

单词 suture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bregma〕The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures at the top of the skull.前囟:头盖骨顶部矢状和冠状缝合处的接合处美国传统〔coronal suture〕The suture extending across the skull between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone.冠状线:两块顶骨与额骨之间的横过头颅的一条骨缝美国传统〔coronal〕Of, relating to, or having the direction of the coronal suture or of the plane dividing the body into front and back portions.冠状线的:冠状线的或与之有关的,按冠状线方向的,或指把身体分为前后两部分的平面美国传统〔gut〕A thin, tough cord made from the intestines of animals, usually sheep, used as strings for musical instruments or as surgical sutures.羊肠线:一种由动物肠,通常是羊肠所制成的牢固的细线,用于乐器的弦或用于手术缝合美国传统〔lambdoid〕Anatomy Relating to the deeply serrated suture in the skull between the parietal bones and the occipital bone.【解剖学】 人字形的:与头盖骨内枕骨和顶骨间的锯齿状骨缝有关的美国传统〔sagittal〕Anatomy Of or relating to the suture uniting the two parietal bones of the skull.【解剖学】 矢状缝的:与连接头颅的两块顶骨的内缝有关的美国传统〔seam〕A suture.缝合美国传统〔suture〕The surgeon sutured the incision.外科医生把切口缝合。韦氏高阶〔suture〕To join by means of sutures or a suture.通过缝合或用缝线连接美国传统〔tenorrhaphy〕The surgical uniting of divided tendons with sutures.腱缝术:通过缝合将分开的腱连在一起的外科手术美国传统After the operation, the incision was carefully sutured.刀口在手术后被小心翼翼地缝合起来。剑桥国际The doctor put six sutures in the wound on his face.医生在他脸上的伤口上缝了六针。剑桥国际




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