

单词 subcontracted
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔subcontract〕Hauling of the material was subcontracted to a motor transport company.材料的拖运工作已分包给一家汽车运输公司。英汉大词典〔subcontract〕Most of the bricklaying has been subcontracted (out) to a local builder.大部分砌砖工作都转包给了一个当地的建筑商。剑桥高阶〔subcontract〕Some of the work will be subcontracted to another company.一些工作将分包给另一家公司。朗文当代〔subcontract〕The firm had subcontracted some of the work to us.公司已把一些工程分包给我们。英汉大词典〔subcontract〕The large firm subcontracted with a smaller company.这家大公司把业务转包给了一家小一些的公司。韦氏高阶〔subcontract〕We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work.我们转包给了一家小型工程公司去干那项工作。牛津高阶〔subcontract〕We subcontracted for sanitary-plumbing equipment in the project.在该项工程中我们分包了卫生设备的承建。21世纪英汉〔subcontract〕We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm.我们把工作转包给了一家小型工程公司。牛津高阶Most of the bricklaying has been subcontracted (out) to a local builder.大部分砌砖工作转包给一名当地的建筑商。剑桥国际The car parts are designed here but are subcontracted to another manufacturer to be produced.这里设计的汽车零件转包给另一制造商生产。剑桥国际We subcontracted a small engineering firm to do the work.我们转包给了一家小型工程公司去做那项工程。牛津商务We subcontracted the work to a small engineering firm.我们将工程分包给了一家小型工程公司。牛津商务




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