

单词 synonymous
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anatolia〕The Asian part of Turkey. It is usually considered synonymous with Asia Minor.安纳托利亚:土耳其的亚洲部分,一般认为等同于小亚细亚美国传统〔incisive〕These adjectives are synonymous when they refer to keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression, or intellect.这些形容词用以表示思想、表达或才智的尖锐有力时是同义词。美国传统〔name〕His name is synonymous with the worst excesses of sixties architecture.他的名字是 60 年代建筑最铺张无度的代名词。牛津搭配〔synonymous〕Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.头发变白并不一定等于变老了。柯林斯高阶〔synonymous〕Going grey is not necessarily synonymous with growing old.头发变白并不等于老了。外研社新世纪〔synonymous〕His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory.他的事迹使他的名字成了胜利的代名词。牛津搭配〔synonymous〕In politics, power and popularity are not synonymous.在政治上,权力和声望并非相依而存。柯林斯高阶〔synonymous〕In politics, power and popularity are not synonymous.在政治领域, 权力和人气并不同义。外研社新世纪〔synonymous〕Nixon's name has become synonymous with political scandal.尼克松的名字成了政治丑闻的代名词。朗文当代〔synonymous〕Oscar Wilde's name is synonymous with wit.奥斯卡‧王尔德的名字成了机智幽默的同义语。剑桥高阶〔synonymous〕Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.巴黎一直是优雅、奢华和时尚的代名词。外研社新世纪〔synonymous〕Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.巴黎一直是优雅、奢华和时尚的代名词。柯林斯高阶〔synonymous〕The Delson name is synonymous with excellence in audio.德尔森这个名字是卓越音质的同义词。牛津搭配〔synonymous〕The company's name is synonymous with quality.公司的名字代表了品质。韦氏高阶〔synonymous〕The words "annoyed" and "irritated" are more or less synonymous.annoyed 和 irritated 两个词差不多是同义的。剑桥高阶〔synonymous〕Until the late 18th century, 'opera' was almost synonymous with Italian opera.直到 18 世纪晚期,提到“歌剧”人们还只想到意大利歌剧。牛津搭配〔synonymous〕Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.财富未必等同于幸福。牛津高阶Oscar Wilde's name is synonymous with wit.奥斯卡·王尔德的名字是妙语的代名词。剑桥国际The sixties are synonymous with promiscuous sex and free living. 60 年代是性乱交和生活放荡的同义词。剑桥国际




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