

单词 subsist
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SURVIVE〕The workers are expected to subsist on a dollar a day. 工人们只有靠一天一美元的收入勉强度日。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕They subsist on eggs and beans most of the time. 他们大多数时候都靠鸡蛋和豆子为生。朗文写作活用〔hunter-gatherer〕A member of a primitive people subsisting in the wild on food obtained by hunting and foraging.原始狩猎族:在荒原中靠打猎和采集生活的原始部族成员美国传统〔polytrophic〕Subsisting on various types of organic material. Used of certain bacteria.广食性的:靠各种有机物质来生存的,用于某些细菌美国传统〔rapacious〕Subsisting on live prey.肉食的:依靠捕获而生存的美国传统〔raptorial〕Subsisting by seizing prey; predatory.肉食的:依靠捕获其它动物而生存的;食肉的美国传统〔right〕A man had a natural right to subsist on the crops he grew on his own land.靠在自己土地上种的粮食生存是任何人的天赋权利。牛津搭配〔stint〕To subsist on a meager allowance; be frugal.节省:仅以有限的供给生存;节约的美国传统〔subsist on〕He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island.在荒岛上他只能靠树皮和草根维持生命。21世纪英汉〔subsist on〕How can you subsist on such a small income?这么点收入你可怎么生活呀?21世纪英汉〔subsist on〕The villagers subsist almost entirely on rice and fish.村民几乎全靠稻米和鱼过活。韦氏高阶〔subsistence〕The act or state of subsisting.生存:生存、存在的行动或状态美国传统〔subsist〕Almost every employee must moonlight in second jobs simply to subsist.只是为了维持生计,几乎每个职员都要偷偷地做兼职。柯林斯高阶〔subsist〕Don't worry about your children whom I can subsist.别担心你的孩子们,我可以供养他们。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕He subsists on his parents.他依靠双亲生活。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕His family subsisted on £20 a week.他们一家靠每星期20英镑的收入维持生活。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕Most employees have second jobs simply to subsist.为了糊口, 大多数雇员都做着兼职。外研社新世纪〔subsist〕Old people often subsist on very small incomes.老人往往靠十分微薄的收入艰难度日。牛津高阶〔subsist〕Old people often have to subsist on very low incomes.老人往往不得不依靠很低的收入来维持生计。朗文当代〔subsist〕Some doubt still subsists in his mind.他头脑中还是有些疑虑。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕The author's right to royalties shall subsist for the term of the copyright.作者在版权期内持续享有版税权。韦氏高阶〔subsist〕The happiness subsists in your heart.幸福本身在你心中(即是否幸福在于自身的感受)。21世纪英汉〔subsist〕The prisoners subsisted on one mug of the worst quality porridge three times a day.犯人们每日三餐靠一碗稀粥度日。柯林斯高阶〔subsist〕The prisoners were subsisting on a diet of bread and water.犯人们靠面包和水勉强度日。剑桥高阶〔subsist〕The refugees subsist on a diet of rice and vegetables.这些难民靠大米和蔬菜维持生存。麦克米伦高阶〔subsist〕The terms of the contract subsist.合同条款有效。牛津高阶〔subsist〕This does not mean that the controversy in the South Atlantic does not subsist.这并不意味着南大西洋的争议已不复存在。外研社新世纪〔subsist〕We had to subsist on bread and water.我们不得不靠少量的面包和水维持生存。朗文当代〔vegetarianism〕The practice of subsisting on a diet composed primarily or wholly of vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts, and seeds, with or without eggs and dairy products.素食主义:靠食用主要或全部由蔬菜、谷物、水果、干果和种子构成的(包括或不包括蛋类和乳制品)日常食物,维持生存的做法美国传统According to a recent study, at least 2 000 people subsist by picking through the city's garbage.最近一项研究表明至少有2 000人靠在城里捡垃圾过活。剑桥国际Survivors of the air crash subsisted on wild fruits. 空难事件的幸存者以野果维持生命。译典通The living things on the earth could not subsist on Mars. 地球上的生物不可能在火星上生存。译典通The prisoners were subsisting on a diet of bread and water.犯人们靠吃面包和水生存。剑桥国际




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