

单词 sudden
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔INCREASE〕a sudden large increase 突然的大幅度增加朗文写作活用〔LIGHT〕a sudden flash of blinding light 突然一道炫目的光朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕a sudden feeling of wanting something 突然想要某物朗文写作活用〔apparition〕the sudden apparition of Lincoln perched on its hill with its great cathedral坐落在小山上的林肯市及市内的大教堂突然映入眼帘外研社新世纪〔appearance〕the sudden appearance of enemy troops 敌军的突然出现英汉大词典〔ardor〕the sudden ardors of youth 突然迸发的青春热情韦氏高阶〔arousal〕a sudden arousal from sleep 从睡梦中的突然醒来麦克米伦高阶〔attack〕a sudden attack of nerves 突然一阵紧张牛津搭配〔bite〕bald treads that couldn't bite the icy road; bitten by a sudden desire to travel.光滑的鞋底在结冰的路面上打滑;突然对旅游产生了浓厚的兴趣美国传统〔border〕stood on the brink of the cliff); in an extended sense it indicates the likelihood or imminence of a sudden change ( 站在悬崖的边缘上); 在一个扩展的意义上它指一件突发事变的可能性或临近( 美国传统〔burst〕a sudden burst of activity/energy/anger/enthusiasm 活动╱能量╱怒火╱热情的迸发牛津高阶〔caprice〕whimsy can both mean a quaint or fantastic idea,butwhim more strongly suggests sudden inspiration, whimsy a playful or fanciful quality: whimsy 都可以表示一个古怪或怪诞的念头,但whim 更强烈地暗示着突发的灵感, 而whimsy 则更强烈地暗含一种开玩笑的或充满幻想的特性: 美国传统〔collapse〕the sudden economic collapse of 2001 2001 年那次突然的经济崩溃牛津搭配〔departure〕her sudden departure from the company 她从公司突然的离职韦氏高阶〔deterioration〕a sudden deterioration in the weather 天气的突然变坏英汉大词典〔disaster〕a sudden disaster.突然发生的灾难。牛津同义词〔ebullition〕a sudden ebullition of passion 突然间的激情四射剑桥高阶〔elevation〕her sudden elevation to international stardom 她一跃而成为国际明星朗文当代〔eruption〕a sudden eruption of fighting 突然打斗起来牛津搭配〔eruption〕this sudden eruption of violence.这次暴力事件的突然发生柯林斯高阶〔exigency〕take measures to meet any sudden exigency 采取措施以应付任何突然的危急英汉大词典〔explosion〕his sudden explosion of anger 他怒气的突然爆发麦克米伦高阶〔flare〕the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness 手电在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光英汉大词典〔flare〕the sudden flare of the match 火柴一擦划出的火光韦氏高阶〔flash〕a sudden flash of light 突然的一道亮光牛津搭配〔flow〕a sudden flow of tears 夺眶而出的眼泪韦氏高阶〔flurry〕a sudden flurry of activity 突然的频繁活动牛津高阶〔flush〕a sudden flush of rising excitement 由于越来越兴奋而脸涨得通红牛津搭配〔forward〕a sudden forward movement 突然向前的运动韦氏高阶〔gasping〕a sudden gasping panic 一阵突发的恐慌英汉大词典〔glance〕a sudden glance of the sword 剑的突然斜劈英汉大词典〔grieve〕grieved over her father's sudden death; 为她父亲的突然故去而悲痛;美国传统〔hundredfold〕a sudden hundredfold increase 忽然增加的一百倍剑桥高阶〔illness〕the sudden onset of illness in a parent 父母中一方突然发病牛津搭配〔impulse〕a sudden impulse to laugh 突然想笑的冲动朗文当代〔increment〕a sudden increment in mortality rates 死亡率的突然上升英汉大词典〔inrush〕a sudden inrush of water/air 水/空气的突然涌入韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕have a sudden inspiration 突然想到个好主意英汉大词典〔mirror〕the sudden glitter where a newly-flooded field mirrors the sky刚刚被洪水淹没的田野映出天空时的突然闪光外研社新世纪〔mirth〕a sudden outburst of mirth 突然爆发的一阵欢笑英汉大词典〔onset〕the disease's sudden onset 疾病的突然发作韦氏高阶〔pang〕a sudden pang of jealousy 突然涌来的嫉妒牛津高阶〔pent-up〕the sudden outpouring of pent-up emotion被压抑的感情的突然迸发外研社新世纪〔propensity〕a propensity to sudden anger 动辄发怒的习性英汉大词典〔quiet〕in the sudden quiet that followed the gunshot 在枪炮声过后的突然安静中牛津搭配〔rise〕the threat of a sudden rise in oil prices 石油价格突然攀升的威胁麦克米伦高阶〔rumble〕a sudden rumble of thunder 突然的一阵隆隆雷声英汉大词典〔rush〕a sudden rush of anger 一阵突发的愤怒英汉大词典〔shift〕a sudden shift to the right in politics 政治上的突然右倾牛津搭配〔sudden death〕a serious heart condition that can result in sudden death 可引发猝死的严重心脏病韦氏高阶〔sudden〕a sudden happening.意外的事。牛津同义词〔sudden〕a sudden movement 突然的一动朗文当代〔sudden〕a sudden rise in violent crime 暴力犯罪的急剧增加麦克米伦高阶〔sudden〕a sudden storm.突然到来的风暴美国传统〔sudden〕the sudden temper for which he was known他那出了名的急脾气外研社新世纪〔temper〕to temper steel by heating and sudden cooling通过加热和骤冷来炼钢21世纪英汉〔uncorrectable〕an uncorrectable sudden loss of power in an airliner 客机无法修复的突然动力故障英汉大词典〔voltage〕a sudden drop in mains voltage 电源电压的突降麦克米伦高阶〔wash〕a sudden wash of conversation 一阵突如其来的活跃的谈话 英汉大词典〔whoosh〕a sudden whoosh of flame and then a big bang 火苗突然呼的一声蹿了起来,然后一声巨响朗文当代




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