

单词 struggle on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ILL/SICK〕Many sufferers from depression struggle on for years before seeking help. 许多抑郁症患者挣扎多年后才寻求帮助。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕He struggled on in the face of mounting debts, 面对不断增加的债务,他勉强硬撑着。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕I really struggled on that last question. 最后那个问题我实在费了一番脑筋。朗文写作活用〔adversity〕We struggled on in the face of adversity.面对逆境我们继续努力。麦克米伦高阶〔dauntless〕In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism.尽管饥荒非常严重,救援工作者们仍发扬大无畏的乐观主义精神,尽职尽责地努力工作。剑桥高阶〔leviathan〕Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century.民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来,并且艰难挺进了20世纪。柯林斯高阶〔leviathan〕Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century.民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来, 挣扎着迈进了20世纪。外研社新世纪〔live〕We struggle on, living from day to day (=trying to find enough money each day to buy food etc) .我们生活得很艰难,过一天算一天。朗文当代〔snow〕They struggled on through the driving snow.他们在暴风雪中艰难前行。牛津搭配〔strength〕We will struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others.我们应该从其他人的勇气中汲取力量,继续奋斗。剑桥高阶〔struggle on〕I suppose all we can do now is struggle on.我想我们现在能做的就是竭力维持下去。韦氏高阶〔struggle on〕The rest of the world struggles on with its perpetual problems, poverty and debt.世界上其他国家仍在苦苦同永恒的贫困和债务问题作斗争。柯林斯高阶〔struggle on〕Their relation doesn't struggle on any more.他们之间的关系再也维持不下去了。21世纪英汉〔struggle on〕When Bobbie leaves, we'll have to struggle on by ourselves until we find a replacement.鲍比离开后,我们得努力坚持下去,直到找到接替他的人为止。剑桥高阶〔struggle〕He struggled on despite his condition.尽管他是这样的状况,他仍然挣扎着坚持下去。朗文当代〔struggle〕He has agreed to struggle on, even though he was hoping to retire.他已答应再尽量工作下去,尽管他希望退休。英汉大词典〔struggle〕She struggled on despite the pain.尽管疼痛难忍,她依然竭力坚持着。牛津搭配〔struggle〕She screamed at him to 'stop it' as they struggled on the ground.他们在地上扭打成一团,她向他尖叫着“别打了”。柯林斯高阶〔the end of the line/road〕We've struggled on for as long as we could, but now we're at the end of the line.我们一直在尽己所能勉力维持,但是现在我们是山穷水尽了。剑桥高阶〔undaunted〕Undaunted, she struggled on.她没被吓倒, 继续奋斗。外研社新世纪If Bobbie leaves, we'll have to struggle on (= continue despite difficulties) until we find a replacement.如果鲍比离开,我们得艰苦一段时日直到找到接替他的人为止。剑桥国际In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism and commitment.尽管饥荒规模很大,救济工作人员仍以无畏的乐观主义和恒心继续奋斗。剑桥国际We shall struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others.我们要从其他人的勇气中获取力量,继续战斗。剑桥国际We've struggled on for as long as we could, but now we're at the end of the line.我们曾坚持不懈地斗争,但现在已走到穷途末路。剑桥国际




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