实并不支持他的理论。韦氏高阶〔SEEM〕The landscape bore a superficial resemblance to England's green and pleasant land, and each house had a small suburban garden. 那景色表面上像英格兰绿意融融的大地,每一栋房子都带一座有城郊特点的小花园。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The people are friendly, but only in a superficial way. 人们很友好,但只是表面上友好。朗文写作活用〔appear〕Under stress these people will appear to be superficial, over-eager and manipulative.这些人在压力下会显得浅薄无知、操之过急,而且爱摆布人。柯林斯高阶〔babu〕Offensive A native of India who has acquired some superficial education in English.【无礼用语】 略懂英文的印度人:在英语方面受过肤浅教育的印度本地人美国传统〔chemical peel〕The removal of skin blemishes or wrinkles by applying a caustic chemical, such as an acid, that produces a mild, superficial burn.换肤:使用会产生轻微、浅层烧灼效果的侵蚀性化学药品(像是某种酸)来去除皮肤的斑点与皱纹美国传统〔clotrimazole〕A broad-spectrum antifungal drug used topically to treat a variety of superficial fungal infections, including candidiasis and tinea.克霉唑:广谱抗真菌药物,用于局部治疗各类表皮真菌感染,包括念珠菌病和皮癣美国传统〔competent〕Always technically competent, the paintings are, however, curiously superficial.虽然技术上一向过关, 不过奇怪的是这些画都很肤浅。外研社新世纪〔cosmetic〕Something superficial that is used to cover a deficit or defect.掩饰物:指用于掩盖不足或缺点的某种肤浅的东西美国传统〔cube〕To tenderize (meat) by breaking the fibers with superficial cuts in a pattern of squares.切花刀:将(肉)表面切成正方形以割断纤维使之变嫩美国传统〔cuboidal epithelium〕Epithelial tissue consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of cube-shaped or somewhat prismatic cells.立方上皮:由一个或多个细胞层组成的上皮组织,它的最外部是由立方形的或稍微有点枝柱形的细胞构成美国传统〔damage〕The house suffered only superficial damage in the fire.房子在大火中只是表面受损而已。麦克米伦高阶〔depth〕Terry lacks depth - he's a very superficial person.特里的思想缺乏深度——他是个很肤浅的人。剑桥高阶〔emergence〕Botany A superficial outgrowth of plant tissue, such as the prickle of a rose.【植物学】 突出体:植物组织的表面突出,例如玫瑰的刺美国传统〔endure〕Her poetry is such that it will not endure a superficial reading.她的诗意味深长,不可粗读。21世纪英汉〔farcy〕A chronic form of glanders that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels.皮肤型鼻疽:主要影响皮肤和淋巴血管表面的一种慢性鼻疽病美国传统〔flashy〕Giving a momentary or superficial impression of brilliance.闪烁的,炫耀的:给人以短暂或表面印象的光彩或才华的美国传统〔flirtation〕A superficial and usually temporary romance.轻浮的恋爱事件:表面的且常常是短暂的恋爱事件美国传统〔frankly〕He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.他现在坦率承认自己以前浪荡不羁的生活方式很大程度上是浅薄的。外研社新世纪〔frankness〕He now frankly admits that much of his former playboy lifestyle was superficial.他现在坦率承认自己以前浪荡不羁的生活方式很大程度上都是浅薄的。柯林斯高阶〔gilt〕Superficial brilliance or gloss.表面的光辉或光彩美国传统〔glitter〕Brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness.炫丽:光彩诱人,常指华而不实美国传统〔injured〕The injured man had a superficial stomach wound.伤者腹部受了皮外伤。外研社新世纪〔injured〕The other injured man had a superficial stomach wound.另一名受伤男子是腹部的皮外伤。柯林斯高阶〔interaction〕This can sometimes lead to somewhat superficial interactions with other people.这有时可能会导致与他人的交往流于肤浅。柯林斯高阶〔level〕Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友一直是表面上友善。外研社新世纪〔level〕Michael's roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.迈克尔的室友表面上还算友善。柯林斯高阶〔level〕On a superficial level everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper level you can see that there's a lot wrong.从表面上看一切正常,但进入内里就会发现许多错误。牛津搭配〔lick〕A superficial effort made without care or enthusiasm.草率的努力:草率地或毫无热情地做出的表面上的努力美国传统〔likeness〕There's a superficial likeness, but they're really very different.他们看着有点儿像,其实非常不同。牛津搭配〔meager〕His knowledge of mathematics is superficial and scanty.他的数学知识浅显、贫乏。美国传统〔meretricious〕He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.他称许多新闻报道虚夸肤浅。剑桥高阶〔mildew〕A superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper, or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp conditions.变色,退色:某些有机物质,如布料、纸张或皮革,其表面由菌类作用而形成的薄层或褪色,尤其在潮湿的环境中美国传统〔mildew〕Any of various fungi that form a superficial, usually whitish growth on plants and various organic materials.霉,霉菌:通常在植物或多种有机物表面形成白色生长物的菌类中的一种美国传统〔one-dimensional〕Lacking depth; superficial.缺乏深度的;肤浅的美国传统〔perceive〕Women's magazines are often perceived to be superficial.女性杂志通常被认为是肤浅的。剑桥高阶〔philosophize〕To set forth or express a moralistic, often superficial philosophy.肤浅地谈论哲学,爱卖弄大道理:提议或表达从事因循守旧的道德观,常是肤浅的哲学美国传统〔possess〕Television possesses a unique if superficial magic.电视具有一种纵然浅薄但却独特的魔力。英汉大词典〔prettiness〕Prettiness may be considered a superficial or surface quality.漂亮可被看成是一种浅薄或表面的特征。英汉大词典〔same〕There are some superficial differences, but essentially they're much the same.他们表面上存在一些区别, 但实质上是非常相似的。外研社新世纪〔saphena〕Either of two main superficial veins of the leg, one larger than the other, that begin at the foot.隐静脉:从脚部开始的腿上的两条主要浅静脉之一,其中一条比另一条要长美国传统〔saphenous vein〕Either of two main superficial veins of the leg, one larger than the other, that begin at the foot.隐静脉血管:腿上两条主要的浅静脉血管,一条较粗而另一条较细,皆从足部蜿蜒出来美国传统〔scald〕A superficial discoloration on fruit, vegetables, leaves, or tree trunks caused by sudden exposure to intense sunlight or the action of gases.表皮变色:由于突然曝露于强光下或毒气中造成的植物果实、蔬菜、叶子或树干的表皮变色美国传统〔scamp〕To perform in a careless, superficial way.草率地做:草率、敷衍地做美国传统〔sciolism〕A pretentious attitude of scholarship; superficial knowledgeability.假充内行:假充学者的态度;浅薄的知识美国传统〔see〕We saw through his superficial charm.我们很清楚他的表面功夫美国传统〔similarity〕The area bears a superficial similarity to Tokyo.该地区看上去和东京有些类似。牛津搭配〔skate〕Informal To act in an irresponsible or superficial manner.【非正式用语】 一带而过:以一种不负责任或敷衍的态度做美国传统〔sketchy〕Slight; superficial.轻微的;肤浅的美国传统〔squamous epithelium〕Epithelium consisting of one or more cell layers, the most superficial of which is composed of flat, scalelike or platelike cells.鳞状上皮:由一层或多层细胞构成的上皮,其最表层由扁平、鳞状或盘状的细胞组成美国传统〔superficial〕All the other girls seemed silly and superficial to Darlene.对达琳来说,其他女孩看起来都很愚蠢肤浅。朗文当代〔superficial〕Any similarities between the countries are merely superficial.这些国家之间的任何相像之处都仅仅是表面上的。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕At a superficial level, things seem to have remained the same.从表面上看,情况好像仍然一样。朗文当代〔superficial〕Beneath his refined manners and superficial elegance lay something treacherous.在他温文尔雅、貌似高贵的举止下隐藏着某种奸诈。朗文当代〔superficial〕Despite a superficial resemblance, the paintings are by two different artists.尽管粗看相似,但这些画作是两位不同的艺术家创作的。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕Despite their superficial similarities, the two novels are in fact very different.这两本小说尽管表面上有相似之处,但实际上大不一样。朗文当代〔superficial〕Despite these superficial resemblances, this is a darker work than her earlier novels.尽管表面上有一些相似之处,但这本著作实际要比她以前的小说悲观。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕Don't be deceived by his superficial charm.不要被他表面的魅力欺骗了。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕Even a superficial inspection revealed serious flaws.即使只是粗略地检查一下,都发现了严重缺陷。朗文当代〔superficial〕Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕He began to feel he could cope, on a purely superficial level, at least.他开始觉得自己能应付,至少单从表面上看可以。牛津搭配〔superficial〕He was considered by them as a superficial and rather silly man.他被他们看成一个浅薄而愚蠢的人。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕He writes about living in a greedy and superficial society.他描写了在一个贪婪且浅薄无知的社会里生活的情形。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.和他在一起很有趣,但是他见识很肤浅。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕Her injuries were only superficial.她只受了点皮外伤。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.他的室友从外表看还不错。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕His roommate had been pleasant on a superficial level.他的舍友只是表面上装和气。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕I have only a superficial knowledge of the subject.我对这门学科仅略知一二。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕I only have a superficial (= slight) knowledge of French.我对法语只是略知皮毛。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕I thought that article was written at a very superficial level.我认为那篇文章写得很肤浅。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕I'm not interested in superficial relationships.我对肤浅的情爱关系不感兴趣。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕Naturally, such visits can allow only the most superficial understanding of prison life.这类参观当然只能让人对监狱生活有个最粗浅的了解。朗文当代〔superficial〕Sarah is so superficial – she only cares about how she looks.萨拉非常浅薄,她只关心自己的容貌。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕She escaped with only superficial cuts and bruises.她逃了出来,只有几处表皮的划伤和擦伤。朗文当代〔superficial〕She made a quick and superficial examination of the car.她迅速地粗略检查了一下这部轿车。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕Spain may well look different but the changes are superficial.西班牙可能看起来与以前有很大不同,但这些变化都是表面上的。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds.69 岁的牧师幸免于难,只受了点皮肉伤。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕The 69-year-old clergyman escaped with superficial wounds.这位69岁的教士得以幸免, 只受了点儿皮外伤。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕The book shows only a superficial understanding of the historical context.这部书表现出对历史背景肤浅的理解。牛津高阶〔superficial〕The city may well look different but the changes are superficial.那座城市或许看上去不一样了, 但这些变化都是表层的。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕The documentary's treatment/analysis of the issues was very superficial.这部纪录片对这个问题的处理/分析非常肤浅。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕The driver only received superficial injuries/cuts/wounds.司机只受了点皮外伤。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕The explosion caused superficial damage to the fortified house.这次爆炸只对这所加固过的房屋造成了轻微破坏。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕The explosion caused superficial damage to the fortified house.这次爆炸对这所经过加固的房屋只造成了轻微破坏。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕The guests engaged in superficial chatter.客人闲聊起来。牛津高阶〔superficial〕The house suffered superficial damage from the flood.这幢房子由于水灾外表受损。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕The monkeys bear a superficial resemblance but are in fact quite distinct.这些猴子外表相似,但实际上大不相同。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕The movie bears a fairly superficial resemblance to the original novel.该影片只是表面上与原著相似。牛津搭配〔superficial〕The storm only caused superficial damage to the building.这场暴风雨只给建筑造成了表面的损坏。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕The study is too superficial for us to reach any conclusion.这项研究太肤浅了,我们得不出任何结论。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.他们的论据经不起一点推敲。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.他们的论证经不起丝毫的推敲。外研社新世纪〔superficial〕There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but really they're very different in terms of performance.这两辆汽车表面上虽然相似,但事实上它们的性能相去甚远。剑桥高阶〔superficial〕These superficial changes/solutions don't address the underlying problem.这些不彻底的改变/方案并不解决根本问题。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕These are superficial policy changes that help no one.这些政策上的变化无关痛痒,对谁都没有帮助。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕These similarities/differences are only superficial.这些相似之处/区别只是表面上的。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕They had a superficial knowledge/understanding of the topic.他们对这个题目只有肤浅的认识/理解。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever.这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕We talked about superficial topics like sport and the weather.我们谈论了运动和天气之类无关紧要的话题。麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕When you first meet her, she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.初次见面时,她总给人以热情亲切的表面印象。牛津高阶〔surface〕Superficial.表面上的美国传统〔that〕This is a guy's movie, and a pretty superficial one at that.这是男人看的电影, 而且非常肤浅。外研社新世纪He claims that a lot of journalism is meretricious and superficial.他断言许多新闻报道华而不实而且肤浅。剑桥国际He's fun to be with, but he's very superficial.他这人很有趣,但过于浅薄。剑桥国际I only have a superficial (= slight) knowledge of French.我对法语只懂些皮毛。剑桥国际I thought that article was written at a very superficial level (= it only dealt with the obvious parts of its subject, not with all the parts).我认为那篇文章写得相当肤浅。剑桥国际She has a certain superficial charm, but no real depth.她的美是表面的,不是内在的。剑桥国际Terry lacks depth--he's a very superficial sort of person.特里缺乏深入思考能力,属于那种很肤浅的人。剑桥国际The car was completely wrecked in the accident, but the driver only received superficial injuries/cuts/wounds (= only the surface of his or her body was hurt).虽然汽车在事故中彻底毁了,但司机只受了点轻微外伤。剑桥国际The documentary's treatment/analysis of the issues was very superficial (= was not detailed).纪录片对这些问题的论述/分析相当肤浅。剑桥国际The interviewer asked rather superficial questions.采访者问了一些表面性的问题。剑桥国际There are superficial similarities between the two cars, but actually they're quite different.乍一看两辆车差不多,但实际上区别很大。剑桥国际Women's magazines are often perceived (= thought) to be superficial.妇女杂志经常被认为很肤浅。剑桥国际




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