

单词 tax
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔EARN〕to earn an amount of money after tax etc has been taken away 在缴付所得税等之后挣得一定数额的钱朗文写作活用〔agitate〕agitate for a tax reduction.鼓动减免税收美国传统〔allowance〕personal tax allowances 个人所得免税额牛津高阶〔anomaly〕various anomalies in the tax system 税制中的种种不正常现象朗文当代〔avoidance〕tax avoidance 避税文馨英汉〔avoidance〕prevent tax avoidance by the higher-paid 防止高薪阶层的逃税英汉大词典〔budget〕tax cuts in this year's budget 本年度政府预算中的税收削减牛津高阶〔burden〕lay heavy tax burdens on sb.使某人负担重税英汉大词典〔capital gains〕the capital gains tax 资本收益税韦氏高阶〔clamor〕clamored for tax reforms.呼喊税收改革美国传统〔come〕came out with a new tax package.一组新税出台美国传统〔consultation〕fees paid for consultation and advice in tax matters.就税务问题进行咨询、求得建议而支付的费用柯林斯高阶〔debate〕the current debate about tax 目前关于税收的讨论牛津高阶〔demand〕tax payments required by law. 法律规定的税款偿付 美国传统〔domestic〕a new tax on domestic fuel 对家用燃料征收的一种新税朗文当代〔effective〕the effective tax rate 实际税率韦氏高阶〔evasion〕tax evasion (= illegally not paying tax) 逃税剑桥高阶〔fiddle〕fiddle an income tax return 伪造所得税申报表英汉大词典〔file〕file a tax return 提交纳税申报表韦氏高阶〔foe〕a foe of tax reform.See Synonyms at enemy 税制改革的反对者 参见 enemy美国传统〔furore〕the furore over the proposed introduction of tax on fuel 提议燃油征税引发的抗议浪潮牛津搭配〔graduated〕a graduated income tax 累进所得税韦氏高阶〔guideline〕guidelines for the completion of tax returns.指导完成退税的方针美国传统〔gut〕a massive struggle to gut the windfall profits tax 破坏征收意外利润所得税的大规模斗争英汉大词典〔incentive〕the government's tax incentive for industry to move into depressed areas 政府鼓励产业界迁入萧条地区的税收优惠英汉大词典〔increase〕an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax 所得税每英镑增加 2 便士牛津高阶〔investment〕new tax incentives that will attract foreign investment 能吸引外资的新税收激励政策麦克米伦高阶〔levy〕a new tax levied on all electrical goods 对所有电器商品都征收的一种新税朗文当代〔liable〕people who are liable for income tax at a higher rate 要缴较高税率所得税的人朗文当代〔loophole〕tax loopholes 税法的漏洞剑桥高阶〔loophole〕a law designed to close any loopholes in the tax system 旨在堵上税收体系漏洞的法律牛津搭配〔multipronged〕a multipronged attack; a multipronged tax bill.多方面的攻击;多因素的税务票据美国传统〔preceding〕income tax paid in preceding years 前几年缴付的所得税朗文当代〔production〕tax incentives to encourage domestic production of oil.鼓励国内石油生产的税收优惠政策柯林斯高阶〔put〕put together a new bookcase; put together a tax package.做一个新书橱;整理出一叠报税单美国传统〔put〕to put a tax on luxuries对奢侈品课税21世纪英汉〔quick fix〕tax measures enacted as a quick fix.作为权宜之计而制定的税收措施柯林斯高阶〔reappraisal〕tax reappraisals 税收的重新核定韦氏高阶〔revise〕revise tax rates 修改税率 英汉大词典〔schedule〕a tax schedule 税单韦氏高阶〔sell〕sell the government's tax policies 宣传政府的税收政策英汉大词典〔smoke out〕technology to smoke out tax evaders查出逃税者的技术外研社新世纪〔specificity〕demand greater specificity about the Government's targets for the new tax 要求政府就新税收的目的作更详尽的说明英汉大词典〔system〕a new system for assessing personal tax bills 新的个人税额估定办法牛津高阶〔tax break〕a tax break for college students 针对大学生的减税麦克米伦高阶〔tax〕a tax on our resources对于我们资源的压力外研社新世纪〔tax〕an import (export) tax 进口(出口)税英汉大词典〔tax〕income tax 所得税牛津高阶〔tax〕the amount on which capital gains tax is payable 应纳税的资本利得数额牛津搭配〔wealth〕a tax on inherited wealth 继承财产税牛津搭配tax cuts in this year's Budget 本年度政府预算中的税收削减牛津商务tax dodgers 逃税的人牛津商务tax subsidies to encourage companies to create new jobs 旨在鼓励公司创造就业机会的税收补贴牛津商务a distributable profit after tax of $3.48 million 348 万元的税后可分配利润牛津商务a research and development tax credit to boost business innovation 为促进业务创新实施的研发税减免牛津商务a rollback of the tax increases 税收增长的回落牛津商务an income tax demand note 所得税缴税通知书牛津商务appeals against tax assessments 对税收核定的上诉牛津商务the company's amended tax return 公司修订后的纳税申报表牛津商务the stimulative effect of the tax cuts 减税的刺激效应牛津商务




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