

单词 step on
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BODY〕Hundreds of children have lost limbs after stepping on mines. 数以百计的儿童因踩上地雷而失去了手脚。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕Step on it. We have a plane to catch. 开快一点,我们要赶飞机。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕You'll have to step on it if you're going to be there by eleven thirty. 如果你想在11点半以前到达那儿就得开快点。朗文写作活用〔accident〕She stepped on his toe by accident.她无意中踩了他的脚。英汉大词典〔consent〕By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。柯林斯高阶〔crash and burn〕It's that crash-and-burn moment of stepping on the scale and realizing you have put on weight rather than lost it.当你站到称上发现自己非但没有减肥反而增重了,会感到很挫败。剑桥高阶〔damn〕You're stepped on my toe, damn it.该死,你踏了我的脚尖!21世纪英汉〔doggone〕Those doggone kids stepped on our flowers! 这些烦人的孩子踩了我们的花。韦氏高阶〔electrocute〕He stepped on the power line and was nearly electrocuted.他踩到了输电线,差点被电死。韦氏高阶〔flight〕I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝, 把鸟群惊飞了。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕My men walk close behind me, in my footsteps, almost stepping on my heels.我的人紧跟在我后面, 沿着我的足迹走, 几乎踩到了我的脚后跟。外研社新世纪〔fortune〕She is hoping her US debut will be the first step on the road to fame and fortune.她希望她在美国的首次演出将是她走上名利双收之路的第一步。牛津高阶〔gas〕Step on the gas.踩油门美国传统〔gas〕We stepped on the gas (=pushed down the gas pedal and made the car go faster) and sped away.我们踩下油门快速开走。朗文当代〔lead〕To start a dance step on a specified foot.起舞:按照特定的节拍开始一舞步美国传统〔low-impact〕This low-impact exercise involves stepping on and off a platform following routines to music.这项低强度锻炼的内容包括随着音乐的节奏踏上踏下平台。外研社新世纪〔mean〕Whoops! I didn't mean to step on your toe.啊呀!我不是故意踩你脚指头的。麦克米伦高阶〔nail〕I stepped on a nail sticking out of the floorboards.我踩到了地板上凸出来的一颗钉子。剑桥高阶〔nasty〕That nasty old man yelled at me just for stepping on his lawn! 那个可恶的老头向我大声吼叫,就因为我踩了他的草坪!韦氏高阶〔paternoster〕An elevator constructed of a series of doorless compartments hung on chains that move slowly and continuously, allowing passengers to step on and off at will.无门电梯:一种由一系列无门小室悬于链条上构成的电梯,缓慢而连续移动,乘客可自由进出美国传统〔road〕It's a crucial step on the road to democracy.这是通向民主的重要一步。麦克米伦高阶〔road〕The government took another step on the road to political reform.政府在实现政治改革的路上又迈进了一步。柯林斯高阶〔road〕The government took another step on the road to political reform.政府在政治改革的道路上又前进了一步。外研社新世纪〔sorry〕Sorry, I didn't mean to step on your foot.对不起,我不是故意踩你的脚的。麦克米伦高阶〔step on it〕Step on it, they're getting away! 开快点,他们快要逃脱了!韦氏高阶〔step on it〕Could you step on it? I'm late.你能开快点吗?我要迟到了。剑桥高阶〔step on someone's toes〕I don't want to step on anyone's toes.我不想得罪任何人。韦氏高阶〔step on〕He was always stepping on others' feelings right and left when he came into a new situation.他每到一个新地方,总要到处得罪人。21世纪英汉〔step on〕Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the Moon.尼尔•阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人。外研社新世纪〔step on〕No more getting ripped off dope that's been stepped on.不能再被那些掺假的劣质药坑骗了。外研社新世纪〔step on〕We were pushed around, stepped on.我们被呼来唤去, 受尽凌辱。外研社新世纪〔step〕Another soldier was injured when he stepped on a landmine.另一个士兵踩上地雷受伤了。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕He had stepped on a cat's tail.他踩了猫的尾巴。英汉大词典〔step〕He suddenly stepped on the brake and the car stopped at once.他突然间踩下了制动踏板,车子一下子就停了下来。21世纪英汉〔step〕I heard steps on the stairs.我听见楼梯上的脚步声。韦氏高阶〔step〕One of the steps on the ladder is broken.梯子上有一个梯级坏了。剑桥高阶〔step〕Tell the driver to step on it.告诉司机开快点。 英汉大词典〔step〕This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon.就在此刻,内尔·阿姆斯特朗成了首位登上月球的人。柯林斯高阶〔step〕Watch your step on that ladder!爬梯子时要注意脚下!外研社新世纪〔step〕We've only got thirty-five minutes so step on it.我们只有 35 分钟了,快点。柯林斯高阶〔yelp〕When he accidentally stepped on its tail, the little dog yelped in pain.他不小心踩着了小狗的尾巴,它痛得急叫。英汉大词典Dad stepped on the gas and the car sped up to 150 kph. 爸一踩油门,车速冲到每小时一百五十公里。译典通During her training, the instructor walked her through the steps on the computer.训练期间,指导老师用电脑操作一步步都给她演示了一遍。剑桥国际I stepped on a sharp stone.我踩到了一块尖角的石头。剑桥国际I felt a sharp pain in my foot and realized I had stepped on some glass.我感觉脚下一阵剧痛,意识到踩在玻璃上了。剑桥国际I heard his heavy steps on the stairs. 我听到他上楼的沉重脚步声。译典通Ow, you stepped on my foot! 噢,你踩了我的脚。剑桥国际We were late, so we told the taxi driver to step on it. 我们迟到了,所以我们请司机赶快。译典通We've just moved onto the first step on the property ladder (= We have bought a house for the first time).我们第一次买了房子。剑桥国际When driving a car, the normal method for deceleration is to step on the brake pedal. 开车时,一般减速的方法就是踩刹车。译典通




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