

单词 touched
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLAIN〕For heaven's sake stop whining. Nobody has touched your precious records. 看在上帝的份上,不要再嘀咕了。没有人碰过你的宝贝唱片。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕The King's private plane touched down at Heathrow airport at exactly 12.15 this afternoon. 国王的私人座机于今天下午12点15分在希思罗机场准时降落。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Are you feeling okay? You've hardly touched your dinner. 你没事吧?晚饭你几乎碰都没碰。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕We were so full by the time dessert came that we hardly touched it. 上甜点时我们都很饱了,所以几乎碰都没碰。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕I accidentally touched a live wire in the motor, and even though it didn't hurt me it gave me a hell of a fright. 我无意中碰到发动机里一根带电的电线,虽然没受伤,却把我吓了一大跳。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Carlo looked so comical, striding along in a coat which nearly touched the ground. 卡洛看上去很滑稽,穿着一件几乎拖地的外套大踏步地走着。朗文写作活用〔KIND〕She was touched by this simple act of kindness. 这简单的体贴举动使她感动。朗文写作活用〔MENTION〕In my last lecture I touched on a number of important issues which I am now going to examine in some detail. 我在上一讲中曾简略提到了一些重要问题,现在我打算比较详细地讲解一下。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Yesterday, the dollar touched a seventeen-week high of 1.4748 marks. 昨天美元升至17周来的最高点,1美元兑1.4748马克。朗文写作活用〔airport〕The plane touched down at Narita airport just before midday.飞机刚好在正午前降落在成田机场。牛津搭配〔arm〕She touched him gently on the arm.她轻轻地碰了碰他的胳膊。牛津高阶〔asleep〕The minute my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.我头一碰到枕头就睡着了。外研社新世纪〔base〕Baseball Any one of the four corners of an infield, marked by a bag or plate, that must be touched by a runner before a run can be scored.【棒球】 垒:棒球内场的四个角中的一个,用一个袋或盘作标记,跑着得分之前,跑者必须触摸到它美国传统〔base〕His opening remarks at the meeting touched all the bases.他在大会的开幕词里提及了所有要点。韦氏高阶〔base〕She made sure that she touched all the bases in her report.她确保自己在报告中把问题的各个方面都谈到了。韦氏高阶〔base〕The reporter has touched every base (some of the bases) in his story.记者在报道中谈到了问题的各个 (某些) 方面。英汉大词典〔blaze〕The Sunday papers touched on the matter, the Monday papers blazed with the news.星期日的报纸触及了这件事,而星期一的报纸把这消息醒目地登载出来。英汉大词典〔bottom〕As the bow neared shore, the canoe suddenly touched bottom.船头靠近岸边的时候, 独木舟突然搁浅了。外研社新世纪〔brush〕Charlotte brushed against him (= touched him quickly and lightly with her arm or body) as she left the room.夏洛特离开房间时轻轻碰了他一下。剑桥高阶〔chord〕He knew that what he was saying had touched a chord.他知道,他说的那番话引起了共鸣。朗文当代〔contact〕Have you been in contact with (= touched or been very near) anyone with the disease? 你接触过患这种病的人吗?剑桥高阶〔contact〕The bomb exploded on contact (=at the moment it touched something).这枚炸弹一碰就爆炸了。朗文当代〔creep〕A little hand crept across the table and touched my arm.一只小手从桌子对面伸过来碰了碰我的手臂。麦克米伦高阶〔crumb〕She hasn't touched a single crumb of her dinner.她一口饭都没吃。麦克米伦高阶〔electrocute〕He was electrocuted when he touched the bare wires.他碰到了那根裸线,触电身亡。剑桥高阶〔emotion〕He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.他以有点激动的声音说话。英汉大词典〔flinch〕She flinched as she touched the hot iron.她碰到灼热的熨斗时缩了一下。英汉大词典〔foot〕He shivered as his feet touched the cold floor.脚接触到冰冷的地板时他不由得颤抖起来。牛津搭配〔forelock〕He touched his forelock in mock deference.他手触额发假装尊敬。柯林斯高阶〔forelock〕He touched his forelock in mock deference.他点头哈腰故作恭敬之态。外研社新世纪〔grimace〕The patient grimaced in pain when his wound was touched.伤口被触及时,病人疼得龇牙咧嘴。韦氏高阶〔hers〕He bent and touched his mouth to hers.他弯下腰吻她。朗文当代〔hot〕I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish.我摸了摸他的前额,感到很烫,是在发烧。牛津高阶〔issue〕The issue of birth control was touched on, but we need to examine it in more detail.有人提到了人口控制问题,但我们需要进行更加详尽的研究。牛津搭配〔jolt〕As the plane touched the ground, there was a massive jolt and we were thrown forwards.飞机着陆时剧烈震动,我们被猛地甩向前方。剑桥高阶〔kindness〕This unexpected kindness touched her deeply.这意想不到的体贴深深打动了她。牛津搭配〔least〕I'm not in the least bit touched by the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty.我对玛丽莲·梦露那种美一点儿都不动心。柯林斯高阶〔lipstick〕She touched up her lipstick in the mirror.她对着镜子补了补口红。牛津搭配〔live wire〕He touched a live wire and got a nasty shock.他碰了带电的电线, 遭到严重电击。外研社新世纪〔mat〕She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest.她抚摸着他浓密的淡棕色胸毛。外研社新世纪〔motherly〕Motherly hands touched him lightly, lovingly.慈祥的双手轻轻而温柔地摸著他。文馨英汉〔mute〕He touched her hand in mute sympathy.他默默地轻按她的手,以示同情。英汉大词典〔nation〕It was a story that touched the nation's heart.这是一个感动了全体国民的故事。柯林斯高阶〔nation〕It was a story that touched the nation's heart.这是一个触动了全体国民内心的故事。外研社新世纪〔nerve〕Alistair saw Henry shrink, as if the words had touched a nerve.阿利斯泰尔看到亨利向后缩了一下,好像那些话触到了他的痛处。柯林斯高阶〔nerve〕My remarks about divorce had unwittingly touched a raw nerve.我关于离婚的言论无意间触到了别人的痛处。牛津搭配〔nerve〕The criticism touched a nerve.这评论一针见血美国传统〔nerve〕You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.你谈起他的第一任妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。牛津高阶〔ping-pong〕Two hours of diplomatic ping-pong hadn't touched her; she looked poised.两小时的外交论战没对她造成任何影响,她显得镇定自若。英汉大词典〔raw〕My sarcasm seemed to have touched him on the raw.我的讽刺看来已触及他的痛处。英汉大词典〔raw〕Seeing his face, Joanne realized she'd touched a raw nerve.看到他的脸色,乔安娜意识到她触到了他的痛处。朗文当代〔roundly〕He was roundly booed by CU partisans every time he touched the ball.他每次触球都会引来哥伦比亚大学拥趸的一片嘘声。外研社新世纪〔run〕A feeling of excitement ran through her body as they touched.他们碰到一起时,她全身一阵激动。朗文当代〔scent〕These marks scented of being touched.这些痕迹表明有人动过。21世纪英汉〔second base〕The base across the diamond from home plate, to be touched second by a runner.二垒:从本垒穿过内场的垒,第二次被跑垒员触及美国传统〔shadow〕A shadow of a smile touched his mouth.他嘴角透出一丝笑意。牛津高阶〔shock〕He got a slight shock when he touched the live wire.他因触到通电的电线而受到轻微的电击。英汉大词典〔shock〕He got shocked when he touched the wire.他在触碰电线时受到电击。英汉大词典〔shock〕I walked across the carpet and then got a shock when I touched the metal doorknob.我走过地毯去摸金属门把手时触电了。韦氏高阶〔shock〕When the wires touched, I got a shock.电线搭在一起时我被电击了。韦氏高阶〔short〕The plane touched down 200 metres short of the runway.这架飞机在距跑道 200 米的地方着陆。朗文当代〔shudder〕She gave a little shudder when she touched his clammy hand.摸到他湿冷的手时,她微微一颤。牛津搭配〔solicitude〕I was touched by his solicitude for the boy.他对孩子的关怀让我感动。牛津高阶〔sore〕The discussion touched on a sore spot.讨论触及了伤心事。韦氏高阶〔soul〕If you're not touched by this film, you've no soul.如果这部电影没有打动你,你简直是冷血动物。麦克米伦高阶〔spot〕From his angry reply it was obvious that I had touched a sensitive spot.从他回答时怒气冲冲的样子可以明显看出,我触到了他的痛处。牛津搭配〔sprang或sprung〕The machine sprang into operation when I touched the red button.我一按那个红按钮,那部机器突然开动起来了。21世纪英汉〔stem〕As the ship touched the rock, she shook from stem to stern.船触礁时,整个船身摇晃了。英汉大词典〔stone〕She touched the rivers and they turned to stone.她轻触江河, 江河化作石头。外研社新世纪〔strong〕I haven't touched strong drink (=alcoholic drinks ) for years.我很多年没碰烈性酒了。朗文当代〔subject〕We touched briefly on the subject.我们略提了一下这个话题。牛津搭配〔tense〕I could feel myself tense up as he touched my neck.他摸我脖子时,我能感觉到自己的身体绷紧了。剑桥高阶〔tense〕Luke tensed when she touched him.当她触摸卢克时,卢克变得紧张起来。麦克米伦高阶〔touch ... in〕The painter touched in a few patches of colour with a fine brush.画家用一根细画笔又补画了几个色块。21世纪英汉〔touch ... off〕The incident on the frontier touched off a major war.边境发生的这起事件触发了一场大战。21世纪英汉〔touch at〕The ship touched at the port.那艘船在港口作了短暂停留。外研社新世纪〔touch at〕The steamer touched at 3 ports.这艘轮船曾停靠3个港口。21世纪英汉〔touch for〕He touched me for a tenner.他说服我借给他10英镑。韦氏高阶〔touch off〕The campfire touched off a forest fire that charred 1,300 acres.篝火引发了一场森林大火, 1,300英亩土地化为焦土。外研社新世纪〔touch off〕The judge's verdict touched off riots throughout the city.法官的裁决激起了全城的骚乱。韦氏高阶〔touch off〕What touched off the fire? 是什么引发了火灾?韦氏高阶〔touch on/upon sth〕The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched upon sources of finance.该报告谈的是成人的教育机会,报告人也提到了资金来源问题。剑桥高阶〔touch on/upon〕The reports touched on many important points.这份报告简要提及了许多要点。韦氏高阶〔touch sth off〕The plans for a new airport have touched off a storm of protest.建造新机场的计划激起了抗议浪潮。剑桥高阶〔touch up〕She touched up the photographs on the computer.她在电脑上修改照片。韦氏高阶〔touch/strike/hit a (raw) nerve〕The newspaper article touched a raw nerve - people still resent the closure of the local school.报纸上的文章触到了人们的痛处——人们仍然对关闭当地学校一事愤愤不平。剑桥高阶〔touched〕By the third lap Kinkead had touched 289 m.p.h.到第三圈时,金基德的车速达到了每小时 289 英里。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕Cathryn was touched that Sarah had come to see her off.萨拉赶来为她送行,凯瑟琳很感动。朗文当代〔touched〕He touched the cow's side with his stick.他用棍子碰了碰牛的肋部。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕Her enthusiasm touched me.她的热情打动了我。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕He’s a bit touched.他有点精神不正常。牛津同义词〔touched〕His hair was touched with gray.他的头发有点发灰。韦氏高阶〔touched〕I was touched by her kindness.她的好意叫我感动。牛津同义词〔touched〕I was in the garden. I never touched the sandwiches.我那时在花园里。我根本没动三明治。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕I was very touched by all the cards my friends sent me when I was in hospital.我住院期间朋友们送的问候卡令我非常感动。剑桥高阶〔touched〕I was very touched by their present.我非常感激他们送我礼物。英汉大词典〔touched〕It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕Jones hasn't touched a trumpet in 10 years.琼斯有 10 年没吹小号了。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population.战争年代的救济金也没有惠及所有的人。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕She was touched by the plight of the refugees.难民的困境使她受到触动。牛津高阶〔touched〕She was touched by their warm welcome.她对他们的热烈欢迎十分感动。牛津高阶〔touched〕She was touched that he had come only to see her.他来只是为了看她,这令她很感动。韦氏高阶〔touched〕The boy was touched with genius.那个男孩透着点天分。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕We thought she was a bit touched.我们认为她精神有些失常。英汉大词典〔touched〕When John began to restore the house in the 1960s, nothing had been touched for 40 years.约翰 20 世纪 60 年代开始整修那幢房子时,它已有 40 年都无人照管了。柯林斯高阶〔touched〕You must think I'm a bit touched, hanging around in graveyards.我老在墓地转悠,你一定觉得我有点儿不正常吧。剑桥高阶〔touch〕A hand touched her on the shoulder.有一只手碰了一下她的肩膀。朗文当代〔touch〕A smile touched his lips.他的唇边露出一丝笑意。英汉大词典〔touch〕As our glasses touched, he said 'Cheers!' 我们的酒杯相碰,他说:“干杯!”朗文当代〔touch〕Beth reached out and touched his cheek.贝丝伸出手摸了摸他的脸颊。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕Eileen's innocent remark seemed to have touched a nerve.艾琳天真无知的话似乎有点让人生气。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕Eric was touched by her concern.埃里克很感激她的关心。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕Frost touched the plants.霜冻使植物受害。英汉大词典〔touch〕He touched her for 10 pounds.他向她要了10英镑。21世纪英汉〔touch〕He touched her gently on the arm.他轻轻地触摸她的胳膊。牛津搭配〔touch〕He touched his lips to her hair.他把嘴唇贴着她的头发。朗文当代〔touch〕He touched me for £5.他向我要了5英镑。英汉大词典〔touch〕He touched the high point in his career.他达到了事业的顶峰。英汉大词典〔touch〕He accidentally touched a live wire.他意外地触到了带电的电线。牛津搭配〔touch〕He barely touched the food placed before him.他几乎一口没吃摆在他面前的食物。外研社新世纪〔touch〕He only touched on the matter for a few minutes.对这件事他只用几分钟时间提了一下。英汉大词典〔touch〕He said I kicked him, but I never touched him! 他说我踢了他,但我从未碰他!牛津搭配〔touch〕He said I kicked him, but I never touched him! 他说我踢他了,可是我从来就没碰过他!牛津高阶〔touch〕He scored the first time he touched the ball.他第一次触球就得分了。外研社新世纪〔touch〕He stood so close to me that our bodies touched.他紧挨着我站着, 我们的身体都碰到了一起。外研社新世纪〔touch〕He was suddenly touched by a strange sense of panic.他忽然感到一种莫名的恐慌。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕Her nails had been manicured and lightly touched with colour.她的指甲修剪得整整齐齐,还涂了淡淡的颜色。朗文当代〔touch〕Her story touched us all deeply.她的故事使我们大家深受感动。牛津高阶〔touch〕Her tiny hands gently touched my face.她的小手轻轻触摸我的面庞。外研社新世纪〔touch〕His diet is vegetarian, and he hasn't touched meat for six years.他吃素, 已经6年没有吃过肉了。外研社新世纪〔touch〕His neighbors' acts of kindness touched him deeply.邻居友善的行为深深感动了他。韦氏高阶〔touch〕His sad story touched her.他的悲惨故事感动了她。英汉大词典〔touch〕His voice was touched with the faintest of Italian accents.他说话带点儿意大利口音。朗文当代〔touch〕Honestly, I haven't touched a drop (= drunk any alcohol) all night.老实说,我整晚滴酒未沾。剑桥高阶〔touch〕I touched him lightly on the arm.我轻轻碰了碰他的手臂。牛津高阶〔touch〕I brought home loads of work, but I haven't touched any of it yet.我带了一大堆工作回家,但到现在为止一点儿都没干。朗文当代〔touch〕I have already touched upon this theory in Chapter 2.黛安娜通过慈善工作改变了很多人的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since last year.去年以来我滴酒未沾。外研社新世纪〔touch〕I haven't touched my essay all week, and it's due this Friday! 我已经一个星期没碰论文了,而这周五就要交了!韦氏高阶〔touch〕I must do some more work on that article—I haven't touched it all week.我还得在那篇文章上再下点儿工夫,我整整一个星期没有碰它了。牛津高阶〔touch〕I never touched him! 我没动他一根毫毛!英汉大词典〔touch〕I was really touched by the flowers he sent.我真的很感谢他送来的花。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕I was very touched by his thoughtfulness.他的体贴周到使我深受感动。外研社新世纪〔touch〕None was touched in the skirmish.小冲突中没有人受伤。英汉大词典〔touch〕Parma had not been touched.帕马没有受到伤害。朗文当代〔touch〕Photography is merely touched on in the book.摄影在这本书里只是略微提及。牛津搭配〔touch〕She touched her lips to her child's forehead.她轻轻地吻了吻孩子的前额。英汉大词典〔touch〕She touched him with her hand.她用手去摸他。牛津搭配〔touch〕She touched me on the arm.她轻轻地碰了下我的手臂。21世纪英汉〔touch〕She quickly touched up her lipstick.她很快地补了点唇膏。朗文当代〔touch〕Sparks flew when the wires touched each other.电线搭在一起时,火花飞溅。韦氏高阶〔touch〕The TV report about the children's work for charity touched thousands of people's hearts.电视上报道的孩子们为慈善团体所做的事令成千上万的人深受触动。剑桥高阶〔touch〕The boy touched the worm with (= using, in his hand) a twig.小孩用小树枝碰了碰虫子。剑桥高阶〔touch〕The boy was touched with genius.这个男孩有天分。外研社新世纪〔touch〕The girl touched a lighted match to the kindling.小女孩用擦着的火柴点引火物。21世纪英汉〔touch〕The houses were so close they almost touched each other.那些房屋挨得很近, 几乎连在了一起。外研社新世纪〔touch〕The man seems to be slightly touched.那个人神经有点不正常。21世纪英汉〔touch〕The painter touched the canvas with his brush.那个画家用画笔在画布上作画。外研社新世纪〔touch〕The photograph had obviously been touched up.很明显,这张照片被修饰过。朗文当代〔touch〕The plane touched down in Sydney at midday.飞机于正午时分在悉尼着陆。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕The plane (We, The pilot) touched down at London airport.飞机(我们,飞行员驾机)降落在伦敦机场。英汉大词典〔touch〕The raid touched off angry protests.袭击引起了愤怒的抗议。麦克米伦高阶〔touch〕The spacecraft touched down on schedule.太空飞船按计划着陆了美国传统〔touch〕The speech he finally gave had been touched up by his staff.他最后所作的演讲经过了手下的润色。朗文当代〔touch〕The war scarcely touched our town.咱们的小镇几乎未受战事波及。英汉大词典〔touch〕Their long conversation touched upon a multitude of topics.他们在长时间的谈话中谈到了众多问题。英汉大词典〔touch〕Their ship touched land a month later.一个月以后他们的船靠了岸。21世纪英汉〔touch〕This room hasn't been touched in 20 years.这个房间20年都没有被动过。韦氏高阶〔touch〕We touched many topics in our talk.我们在会谈中触及许多问题。英汉大词典〔touch〕We haven't touched the money in our savings account.我们还没动用我们的储蓄。韦氏高阶〔touch〕We were deeply touched by the film.我们被这部影片深深感动了。21世纪英汉〔touch〕What the teacher said touched all the students.老师说的话使学生们都感动了。21世纪英汉〔touch〕You've hardly touched your food.你没怎么吃东西啊。牛津高阶〔touch〕Your words touched her self-esteem.你的话伤害了她的自尊心。21世纪英汉〔to〕He gently touched the bow to the violin's strings.他用琴弓轻触小提琴的琴弦。韦氏高阶〔tragedy〕His life was touched by hardship and personal tragedy.他的一生充满了艰辛和不幸。剑桥高阶〔warmth〕They were touched by the warmth of the welcome.他们受到了热情欢迎,很感动。牛津高阶〔wingtip〕The wingtip of the plane almost touched the ground.飞机的翼尖几乎碰到地面了。韦氏高阶He touched the girl on the arm to get her attention.他碰了碰这个女孩的胳膊以引起她的注意。剑桥国际He was electrocuted (= killed by electricity) when he touched the bare wires.他碰了裸露的电线,触电而亡。剑桥国际His report did not touched upon the issue. 他的报告并没提到这个问题。译典通Honestly, I haven't touched a drop (= drunk any alcohol) all night.老实说,一晚上我都没有沾一滴酒。剑桥国际I was touched beyond words. 我感动莫名。译典通I was 28 the first time my feet touched foreign soil.我第一次踏上外国的土地时是28岁。剑桥国际John was touched by the warmth of their welcome. 约翰被他们的热烈欢迎而感动。译典通Many analysts believe that the recession has now touched bottom.许多分析员认为经济衰退现已触底。牛津商务She touched up her lipstick and brushed her hair.她补了补唇膏,梳了梳头发。剑桥国际She lightly touched his forehead. 她轻轻地摸了摸他的前额。译典通She was touched by their concern for her.她为他们对她的关心而感动。剑桥国际The TV report about the children's work for charity really touched us.电视上报道的孩子们为慈善团体所做的工作真的令我们很感动。剑桥国际The argument/fight/disagreement was touched off by a passing remark about her family.这场争论/打架/争吵是因为对她的家人随便说了一句话引起的 。剑桥国际The newspaper article touched a raw nerve -- people still resent the closure of the local school.报纸上的这篇文章触到了要害----人们仍然愤恨关闭当地的学校。剑桥国际The referee nullified the goal, ruling that a player's hand had touched the ball.这个裁判判定一名选手的手已触到了球,于是取消了这个进球。剑桥国际The talk was about educational opportunities for adults, and the speaker also touched on/upon (= spoke briefly about) sources of finance.谈话是关于成人受教育机会,发言人也略微谈及了经费的来源。剑桥国际The visitors were touched by the grandness of the monument. 游客们被纪念碑的雄伟所感动。译典通There are hundreds of thousands of old people living in that long twilight zone of extreme debilitation and touched by senility.成千上万的老人生活在极度虚弱和老态龙钟的漫长暮年里。剑桥国际We always thought that Uncle George was a little touched. 我们总认为乔治叔叔有一点疯狂。译典通We were deeply touched by his single-minded devotion to world peace. 他一心一意为世界和平作贡献,这使我们深受感动。译典通We were deeply touched by the sentimental movie. 我们深深被那感伤的电影所感动。译典通You liar -- I never touched it! 你这个撒谎精,我从未碰过它!剑桥国际




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