

单词 technique
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Delphi〕the Delphi technique 特尔斐术英汉大词典〔WAY〕helpful tips on how to improve your exam technique 提高应试技巧的有用提示朗文写作活用〔association〕the technique of free association, in which the patient is encouraged to say the first thing that comes to mind 自由联想的方法,它鼓励病人说出最先想到的事牛津搭配〔book〕use every harassing technique in the book 使用一切现有的骚扰手段英汉大词典〔camouflage〕soldiers learning camouflage technique 学习伪装技术的士兵朗文当代〔care〕a technique used in the care of mental patients 照顾精神病人时使用的技巧麦克米伦高阶〔cat-and-mouse〕the cat-and-mouse technique of handling an opponent 猫戏老鼠似折磨对手的手法英汉大词典〔ceramic〕ceramics (used with a sing. verb)The art or technique of making objects of ceramic, especially from fired clay. ceramics (与单数动词连用)陶瓷学:制作陶瓷物品的工艺或技术,尤指用耐火粘土制美国传统〔clean〕clean ballet technique 熟练的芭蕾舞技巧英汉大词典〔communication〕communications (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The art and technique of using words effectively and with grace in imparting one's ideas. communications (与单数或复数动词连用)说话的艺术:有效地使用词并优雅地传授某人思想的艺术和技巧美国传统〔demonize〕the technique of demonizing the enemy in the run-up to war战前将敌人妖魔化的策略外研社新世纪〔detail〕a detail of a Rembrandt portrait illustrating the technique of chiaroscuro.一幅林布兰肖像画的局部显示了明暗对照的绘画技术美国传统〔dissimilar〕a weaving technique not dissimilar to the way fishermen make their nets 与渔民织网方式相同的编织技术麦克米伦高阶〔effective〕a highly effective technique 非常有效的技术牛津搭配〔exquisite〕exquisite technique 精湛的技术英汉大词典〔fineness〕the fineness of the surgeon's technique 外科医师技术的高明文馨英汉〔finished〕an artist with a finished technique 技艺精湛的艺术家英汉大词典〔generate〕a useful technique for generating new ideas 能产生新创意的有用技术朗文当代〔grab〕the technique of grabbing an audience 吸引听众的技巧英汉大词典〔induction〕easy induction to the technique for learners 易为学习者掌握的技巧入门英汉大词典〔innovator〕the innovator of a new technique 新工艺的创始人英汉大词典〔invention〕used a technique of her own invention.用她自己发明的技术美国传统〔investigative〕investigative technique 调查方法英汉大词典〔laborsaving〕a new laborsaving technique 节省人力的新技术文馨英汉〔master〕a technique that was surprisingly difficult to master 出奇难掌握的技术牛津搭配〔master〕to master a technique 掌握一项技术剑桥高阶〔mug〕the technique of the actor mugging to the audience 演员向观众扮鬼脸的技巧英汉大词典〔narrative〕a good narrative technique 高明的叙事手法英汉大词典〔operative〕an operative technique 手术技术剑桥高阶〔painlessly〕a technique to eliminate unwanted facial hair quickly and painlessly.快速、无痛地去除面部多余毛发的技术柯林斯高阶〔pedal〕a pianist's pedal technique 钢琴演奏者的踏板技巧英汉大词典〔perfection〕a sequence of developmental stages towards / toward the perfection of his violin technique 他的小提琴技术臻于完美的一系列发展阶段牛津搭配〔pioneer〕a new technique pioneered by surgeons in a London hospital 由伦敦一家医院的外科医生率先采用的新技术牛津高阶〔pointer〕a few useful pointers about using the technique 运用这种技能的一些有用建议朗文当代〔possible〕a new technique that made it possible to perform this operation 使这个手术成为可能的新技术麦克米伦高阶〔practise〕a technique not widely practised in Europe 在欧洲并未得到应用的工艺朗文当代〔pretreat〕technique for pretreating sewage污水预处理技术21世纪英汉〔recovery〕a technique used in oil and gas recovery 油气开采技术韦氏高阶〔refinement〕the progressive refinement of their accounting technique 他们的会计技术的逐步改进牛津搭配〔reliable〕a reliable sampling technique 可靠性抽样技术英汉大词典〔serial〕serial technique 序列技巧英汉大词典〔simple〕a deceptively simple technique 貌似简单的技艺牛津搭配〔spirituality〕a technique for instilling in children a deep sense of spirituality向儿童灌输宗教热忱的方法外研社新世纪〔stream〕the stream-of-consciousness technique in modern literature 现代文学的意识流手法牛津搭配〔suave〕have a suave mastery of technique 技巧娴熟英汉大词典〔swing〕the technique for making the perfect golf swing 完美的高尔夫挥杆击球动作的技巧牛津搭配〔technique〕a dancer with excellent technique 技艺高超的舞蹈演员韦氏高阶〔technique〕a pianist with good technique but poor expression 技巧好而表达力差的钢琴家英汉大词典〔technique〕a player of great technique 技术高超的运动员麦克米伦高阶〔technique〕a useful technique for dealing with difficult customers 对付难缠顾客的有效手段麦克米伦高阶〔technique〕the technique you need to do a task.担任一件任务所需要的技能。牛津同义词〔trick〕the tricks of stage technique 舞台技艺英汉大词典〔tried-and-true〕a tried-and-true sales technique 经试验证明切实可行的推销术英汉大词典〔twelve-tone〕the twelve-tone technique 十二音技法英汉大词典〔used〕a widely used technique for assessing the strength of metals 广泛用于测算金属强度的技术牛津搭配〔use〕a technique that is pimarily used in eye surgery 主要用于眼部手术的技术牛津搭配〔use〕an etching technique used exclusively by Picasso 只有毕加索才使用的蚀刻技法牛津搭配〔vocal〕vocal technique 发音技巧麦克米伦高阶〔well-tried〕a well-tried technique 经试验效果良好的技术英汉大词典a new production technique aimed at minimizing wastage 旨在使损耗减至最低的新生产技术牛津商务




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