

单词 tamed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔result〕Man has tamed the jungle but, as a result, many kinds of birds and animals have disappeared.人类征服了丛林,可是其结果是许多种鸟类和野兽都绝迹了。英汉大词典〔tame〕But what it really goes to show is how easily a radical idea can be tamed.但是这真正要表明的是要使一个激进的想法变得平和有多么容易。外研社新世纪〔tame〕Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will.童年所受的严厉惩罚使他萎靡不振,意志消沉。英汉大词典〔tame〕He tamed down at the end.他终于折服听话了。英汉大词典〔tame〕He tamed the urge to participate in the new venture.他抑制住想参加新的冒险的冲动。21世纪英汉〔tame〕Lions can never be completely tamed.狮子永远不能被完全驯化。牛津高阶〔tame〕The Asian elephant can be tamed and trained.亚洲象可以被驯服并加以训练。朗文当代〔tame〕The air conditioner has tamed the dry heat.空调缓解了干热。英汉大词典〔tame〕The wild horse tamed quickly.野马很快就被驯服了。21世纪英汉〔tame〕They tamed the wild horse at last.他们终于驯服了那匹野马。21世纪英汉〔tame〕They dammed and tamed the wild stream.他们筑起堤坝制服了那条奔腾的河流。21世纪英汉〔tame〕When he revised the play, he tamed it.他把那出戏改编得平淡乏味。21世纪英汉Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will. 童年时代所受的严厉惩罚使他变得唯唯诺诺,缺乏意志。译典通She has tamed down considerably. 她已经变得温顺多了。译典通Within two years they had tamed this inhospitable landscape. 两年之内他们已经开垦了这片荒凉的土地。译典通




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