

单词 suffering
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DISASTER〕causing a lot of destruction or suffering 造成许多破坏或苦难朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕someone who seems to enjoy suffering 似乎喜欢遭受痛苦的人朗文写作活用〔acceptance〕a religion that teaches acceptance of suffering 宣扬忍受苦难的宗教麦克米伦高阶〔agoraphobia〕a patient suffering from agoraphobia 患恐旷症的病人韦氏高阶〔alleviate〕to alleviate suffering 减轻苦难牛津高阶〔callous〕a callous indifference to the suffering of others.对他人之痛苦漠不关心的铁石心肠的人美国传统〔cohesive〕the cohesive power of shared suffering 共患难的内聚力牛津高阶〔consequence〕people who are suffering and dying as a consequence of cigarette smoking.因吸烟而患病或死亡的人柯林斯高阶〔coronary〕a coronary patient(= sb suffering from coronary disease) 冠状动脉疾病患者牛津高阶〔corporal〕corporal suffering 肉体的受苦文馨英汉〔corrosion〕a building whose structure is suffering from corrosion 结构正受到侵蚀的建筑物牛津搭配〔cost〕the terrible cost of the war in death and suffering 这场战争造成的死亡与苦难的惨重代价牛津高阶〔dehydrated〕a child who's got diarrhoea and is suffering from dehydration.患上腹泻并出现脱水症状的孩子柯林斯高阶〔dehydration〕a child who's got diarrhoea and is suffering from dehydration一个闹腹泻并出现脱水症状的孩子外研社新世纪〔deprivation〕neglected children suffering from social deprivation 遭社会遗弃无人照管的孩子牛津高阶〔deprivation〕the deprivation of war(= the suffering caused by not having enough of some things) 战时的物品匮乏牛津高阶〔disease〕suffering from a disease.患病。牛津同义词〔disease〕patients suffering from venereal diseases 性病患者牛津搭配〔evocative〕stirringly evocative images of human suffering 对人类苦难的形象再现麦克米伦高阶〔exhaustion〕suffering from physical/mental/nervous exhaustion 身体╱精神╱神经衰弱牛津高阶〔experience〕a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress 在治疗受到压力的病人方面很有经验的医生牛津高阶〔failure〕patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure 心脏、肾等衰竭的病人牛津高阶〔fatigue〕soldiers suffering from battle fatigue 厌战的军人牛津搭配〔grand〕a grand old face that bespeaks suffering but not defeat.一张高贵的苍老面孔带着忍受而非屈服美国传统〔hard-pressed〕the hard-pressed farmers suffering from drought 遭旱灾而处境困难的农民 英汉大词典〔heartbreak〕suffering and heartbreak for those close to the victims受害者亲友的痛苦和悲伤外研社新世纪〔hiv〕people suffering from HIV and AIDS 艾滋病病毒携带者和艾滋病患者牛津搭配〔illness〕suffering from an illness.生病。牛津同义词〔irrelievable〕irrelievable suffering 无法减轻的痛苦英汉大词典〔malnutrition〕a program to help poor children suffering from malnutrition 帮助患有营养不良症的贫困儿童的计划韦氏高阶〔malnutrition〕refugees suffering from malnutrition 营养不良的难民朗文当代〔melancholy〕suffering from melancholy 感到忧郁韦氏高阶〔needless〕needless human suffering 不必要的人类苦难韦氏高阶〔neglect〕the suffering of children through neglect 由于疏忽带给孩子们的痛苦牛津搭配〔nutrient〕children suffering from a serious nutrient deficiency 严重缺乏营养的儿童牛津高阶〔of〕the suffering of millions 数百万人的苦难剑桥高阶〔oppression〕ethnic minorities suffering oppression at the hands of occupying forces 遭占领军压迫的少数民族牛津搭配〔pain〕patients suffering from acute back pain 患剧烈背痛的病人牛津高阶〔present〕the present situation of the millions of people who are suffering poverty and disease 遭受贫困和疾病折磨的几百万人民的现状朗文当代〔prevision〕all those who have been previsioned by suffering 所有那些因经受磨难而获得预见力的人英汉大词典〔prickly heat〕suffering from prickly heat 长痱子韦氏高阶〔related〕people suffering from tobacco-related illnesses 患有与抽烟有关的疾病的人朗文当代〔relief〕the relief of suffering 减轻痛苦朗文当代〔repetitive strain injury〕computer users suffering from repetitive strain injury.患有重复性紧张劳损的计算机使用者柯林斯高阶〔scale〕to scale when suffering from scarlet患猩红热时易生鳞屑21世纪英汉〔self-esteem〕patients suffering from depression and low self-esteem 不强/很强的自尊心麦克米伦高阶〔shell〕soldiers suffering from shell shock 患弹震症的士兵牛津搭配〔shock〕soldiers suffering from shell shock 患弹震症的士兵牛津搭配〔stand〕to stand suffering of the life经受生活的磨难21世纪英汉〔stigma〕suffering from the stigma of having this disease 受患有这种疾病的耻辱的折磨麦克米伦高阶〔stress〕overworked managers suffering from stress and anxiety 饱受紧张和焦虑之苦的超负荷工作的管理者麦克米伦高阶〔suffering〕eternal suffering in hell 地狱里永远的苦难牛津搭配〔suffering〕the suffering of the refugees after the war 战后难民遭受的苦难朗文当代〔suffering〕ways to alleviate human suffering 减轻人类苦难的途径韦氏高阶〔suffer〕patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease 阿尔茨海默病患者麦克米伦高阶〔suffer〕people suffering under repressive regimes 在专制的政权下受煎熬的人们牛津搭配〔suffer〕road accident victims suffering from shock 交通事故中受到惊吓的受害者牛津高阶〔thought〕patients that are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts 为抑郁和自杀念头所苦的患者牛津搭配〔through〕women who had lived through the horror and suffering of war 曾经生活在战争的灾难与痛苦中的妇女麦克米伦高阶〔underclass〕the suffering of the underclass 贫困阶层的苦难韦氏高阶




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