

单词 sufficient
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕It was decided that there was sufficient evidence to convict Marconi. 他们认为有足够的证据可以给马科尼定罪。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The money should be sufficient for one month's travel. 这笔钱应该足够旅行一个月。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕They felt that he lacked sufficient poise and confidence for the job. 他们觉得他做这份工作欠缺足够的仪态和自信。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕A thorough understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of natural phenomena. 透彻理解数学足以解释很多自然现象。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The injuries sustained by the victim were not sufficient to have caused death in a healthy person. 受害者所受的伤对一个健康的人来说不足以造成死亡。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Research is often constrained by lack of sufficient data. 研究工作常常因为缺乏足够的数据而受到限制。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕Is mental cruelty sufficient grounds for divorce? 精神虐待可以成为离婚的充足理由吗?朗文写作活用〔REASON〕You may be dissatisfied, but is that sufficient reason to resign? 也许你感到不满意,但要辞职的话这个理由够充足吗?朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕This shows that if we devote sufficient energy and resources to a problem, we get results. 这表明,我们如果投入足够的精力和资源到一个问题上,就会取得成果。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The company failed to get sufficient financial backing, and never got off the ground. 公司在资金上得不到足够的援助,一直未能顺利发展。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕The police say they don't have sufficient manpower to patrol the area. 警方说他们没有足够的人力来负责该地区的巡逻。朗文写作活用〔able〕Having sufficient ability or resources.能够…的:具有足够的能力或资质的美国传统〔authorize〕To be sufficient grounds for; justify.提供理由:使…有着充足的理由;证明美国传统〔backup〕Army units can only operate if they have sufficient backup.部队有足够的后备力量时才能作战。朗文当代〔balloon〕Such a bag with sufficient capacity to lift a suspended gondola or other payload.飞船:有足够能力提升一个悬浮船或其它重载的这种气囊美国传统〔be known to be/do sth〕A daily intake of 20 mg of vitamin C is known to be sufficient in most cases to ward off scurvy.众所周知,每天摄入20毫克维生素C就足以抵御坏血病了。剑桥高阶〔breadth〕Has she sufficient breadth of mind to understand the kind of people she will meet there?她能不能足够大度, 理解在那里见到的那种人?外研社新世纪〔bring〕Some slight concession in price would bring (you) in sufficient profit.在价格上稍作让步将(为你)带来足够的利润。英汉大词典〔bump along〕The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed.飞机摇摇晃晃前行, 根本提不到足够的速度。外研社新世纪〔bump〕The aircraft bumped along erratically without gathering anything like sufficient speed.飞机忽上忽下,飞行很不平稳,根本未达到应有的速度。柯林斯高阶〔buoyant〕While there is still sufficient trapped air within the container to keep it buoyant, it will float.只要容器里还留有足够的空气,它就会漂浮着。柯林斯高阶〔case〕In her case she doesn't have sufficient assets.就她的情况来说, 她没有足够的资产。外研社新世纪〔catapult〕A mechanism for launching aircraft at a speed sufficient for flight, as from the deck of a carrier.弹射器:以适于飞行速度的发射航空器的一种机械装置,如从航空母舰的甲板上发射美国传统〔causation〕He claimed that the accident caused his injury, but the court ruled that he did not provide sufficient evidence of causation.他声称此次事故导致他受伤,但法院裁定他没有提供充分证据来证明其中的因果关系。韦氏高阶〔certified check〕A check guaranteed by a bank to be covered by sufficient funds on deposit.保付支票:由银行担保的支票,说明有足够的足以支付的存款美国传统〔certify〕To acknowledge in writing on the face of (a check) that the signature of the maker is genuine and that there are sufficient funds on deposit for its payment.签名:银行在支票正面(签署)确认签名人笔迹为真实及有足够的供支付用的存款美国传统〔clearance〕There was sufficient clearance between the car and the wall to open the door slightly.汽车和墙之间有足够的间隙可以略微打开车门。外研社新世纪〔closed universe〕A model of the universe in which there is sufficient matter, and thus gravitational force, to halt the expansion initiated by the big bang.封闭宇宙:拥有足够物质的宇宙模型,因此其引力可停止宇宙大爆炸所引起的膨胀美国传统〔competence〕Sufficient means for a comfortable existence.相当的收入:足以过舒适生活的收入美国传统〔complain〕He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence.他抗辩说警察没有充分证据就逮捕了他。牛津高阶〔consolidate〕Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制,罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。柯林斯高阶〔consolidation〕Even if not total, the Romans' hold was sufficient for them to begin the task of consolidation.即使没有实现完全的控制, 罗马人的势力也足以让他们开始着手巩固政权了。外研社新世纪〔contention〕Sufficient evidence exists to support this contention.有足够的证据支持这个论断。外研社新世纪〔contention〕Sufficient research evidence exists to support this contention.有足够的调查证据支持这个观点。柯林斯高阶〔controlling interest〕Ownership of a sufficient number of shares of stock in a company to control company policy.控股权益:在一家公司中拥有足以操纵公司决策的股份美国传统〔convict〕There is sufficient evidence to convict.有足够的证据定罪。韦氏高阶〔cover〕Funds sufficient to meet an obligation or secure against loss.保证金,担保:足够付债或偿还其损失的资金美国传统〔curiosity〕The curiosity of the object is very great, if not perhaps sufficient to warrant the effort that went into obtaining it.这件物品非常稀奇, 就算没那么稀奇, 费这么大的力气得到它可能也是值得的。外研社新世纪〔damn〕There was sufficient evidence to damn several players.有足够的证据来证明一些运动员有罪。外研社新世纪〔definite〕We need to record sufficient data to enable definite conclusions to be reached.我们需要记录足够多的数据以便获得明确的结论。朗文当代〔demand〕Another flight would be arranged on Saturday if sufficient demand arose.如果需求量足够大, 周六将再安排一趟航班。外研社新世纪〔digitalize〕To administer digitalis in a dosage sufficient to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect without producing toxic symptoms.服最大的量:供给足够的毛地黄属以得到最大疗效且不会出现有毒症状美国传统〔discharge tube〕A closed insulating vessel containing a gas at low pressure through which an electric current flows when sufficient voltage is applied to its electrodes.放电管:装有低压气体的封闭绝缘容器,当电极有足够的电压时,通过它电流就开始流动美国传统〔disinterest〕Their close and financially rewarding relationship was sufficient to call into question the independence and disinterest of the directors.董事之间紧密的利益关系足以使人们对他们的独立性和公正性产生怀疑。剑桥高阶〔drag〕I've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.没告诉我为什么, 就把我从澳大利亚硬叫了回来。外研社新世纪〔drag〕I've been dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.没有充分的理由,我就从澳大利亚被硬叫了回来。柯林斯高阶〔economic〕There was uranium in sufficient quantity to make mining economic.铀的矿藏量丰足,开采值得进行。英汉大词典〔endeavour〕We will make every endeavour to obtain sufficient supplies.我们将尽全力取得充足的补给。牛津搭配〔euphotic〕Of, relating to, or being the uppermost layer of a body of water that receives sufficient light for photosynthesis and the growth of green plants.(海)透光层的:属于、关于或组成水体最上层的,该层可接受充足的光线以利于绿色植物的光合作用和生长美国传统〔evidence〕They had failed to provide evidence of sufficient financial backing.他们没能提供足够的资助证明。朗文当代〔express〕Words are not sufficient to express the beauty of Hangzhou.言词不足以表达杭州的美。英汉大词典〔expulsion〕His disruptive conduct was felt to be sufficient grounds for his expulsion.他的扰乱行为被视为开除他的充分理由。牛津搭配〔far〕His plan for tax relief is fine as far as it goes but will not be sufficient to get the economy moving again.他的减税方案还算不错,但并不足以促使经济再次发展。柯林斯高阶〔fetch down〕These shots were not sufficient to fetch the bear down.这几枪还不足以击倒那头熊。21世纪英汉〔firing〕I brought home firing sufficient for several days.我带回家够烧几天的燃料。英汉大词典〔global warming〕An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.全球温室效应:地球表面大气层平均温度的升高,尤其是指温度的持续上升足以造成气候的变化美国传统〔go〕Neither of the two consortia has sufficient cash to go it alone.两个国际财团都没有独自经营的足够资金。英汉大词典〔ground〕Drunkenness at work was sufficient grounds for instant dismissal.工作时醉酒足可导致立即被开除。牛津搭配〔guess〕To assume, presume, or assert (a fact) without sufficient information.猜测,臆测:没有足够的材料而推断、假设或断言(某一事实)美国传统〔guess〕To predict (a result or an event) without sufficient information.推测:没有足够的材料而预言(某一结果或事件)美国传统〔happy〕Its assets are valued at between £750m and £1 billion, sufficient to keep the banks happy.其资产价值在7.5亿英镑和10亿英镑之间, 足以让银行感到满意了。外研社新世纪〔hardware〕Military hardware alone is not sufficient to ensure victory.仅靠军事装备不足以确保胜利。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕The ‘low levels' of cyanide in the river were sufficient to cause harm to aquatic life.河流中“低浓度”的氰化物也足以危害水生动植物。麦克米伦高阶〔hobble〕Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.很多新公司由于缺乏足够的资金而陷入困境。朗文当代〔incommodious〕Inconvenient or uncomfortable, as by not affording sufficient space.不舒适的:不方便或不舒服的,尤指因没有足够的空间所引起的美国传统〔independence〕Archaic Sufficient income for comfortable self-support; a competence.【古语】 足以自给的收入:使自己能舒服地生活的足够的收入;足以使自己舒适生活的收入美国传统〔inertia〕The forces for change are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.变革的力量不足以克服官僚主义惰性。牛津搭配〔insanity〕In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed.精神失常:在大部分刑事审判中,可以解除被告所犯罪行的法律责任的精神失常的程度美国传统〔introduction〕If you are looking for a general introduction, this volume will be sufficient.如果你要找入门读物,这一册就可以了。牛津搭配〔itself〕This itself was sufficient excuse.这本身就是很好的辩解。英汉大词典〔justify〕To demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken).证明有充足的合法理由(做某事)美国传统〔knowledge〕They lack sufficient knowledge of other industries.他们对其他产业的了解不够。外研社新世纪〔leverage〕He tried to push the door open, but he didn't have sufficient leverage.他试图推开门,但力气不够。牛津搭配〔lie〕The difficulty lies in providing sufficient evidence.困难在于要提供足够的证据。朗文当代〔liquid〕The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.这家银行有充足的流动资产来维持经营。柯林斯高阶〔liquid〕The bank had sufficient liquid assets to continue operations.银行有充足的流动资产维系运营。外研社新世纪〔lock away〕Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.光把他们关起来还不够, 你还得给他们治疗。外研社新世纪〔lock away〕Locking them away is not sufficient, you have to give them treatment.把他们关起来是不够的,还要对他们进行治疗才行。柯林斯高阶〔make〕To manage so that one's means are sufficient for one's needs.收支平衡:设法使某人的财产和花费相抵美国传统〔manoeuvring〕He feared he might not have sufficient fuel left for sustained high-speed steaming and manoeuvring.他担心剩下的燃料不够, 无法维持高速行驶和操纵。外研社新世纪〔meet〕Will there be sufficient stocks to meet our demand?有足够的存货满足我们的需求吗?21世纪英汉〔megalopolis〕A region made up of several large cities and their surrounding areas in sufficient proximity to be considered a single urban complex.大城市:由几个大城市及其郊区所组成的地区,这些城市可以被看成是一个单一的城市复合体美国传统〔milldam〕A dam constructed across a stream to raise the water level so that the overflow will have sufficient power to turn a mill wheel.磨坊水坝:横跨溪流建造的堤坝,以提高水位使溢满的水有足够的动力转动磨坊的水轮美国传统〔mistakenly〕He says they mistakenly believed the standard licenses they held were sufficient.他说他们曾经误以为有正规执照就足够了。柯林斯高阶〔mistakenly〕They mistakenly believed the standard licences they held were sufficient.他们曾经误以为有正规执照就足够了。外研社新世纪〔movie〕A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.电影:一组连续的照片被投影到屏幕上并以极快的速度依次放映使之产生连续性和动态的视觉美国传统〔n/s〕Not sufficient.不足美国传统〔near〕People near to retirement need to know their pension funds are sufficient.临近退休的人需要知道他们的退休基金是充足的。麦克米伦高阶〔newsworthy〕Of sufficient interest or importance to the public to warrant reporting in the media.有新闻价值的:值得媒介报道的、能引起大众足够兴趣的或具有极重要意义的美国传统〔nonsuit〕A judgment against a plaintiff for failure to prosecute the case or to introduce sufficient evidence.诉讼驳回:由于原告没将案件起诉或缺乏确凿证据而作出对原告不利的判决美国传统〔notice〕They didn't give me sufficient notice .他们没给我充分的准备时间。朗文当代〔nsf.〕Not sufficient funds.(基金)不足美国传统〔object〕He objected that the police had arrested him without sufficient evidence.他抗辩说警察没有充分的证据就逮捕了他。牛津高阶〔obligation〕UAL's current cash reserves are sufficient to repay these obligations.联合航空目前的现金储备足以偿付这些债务。外研社新世纪〔obtrude〕A 40 watt bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.40瓦的灯泡完全够亮了,并且不会晃眼。柯林斯高阶〔obtrude〕A low-energy bulb would be quite sufficient and would not obtrude.一个低度数的灯泡就够亮了, 而且不会晃眼。外研社新世纪〔ought〕The money to build the power station ought to have been sufficient.建设电站的资金本该足够了。柯林斯高阶〔pause〕The gale raging outside was sufficient to give pause to even the most courageous climber.外面呼啸的大风足以令最无畏的登山者踌躇不前。英汉大词典〔policy〕During the Depression many impoverished Negroes wrote policy in the hopes of winning sufficient money to feed their families.在大萧条时期,许多穷困的黑人经营抽彩赌博,以期赢得足够的钱来养家糊口。英汉大词典〔pollinate〕Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.没有得到充足的授粉,谷物的长势就会受阻。柯林斯高阶〔present〕A few brief comments are sufficient for present purposes.就当前而言,几句简短的话已经足够了。牛津高阶〔prima facie case〕A case in which the evidence presented is sufficient for a judgment to be made unless the evidence is contested.初步证据确实的案件:所提供的证据足够作出判决的案件,除非在证据被反驳的情况下此结论是成立的美国传统〔probabilism〕Philosophy The doctrine that probability is a sufficient basis for belief and action, since certainty in knowledge is unattainable.【哲学】 盖然论,或然说:认为既然确定无疑的知识是不可能获取的,那么可能性足以作为信仰与行动的基础的学说美国传统〔prosecution〕The evidence is not sufficient to bring a prosecution against him.现有的证据不足以对他提出起诉。朗文当代〔protogalaxy〕A mass of hydrogen that is sufficient to form or is already beginning to form a galaxy.原星系:一团足已形成或已开始形成星系的氢美国传统〔pull sth together〕If you can pull together sufficient funding, we are prepared to approve the project.如果你能筹集到足够资金,我们愿意批准这个项目。剑桥高阶〔puncher〕My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch.我太紧张,没能有效地传达我演说的要点。柯林斯高阶〔punch〕My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch.我太紧张, 没能充分有力地传达我发言的要点。外研社新世纪〔qualify〕A three-week course hardly qualifies as sufficient training.3 周的课程很难称得上充分的培训。牛津搭配〔quantity〕Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.有一些廉价的商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。柯林斯高阶〔quantity〕Gas was detected in sufficient quantity to warrant careful monitoring.检测出的煤气量大到需要小心监控。牛津搭配〔quantity〕Is it available in sufficient quantity? 这东西能不能足量供应?牛津高阶〔rapport〕There is sufficient rapport between hospitals and family doctors.医院和家庭医师之间有相当的默契。英汉大词典〔remedy〕One dose of the remedy is sufficient.这药吃一服就够了。牛津搭配〔rinse〕A quick rinse isn't sufficient. Use plenty of running water to wash away all traces of shampoo.光快速冲洗一下是不够的。得用大量流水把残余的洗发水都洗干净。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Sufficient supply, in the short run, will be a problem.短期内实现充足的供应将会是个问题。朗文当代〔satisfactory〕Giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement; adequate.令人满意的:使要求或请求等得到充分满足的;满足的美国传统〔satisfy〕To be sufficient or adequate.使满足或足够美国传统〔satisfy〕To conform to the requirements of (a standard or rule); be sufficient to (an end).符合要求:达到(标准或规则)的要求;足以达到(目标)美国传统〔scanty〕Barely sufficient or adequate.不足的:缺乏的或不足的美国传统〔society〕The question is whether we have sufficient resources to sustain an industrial society.问题是我们是否有足够的资源维持一个工业社会。麦克米伦高阶〔sponsorship〕Will sponsorship be forthcoming soon enough and on a sufficient scale? 能及时获得足够的资助吗? 英汉大词典〔stockpile〕Our stockpiles of coal are sufficient for three months.我们的煤炭储备足够用3个月。英汉大词典〔strain off〕Boil some potatoes, drain, and strain off sufficient water into a separate container.把一些土豆放到沸水中煮, 沥干并把大量水过滤到单独的容器中。外研社新世纪〔stuffy〕Lacking sufficient ventilation; close.不通气的:缺乏新鲜空气的;狭小的美国传统〔sufficiency〕The condition or quality of being sufficient.充足,够用:充足的状态或性质美国传统〔sufficiently〕Discipline is a necessary, but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place.纪律是有必要的,但绝对不是保证学习成效的充分条件。柯林斯高阶〔sufficiently〕Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。柯林斯高阶〔sufficiently〕One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the exterior of an 18-in-diameter hatbox.一米布足以包裹住直径为 18 英寸的帽盒。柯林斯高阶〔sufficiently〕There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.没有足够的证据来定罪。柯林斯高阶〔sufficient〕A brisk walk is sufficient to raise your heart rate.轻松快步就足以提高心率。韦氏高阶〔sufficient〕Allow sufficient time to get there.留出充足的时间好赶过去。牛津高阶〔sufficient〕Bedside lighting alone is not sufficient for most bedrooms.绝大部分卧室只用床头照明是不够的。麦克米伦高阶〔sufficient〕Discipline is a necessary, but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place.要开始学习, 纪律是一个必要条件, 但绝对不是充分条件。外研社新世纪〔sufficient〕Her explanation was not sufficient to satisfy the police.她的解释不足以让警方满意。韦氏高阶〔sufficient〕Is $1,000 sufficient for your expenses? 一千美元够你花费吗?文馨英汉〔sufficient〕Is £100 sufficient for your expenses? *100 英镑够你花销吗?牛津高阶〔sufficient〕It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him.人们都认为他是犯罪凶手,但没有足够的证据将他定罪。剑桥高阶〔sufficient〕Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.照明度应达到不用闪光灯便能拍照的程度。外研社新世纪〔sufficient〕One metre of fabric is sufficient to cover the hatbox.一米布足以包裹住这个帽盒。外研社新世纪〔sufficient〕Our budget is hardly sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.我们的预算几乎不够支付工资,更不用说买新设备了。牛津搭配〔sufficient〕The money is not sufficient to cover everything that needs doing.这些钱不够用于要做的一切。朗文当代〔sufficient〕The recipe is sufficient for six people.照此食谱做出的饭足够六个人吃。朗文当代〔sufficient〕The salary proved sufficient for his needs.结果证明工资够他花了。牛津搭配〔sufficient〕There is now sufficient evidence to prove his claims.现在有足够的证据来证明他的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔sufficient〕There may not be a sufficient number of women who want to see the old order changed.想看到旧秩序发生改变的妇女可能还不够多。外研社新世纪〔sufficient〕There must be sufficient funds in your bank account to cover the check.银行账户须有足够的钱才能兑付支票。韦氏高阶〔sufficient〕There was not sufficient evidence to secure a conviction.没有足够的证据来定罪。外研社新世纪〔sufficient〕There's sufficient food for [to support] ten people.有足够的粮食去养十个人。文馨英汉〔sufficient〕These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.这些理由不足以证明实施禁令有理。牛津高阶〔sufficient〕This recipe should be sufficient for five people.这份食谱应该足够5个人吃。剑桥高阶〔sufficient〕Unauthorized absence is sufficient reason for dismissal.擅自缺勤足以成为开除的理由。朗文当代〔sufficient〕We can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.有了足够的证据,我们才能提出起诉。朗文当代〔sufficient〕We need sufficient time to deal with the problem.我们需要足够的时间来处理这个问题。朗文当代〔sufficient〕Will the growth in output be sufficient to meet the increased demand? 产量的增加能够满足需求的增长吗?麦克米伦高阶〔superfluous〕Being beyond what is required or sufficient.过多的:多于需要的或足够的美国传统〔supply〕An amount available or sufficient for a given use; stock.拨款:对于某一用金可供给的量;存货美国传统〔tentage〕We have sufficient tentage for sheltering patients.我们有足够的帐篷收纳病人。英汉大词典〔thief〕The alarm is usually sufficient to deter a would-be thief.警报器通常足以使想要行窃的人罢手。牛津搭配〔translucent〕Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of distinct images.半透明的:能透过光但却引起大量的散射,从而不能看到清楚的影像美国传统〔undersized〕Of less than normal or sufficient size.小于正常的或足够的尺寸的美国传统〔understanding〕A child with sufficient understanding may sometimes be asked to give a statement.有足够理解力的孩子有时可能会被要求作一说明。麦克米伦高阶〔vapor〕The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气:物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态美国传统〔verify〕Please verify that there is sufficient memory available before loading the program.请在核实有足够的内存后再安装程序。牛津高阶〔veto〕The Senate had a sufficient majority to override the presidential veto (=not accept his refusal) .参议院有足够的多数票可以推翻总统的否决。朗文当代〔water of crystallization〕Water in chemical combination with a crystal, necessary for the maintenance of crystalline properties but capable of being removed by sufficient heat.结晶水:与晶体化学结合的水,对保持晶体特征十分必要,但能够被足够的热量除去美国传统〔working control〕The ownership of a sufficient amount of a firm's voting stock to determine corporate policy.实际控制,有效控制:拥有可决定公司政策的足够股份美国传统〔yield〕If the government does not yield, it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain and swift defeat.如果政府不让步,它就会面临重兵围困,必将迅速落败。柯林斯高阶An extra dividend can only be paid if sufficient distributable reserves are available.仅当有足够的可分配储备金时才能支付额外的红利。牛津商务Can the goods be supplied in sufficient quantity? 货物能不能足量供应?牛津商务He restated his belief that sanctions should be allowed sufficient time to work.他重申他的看法,强调制裁应给予充足的时间才能奏效。剑桥国际Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养活家人。译典通It is doubtful whether the President can marshal sufficient votes to prevent a defeat.总统未必能拉到足够票数以免遭否决。剑桥国际It was thought that he'd committed the crime but there wasn't sufficient evidence to convict him.人们都认为他犯了罪,可是没有足够的证据给他定罪。剑桥国际Many elderly people in need of a hip replacement operation have to suffer in pain because there are not sufficient resources.很多需要做更换髋骨手术的老人因为髋骨资源不足只能忍受痛苦。剑桥国际Since we will be gone for a week, we have to make sure that there is sufficient forage on the ranch. 因为我们要离开一星期,我们必须确定牧场上有足够的草料。译典通Temperatures in the mountains can drop suddenly and it is important to make sure you are wearing sufficient clothing.山区的气温会突然下降,所以你务必要穿足够的衣服。剑桥国际The company simply couldn't sell its products in sufficient volume and was driven into insolvency.该公司就是无法销售足够量的产品,被逼破产。剑桥国际The company's distributable profits are not sufficient to pay any dividends.这家公司的可分配利润不足以支付任何红利。牛津商务The judge usually needs sufficient forensic evidence before he makes a ruling. 法官在判案之前通常需要足够的调查证据。译典通The place where we're going camping is a long way from any shops, so we'll need to make sure we take sufficient supplies with us.我们的露营地离商店很远,所以必须确保带上足够的生活用品。剑桥国际The report stated that cigarette smoking was a health hazard of sufficient importance to warrant appropriate remedial action.这一报道声明,吸烟是对健康的极大危害,需要采取适当的纠正行动。剑桥国际The use of solar energy is constrained by the need for sufficient sunshine.由于需要有充分的日照,太阳能的利用受到限制。剑桥国际Their exports are sufficient to cover external liabilities.他们的出口足以偿还外债。牛津商务They had food and clothing sufficient for their needs. 他们有足够所需的食品和衣服。译典通This recipe should be sufficient for five people.这份食谱应该足够五个人食用。剑桥国际We do not have sufficient resources to sustain our campaign for long.我们没有足够的财力可把运动长期维持下去。剑桥国际We have sufficient borrowing facilities to fund the purchase.我们有充足的借款供这项采购之用。牛津商务We have sufficient funds to finance operations for another year.我们有足够的资金再支撑一年的运营。牛津商务We must work hard, but equally we must get sufficient rest. 我们必须努力工作,但同时也要有足够的休息。译典通




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