

单词 taurus
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alcyone〕Astronomy The brightest star in the Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus.【天文学】 昴宿六:金牛星座昴星团中最亮的一颗星美国传统〔Aries〕A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Taurus and Pisces.白羊座:位于北半球靠近金牛星座和双鱼星座的一个星座美国传统〔Aries〕My friend is an Aries and I'm a Taurus.我朋友是白羊座,我是金牛座。韦氏高阶〔Orion〕A constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.猎户座:在天球赤道上靠近双子座和金牛座的星座,包括参宿四和参宿七美国传统〔Pleiades〕An open star cluster in the constellation Taurus, consisting of several hundred stars, of which six are visible to the naked eye.昴星团:金牛星座中的疏散星团,由几百颗恒星组成,其中六颗星用肉眼可看到美国传统〔Taurean〕One born under sign of Taurus.出生于金牛宫时段的人美国传统〔Taurus〕Taurus is a feminine sign but most of my comments refer also to boys.金牛宫是一个阴性星宫, 但我的大多数意见也适用于男孩。外研社新世纪〔Taurus〕I'm Taurus.我是金牛座的。外研社新世纪〔Taurus〕My friend is an Aries while I'm a Taurus.我的朋友是白羊座,我是金牛座。韦氏高阶〔Taurus〕She's a typical Taurus.她是典型的金牛座。外研社新世纪〔cancer〕I'm a Taurus, but my best friend is a Cancer.我是金牛座的,我最好的朋友是巨蟹座的。韦氏高阶〔under〕I was born under the sign of Taurus, the bull.我属于金牛星座。麦克米伦高阶My mother was born under Taurus (= during this period).我母亲属金牛座。剑桥国际She's a typical Taurus.她是个典型的金牛座的人。剑桥国际




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