

单词 suffocating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREATHE〕It was very hot inside the car, and I felt as though I was suffocating. 车内热得要命,我感到自己快要闷死了。朗文写作活用〔angina〕A condition, such as severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur.咽痛:一种出现痉挛性窒息的情况,如严重的咽部疼痛美国传统〔drown〕To die by suffocating in water or another liquid.淹死:在水或其它液体中因窒息而死美国传统〔drown〕To kill by submerging and suffocating in water or another liquid.淹死:使没于并窒息于水或其它液体而被杀死美国传统〔hydrogen chloride〕A colorless, fuming, corrosive suffocating gas, HCl, used in the manufacture of plastics.氯化氢:一种无色,易蒸发,腐蚀性令人窒息的液体化学式HCl,用于生产塑料美国传统〔hydrogen iodide〕A corrosive, colorless suffocating gas, HI, used to manufacture hydriodic acid.碘化氢:一种腐蚀性的无色窒息性气体分子式为HI,用于生产碘氢酸美国传统〔possessiveness〕Your possessiveness is suffocating me.你的占有欲让我窒息。外研社新世纪〔rain〕It's hot and suffocating. I think it's going to rain.天气闷热,我看要下雨。21世纪英汉〔respite〕There was no respite from the suffocating heat.闷热的天气根本没有缓解。牛津高阶〔stifling〕Very hot or stuffy almost to the point of being suffocating.气闷的:非常炎热或气闷的,几乎令人窒息美国传统〔suffocate〕After a few weeks with her parents, she felt she was suffocating.和父母呆了几个星期后,她感到自己毫无自由。柯林斯高阶〔suffocate〕After a few weeks with her parents, she felt she was suffocating.和父母待了几个星期后, 她感到自己非常压抑。外研社新世纪〔suffocate〕Can I open a window? It's suffocating in here! 我可以打开窗户吗?这里面都快把人闷死了!牛津高阶〔suffocate〕Can you open a window? I'm suffocating.你能开扇窗吗? 我觉得很闷。朗文当代〔suffocate〕Can you open the window? We're suffocating.打开窗户好吗?我们又闷又热。外研社新世纪〔suffocate〕Living in a small town was suffocating Mona.小镇的生活令莫娜感到压抑。麦克米伦高阶〔suffocate〕That's better. I was suffocating in that cell of a room.现在好些了。我刚才在那个小房间里快闷死了。外研社新世纪〔suffocate〕That's better. I was suffocating in that cell of a room.这样好些了,我刚才在那个小房间里快闷死了。柯林斯高阶〔suffocate〕The trade embargo is suffocating the nation's economy.贸易禁令正在扼杀该国的经济。麦克米伦高阶〔suffocate〕We were suffocating in the stuffy boardroom.在通风不畅的董事会会议室里我们感觉透不过气来。韦氏高阶〔suffocate〕Your possessiveness is suffocating me!你的占有欲让我喘不过气!外研社新世纪〔suffocating〕I've got to open the window - it's suffocating in here! 我得把窗户打开——这里太闷了!剑桥高阶〔suffocating〕In time the marriage became suffocating.最后,婚姻变得令人难以忍受。麦克米伦高阶〔suffocating〕It is a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个地方依然保留着陈规陋习和令人倍感压抑的传统习俗。剑桥高阶〔suffocating〕It's suffocating in here! 这儿热得让人难受!麦克米伦高阶〔suffocating〕It's suffocating in here.这里让人窒息。外研社新世纪〔suffocating〕Some marriages can sometimes feel suffocating.有些婚姻有时候让人觉得受到束缚。牛津高阶〔suffocating〕The afternoon heat was suffocating.下午热得让人透不过气来。牛津高阶〔suffocating〕The book tells the story of a woman escaping from a suffocating marriage.这本书讲的是一个女人逃脱一段令人窒息的婚姻的故事。剑桥高阶〔suffocating〕The room was suffocating.这间屋子太闷了。外研社新世纪〔suffocating〕The story is set in the suffocating petit bourgeois world.故事的背景是压抑的小资产阶级世界。外研社新世纪It remains to this day a land of antiquated social rules and suffocating traditions.这个国家至今仍然是一个陈旧社会法则和压抑传统占上风的国家。剑桥国际




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