

单词 suffered
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PAY〕to pay money to someone because they have suffered an injury, loss, damage etc 付钱给某人,因为其承受了伤害、损失、破坏等朗文写作活用〔arthritic〕an elderly lady who suffered with arthritic hands.双手受关节炎折磨的老妇人柯林斯高阶〔arthritic〕an elderly lady who suffered with arthritic hands双手受关节炎折磨的老妇人外研社新世纪〔bereavement〕people who have recently suffered bereavements 最近遭受丧亲之痛的人们韦氏高阶〔bereavement〕those who have suffered a bereavement.那些遭受丧亲之痛的人柯林斯高阶〔bereavement〕those who have suffered a bereavement那些失去亲友的人外研社新世纪〔case〕the case of a 57-year-old man who had suffered a stroke一个57岁男性中风患者的病例外研社新世纪〔circumstance〕a victim of circumstance(= a person who has suffered because of a situation that they cannot control) 客观环境的牺牲品牛津高阶〔disability〕patients who have suffered disability after stroke 中风后致残的病人牛津搭配〔disgrace〕suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison.忍受着被送入监狱的羞耻行为的煎熬。美国传统〔during〕suffered food shortages during the war.在战争期间受食品短缺之苦美国传统〔episode〕people who had suffered a third episode of depression in two years两年内抑郁症3次发作的人外研社新世纪〔episode〕people who'd suffered a third episode of depression in two years.两年内忧郁症3次发作的人柯林斯高阶〔exquisite〕suffered exquisite pain.遭受的剧痛美国传统〔fitness〕injuries and related fitness problems suffered by the England team英格兰队所遭受的伤病及相关健康问题困扰外研社新世纪〔internecine〕a political party that has suffered because of bitter internecine rivalries 因为内部斗争激烈而元气大伤的政党韦氏高阶〔light〕people who have suffered only light exposure to radiation 只受到轻度辐射的人朗文当代〔paralysis〕stroke patients who have suffered partial paralysis 局部瘫痪的中风病人牛津搭配〔patient〕patients who have suffered a heart attack 犯过心脏病的患者牛津搭配〔peg〕peg a paragraph on a small mishap the President has suffered 以总统遭到的小小不幸为题材写一篇短讯英汉大词典〔prematurely〕a twenty-four-year-old man who suffered from premature baldness.过早脱发的24岁男子柯林斯高阶〔premature〕a twenty-four-year-old man who suffered from premature baldness一位24岁过早谢顶的男子外研社新世纪〔psychic〕suffered psychic disturbances 患精神失调韦氏高阶〔record〕a place which has rarely suffered a famine in its recorded history.在历史记载中很少发生饥荒的地方柯林斯高阶〔regime〕suffered under the new regime.遭受新政府的统治美国传统〔reverse〕suffered financial reverses.遭受财政困难美国传统〔suffer〕a prolonged civil war, in which ordinary people have suffered terribly 使平民百姓痛苦不堪的长期内战麦克米伦高阶〔wipeout〕the wipeout suffered by tomato growers 西红柿种植者遭受的毁灭性损失麦克米伦高阶relief for farmers whose crops have suffered from the hot weather 给予因天气过热而使庄稼受灾的农民的救济金牛津商务




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