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释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔HIGH〕a long way above the ground 距地面很高的朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕under something that is directly above 在某物正下方朗文写作活用〔above〕a king who thought himself above the law 一个自以为高踞于法律之上的君王英汉大词典〔above〕a practical joker not above pretending blind 一个甚至甘愿装瞎子的恶作剧大王英汉大词典〔above〕an order from above 上级发布的命令英汉大词典〔above〕flaws in the above interpretation.上述解释的不足之处美国传统〔above〕for the above reasons 根据上述理由英汉大词典〔above〕hear someone shout above the din 一片嘈杂声中听见有人高声喊叫英汉大词典〔above〕men above 50 years old *50岁以上的男士韦氏高阶〔above〕officers of the rank of Major and above 少校及少校以上的军官朗文当代〔above〕put A far above B as a writer 就作家成就而论把甲远置于乙之上英汉大词典〔above〕shoot down from above into the trenches 居高临下向堑壕射击英汉大词典〔above〕the people in the apartment above mine 我楼上那套公寓里的人们牛津高阶〔above〕the road above the village 村子那边的公路英汉大词典〔above〕the snow-covered hills above the village 村庄上方积雪覆盖的群山麦克米伦高阶〔above〕the stars twinkling above 在天空闪烁的星星英汉大词典〔above〕trying to talk above the noise.努力使说话声高过噪音柯林斯高阶〔above〕value honour above life 把荣誉看得比生命更重要英汉大词典〔above〕waiting for orders from above 等待上级命令韦氏高阶〔above〕wear an apron above a blouse 在女上衣外系一条围裙英汉大词典〔altar〕a crucifix above the high altar (=the main altar in a church) 主圣坛上方的耶稣受难像朗文当代〔beneath〕the sky above and the earth beneath 头顶上的天空和脚下的大地韦氏高阶〔bottom〕keep the currency above the float's bottom limits 使货币保持在浮动底限之上英汉大词典〔bribe〕a man not above bribing to gain his end 为达目的不惜行贿的人英汉大词典〔clearance〕clearance above the light to prevent overheating 为防止过热而在灯上方留出的净空牛津搭配〔cliff〕a castle perched high on the cliffs above the river 高高耸立在临河峭壁上的城堡牛津高阶〔convex〕the large convex mirror above the fireplace.壁炉上方的大凸面镜柯林斯高阶〔convex〕the large convex mirror above the fireplace壁炉上的大凸面镜外研社新世纪〔cut〕a cut above the average.高于一般的程度美国传统〔dive〕a spectacular high dive(= from high above the water) 精彩的高台跳水牛津高阶〔elevated〕an elevated highway/railway/road(= one that runs on a bridge above the ground or street) 高架公路╱铁路╱道路牛津高阶〔exaltation〕the exaltation of emotion above logical reasoning 把情感提高到逻辑推理之上牛津高阶〔feeling〕be above personal feelings 超脱个人的感情英汉大词典〔floor〕the Irish guy who lives two floors above 住在两层楼上面的爱尔兰人牛津高阶〔gantry〕a gantry above a dual carriageway复式车行道上方的路标架外研社新世纪〔heat〕a gas that absorbs the sun's energy and heats the air above it.吸收太阳能、使上方空气变热的气体柯林斯高阶〔heat〕a gas that absorbs the sun's energy and heats the air above it一种吸收太阳能量并把上方空气加热的气体外研社新世纪〔law〕a corrupt organization who seem to regard themselves above the law似乎将自身凌驾于法律之上的腐败组织外研社新世纪〔majestically〕mountains rising majestically above the surrounding hills 巍然矗立于山丘中的高山韦氏高阶〔partisanship〕stand above partisanship 超越党派偏见英汉大词典〔par〕work that is above par 超水准的工作(质量) 英汉大词典〔prize〕an era when honesty was prized above all other virtues 尊诚实为美德之首的时代牛津高阶〔quiescence〕a society which was politically quiescent and above all deferential.政治上波澜不兴、甚至马首是瞻的社会柯林斯高阶〔reprise〕revenue above (或 besides, beyond) all reprises 除去一切年金后的年收入英汉大词典〔rise〕a tower rising above the little town 耸立在这个小镇中的塔楼韦氏高阶〔soar〕an eagle soaring high above them 一只在他们上空高高翱翔的鹰牛津搭配〔turn〕sea gulls circling above the ocean.海鸥在大海上盘旋。美国传统〔value〕valued health above money.用金钱的标准评估财富美国传统〔working〕housing which was built above old mine workings.修建在老矿坑上的房屋柯林斯高阶〔yield〕bonds at a yield above the inflation rate 红利率高于通货膨涨率的债券英汉大词典




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