

单词 tax bill
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LATE〕The tax bills are sent out annually, so it's very easy for small employers to fall into arrears. 税单一年寄出一次,所以一些小雇主很容易拖欠税金。朗文写作活用〔amend〕Congress may amend the proposed tax bill.议会可能会修正提议的征税法。21世纪英汉〔argue〕The senator argued with the President about the new tax bill.参议员与总统为新税法案争辩。21世纪英汉〔bill〕I've just received a huge tax bill.我刚收到一张巨额税单。牛津搭配〔clear〕All tax bills must clear through our committee.所有税收议案都得经过我们委员会审批。英汉大词典〔connection〕They want to talk to you in connection with an unpaid tax bill.他们想和你谈谈一张未付税单的事。剑桥高阶〔cop〕Some kind man from the Inland Revenue got to hear about it and I copped for a £300 tax bill because of benefit in kind.国内税务局哪位好心的先生快来听听:我居然要为实物福利缴纳300英镑的税款。外研社新世纪〔heat〕The administration is putting the heat on legislators to approve the tax bill.行政部门给立法者施压,使其通过税收法案。韦氏高阶〔hurt〕The tax bill hurts.这项赋税法案真够厉害。英汉大词典〔light into〕The speaker lit into the government for its tax bill.演讲者抨击了政府的税捐提案。21世纪英汉〔notional〕Almost everyone will have to pay a higher tax bill than the notional amount suggested by the Treasury Secretary.几乎每个人都必须支付超过财政部长提出的假定数额的税款。剑桥高阶〔report〕The committee reported the new tax bill out.委员会呈了交新的纳税议案美国传统〔ricochet〕The collision over the giant tax bill has ricochet(t)ed against the budget procedure.围绕这一大规模税收改革的议案的冲突已反过来影响到预算制订程序。英汉大词典〔sponsor〕She sponsored the new tax bill.她提议了那项新的税收法案。韦氏高阶〔sweetener〕The tax bill includes sweeteners for both parties, so it looks likely to pass.税收法案对两党都有笼络条款,因此很可能得到通过。剑桥高阶〔well-to-do〕Demonstrators protested that the tax bill favored the well-to-do.示威者们抗议征税法案偏袒富人美国传统Almost everyone will have to pay a higher tax bill than the notional amount suggested by the Government.几乎每个人都将必须支付比由政府提出的构想的数目更高的税收。剑桥国际I've just got a huge tax bill.我刚收到一张巨额的税单。牛津商务Residents are protesting about the 5% surcharge on their local tax bills.居民抗议在当地税单上增加5%附加费。剑桥国际She secreted millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts to try to reduce her tax bill.她在外国银行的帐户中隐匿了数百万的美元,试图减少纳税。剑桥国际Subtracting the tax bill of $52 500, we are left with a net profit of $97 500.扣除 52 500 元的税款,我们还有 97 500 元的净利。牛津商务Their views clash on the new tax bill. 他们在新税法上意见相左。译典通They say they want to talk to you in connection with (=on the subject of) an unpaid tax bill.他们说想就未付税单一事和你谈谈。剑桥国际Top salary earners (= People with high salaries) will in future face a much heftier tax bill.高薪阶层今后将面临更加重的税收。剑桥国际You could pay some of your tax bill on account.你可以延期支付部分税款。牛津商务




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