

单词 surfing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕People caught surfing the Net at work are liable to be dismissed. 上班时间在网上冲浪被逮住的人可予以开除。朗文写作活用〔Internet〕Internet surfing 上网浏览文馨英汉〔Internet〕She spent hours surfing the Internet.她上了好几个小时网。韦氏高阶〔LOOK FOR〕Many youngsters spend hours surfing the net. 许多年轻人花很长时间上网浏览信息。朗文写作活用〔NEAR〕Polzeath is our local beach, but there are better surfing beaches further away. 波尔西是我们附近的一个海滩,但是再远些还有一些更好的可以冲浪的海滩。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕When you're surfing and get hit by a wave, it's a reminder of what you're up against. 冲浪时被波浪击中,提醒人们遇见的是什么样的对手。朗文写作活用〔Waikiki〕A famous beach and resort district of Oahu Island, Hawaii, southeast of Honolulu. It is known for its fine surfing conditions.威基基海滩:夏威夷瓦胡岛一个著名的海滩和度假区,位于檀香山东南。困其优越的冲浪条件而闻名美国传统〔activity〕Guests can enjoy plenty of activities, like swimming, surfing, and horse-riding.客人可以享受很多活动,如游泳、冲浪和骑马。麦克米伦高阶〔addiction〕He devotes his summers to his surfing addiction.夏天他都用来过冲浪的瘾。韦氏高阶〔be better than sex〕For me, nothing compares with the thrill of surfing - it's better than sex.对我而言,没有什么比冲浪更刺激了——感觉简直比做爱还棒。剑桥高阶〔beat〕For me, surfing the Net beats watching TV any time.对我来说,网上冲浪任何时候都比看电视强。麦克米伦高阶〔birthplace〕Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.夏威夷是冲浪运动的发源地。牛津高阶〔blogging〕Surfing and blogging on the Internet can become a substitute for real life.泡网和上网写博客有可能成为现实生活的一种替代。外研社新世纪〔cross〕Snowboarding is a cross between surfing and skiing.单板滑雪是一种把冲浪和滑雪结合在一起的运动。韦氏高阶〔draw〕We asked the surfing champion what first drew him to the sport.我们问那位冲浪冠军当初是什么吸引他从事这项运动的。牛津搭配〔electronic footprint〕Every website you visit leaves an electronic footprint of your surfing habits.你所访问的每个网站都会留下你浏览习惯的电子痕迹。剑桥高阶〔habit-forming〕Surfing the Internet can be habit-forming.网上冲浪很容易上瘾。麦克米伦高阶〔hook〕In surfing, the lip of a breaking wave.浪峰:冲浪运动中一个大波浪的浪尖美国传统〔hot dog〕Slang One who performs showy, often dangerous stunts, as in skiing or surfing.【俚语】 卖弄花式动作者:如在滑雪或滑冰中进行炫耀性的,通常较为危险的技能表演者美国传统〔hot-dog〕To perform daring stunts or acrobatic feats, especially while skiing or surfing.卖弄(花式动作):(尤指滑雪或滑冰时)进行危险性的表演或杂技性表演美国传统〔immensely〕Wind surfing can be strenuous but immensely exciting.风帆冲浪可能紧张吃力,但却非常刺激。柯林斯高阶〔internet〕He likes watching movies, reading, and surfing the Internet.他喜欢看电影、读书和网上冲浪。牛津搭配〔into〕He's into surfing in a big way.他迷上了冲浪运动。牛津高阶〔life〕Ken's whole life revolved around surfing (=that was the main interest and purpose of his life) .肯的全部生活都是以冲浪为中心。朗文当代〔montage〕The ads feature a montage of images - people surfing, swimming, and playing basketball.这些广告是一组剪辑在一起的画面——人们在冲浪、踢足球和打篮球。剑桥高阶〔net〕Bruce spends most evenings surfing the Net (=looking at information in different places on the Internet) .布鲁斯晚上大多在因特网上浏览信息。朗文当代〔paddle boarding〕You can try scuba diving, paddle boarding, body surfing or kite surfing.你可以尝试水肺潜水、浆板、冲浪和风筝冲浪。剑桥高阶〔paddleboard〕A long, narrow, floatable board used especially in surfing.浆叶式冲浪板:一种长的狭窄的可漂浮的板,尤指用来冲浪美国传统〔pastime〕Her favourite pastime is surfing the net.她最喜爱的消遣形式是上网。外研社新世纪〔revolve〕His whole life revolves around surfing.他一生都在做与冲浪相关的事。牛津高阶〔say〕This PC cannot cope with 3-D games. That said, it is fine for surfing the net and watching movies.这台个人电脑玩不了3D游戏, 虽然如此, 用它上网和看电影还是不错的。外研社新世纪〔size〕In surfing, size matters: big waves are beautiful.冲浪时,浪头的大小很重要:又高又大的浪头棒极了。牛津搭配〔straighten out〕I was in a mess but a few months surfing and travelling straightened me out.我当时一团糟, 但几个月的冲浪和旅行改变了我。外研社新世纪〔surfboard〕A long, narrow, somewhat rounded board, used for surfing.冲浪板:用于冲浪运动的一种长而窄的有些呈圆形的木板美国传统〔surfer〕I'm going to be surfing bigger waves when I get to Australia! 到了澳大利亚后我要去浪头更大的地方冲浪!柯林斯高阶〔surfing〕Her hobbies include diving and surfing.她的爱好包括潜水和冲浪。韦氏高阶〔surfing〕The simple fact is that, for most people, surfing is too expensive.事情很简单,那就是对大多数人来说,网上冲浪费用太高。柯林斯高阶〔surfing〕They love to go surfing in California.他们喜欢在加利福尼亚冲浪。外研社新世纪〔surfing〕We went surfing yesterday.我们昨天去冲浪了。韦氏高阶〔surfing〕When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.我们在夏威夷时每天都去冲浪。朗文当代〔surf〕Do you want to go surfing tomorrow? 你明天想去冲浪吗?麦克米伦高阶〔surf〕He spends a lot of time surfing the internet/Net/Web.他花很多时间上网。剑桥高阶〔surf〕He spent hours surfing the net.他花了几个小时泡网。外研社新世纪〔surf〕I was surfing the Net looking for information on Indian music.我正上网查找关于印度音乐的资料。牛津高阶〔surf〕She enjoys surfing the web.她喜欢在网上浏览。外研社新世纪〔surf〕She spends hours every day just surfing the Net.她每天花数小时时间在网上冲浪。麦克米伦高阶〔surf〕She was surfing between three TV channels.当时她正在三个电视频道之间换来换去。外研社新世纪〔surf〕Sydney, surf capital of the world(= where the sport of surfing is very popular) 世界冲浪之都悉尼牛津高阶〔surf〕That guy's surfing the audience.观众从头顶上把那家伙举过去。外研社新世纪〔surf〕They go surfing every weekend.他们每个周末都去冲浪。剑桥高阶〔surf〕To engage in surfing.作冲浪运动,冲浪美国传统〔time waster〕Surfing the Internet is fun, but it's also a time waster.上网很有意思,但也很浪费时间。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕My uncle turned me on to jazz. She turned on to surfing this summer.我叔叔使我对爵士乐发生了兴趣。这个夏季她对滑水发生了兴趣美国传统〔wall〕Sports The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.【体育运动】 浪墙,直立浪:冲浪运动中海浪的重直面美国传统〔water sports〕Popular water sports include surfing and water skiing.流行的水上运动包括冲浪和滑水。剑桥高阶〔watersport〕A sport played or undertaken on or in the water, as swimming, snorkeling, or surfing.水上运动:在水上或水中进行或从事的体育活动,例如游泳、潜水或是冲浪美国传统〔wave〕She loved surfing the giant waves of the sea.她喜欢在大海的巨浪中冲浪。牛津搭配〔web〕I spent the afternoon surfing the Web.我下午在上网。韦氏高阶〔web〕Jane's been surfing the Web all morning.简整个上午都在上网。剑桥高阶〔wipe ... out〕I like surfing,but I wiped out twice yesterday.我喜欢冲浪运动,可昨天我翻到水里两次。21世纪英汉Surfing (= The sport of riding on waves on special boards) is very popular in California.冲浪运动在加利福尼亚很流行。剑桥国际Beach holidays are fine if you like water sports like surfing and wind surfing.如果你喜欢像冲浪和风帆冲浪这样的水上运动的话,海滨度假很好。剑桥国际Cookies are files that contain personal Web surfing data.“小甜饼”是记录个人网上冲浪资料的文件。牛津商务I was surfing the Web looking for exciting new products.我正上网查找令人振奋的新产品。牛津商务The ads feature a montage of images--people surfing, playing football and basketball.这个广告以一组蒙太奇手法的画面为特色----人们在冲浪、踢足球和打篮球。剑桥国际The waves off the Atlantic coast are bigger so they're better for surfing.大西洋海岸的浪大一些,因此那里更适合冲浪运动。剑桥国际They go surfing every weekend.他们每个周末都去冲浪。剑桥国际




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