

单词 teenage
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔MOST〕a singer whose records are bought mainly by teenage girls 其唱片主要由少女购买的一名歌手朗文写作活用〔WAY〕a strategy to reduce the level of teenage smoking 减少青少年吸烟:人数的策略朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕a touching story of teenage angst 一则讲述青少年焦虑的感人故事朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕the teenage music scene 青少年音乐圈子朗文写作活用〔address〕address a talk to a teenage audience 对一群青少年听众讲话英汉大词典〔angsty〕an angsty teenage boy 一个焦虑烦躁的少年剑桥高阶〔angst〕songs full of teenage angst 充满青少年焦虑的歌曲牛津高阶〔argot〕teenage argot 青少年俚语朗文当代〔boy〕a group of teenage boys 一群十几岁的男孩子韦氏高阶〔carryings-on〕the carryings-on of teenage boys 十几岁男孩的愚蠢行为韦氏高阶〔child〕a father and his two teenage children一位父亲和他两个十来岁的孩子外研社新世纪〔confusion〕the anxieties and confusions of teenage life 青少年时期的焦虑与困惑韦氏高阶〔cruise〕teenage boys cruising the streets in their fathers' cars 开着父亲的车在街上慢行兜风的小伙子们麦克米伦高阶〔cruise〕a group of teenage guys out cruising for girls 一帮在外面勾搭女孩的十几岁男孩韦氏高阶〔drama〕the dramas of teenage life 青少年生活中的戏剧性事件韦氏高阶〔essay〕the teenage winner of an essay contest 征文比赛的获胜少年牛津搭配〔friction〕the usual frictions between parents and their teenage children 家长和十几岁的孩子之间常见的摩擦朗文当代〔gaggle〕a gaggle of teenage girls 一群叽叽喳喳的少女朗文当代〔giggly〕giggly teenage girls时不时傻笑的女孩们外研社新世纪〔girl〕a teenage girl 十几岁的小女孩朗文当代〔girl〕a group of teenage girls 一群十几岁的姑娘韦氏高阶〔guide〕a guide to teenage slang 青少年俚语手册韦氏高阶〔high jinks〕these sensational tales of teenage high jinks这些青春期时纵情狂欢的煽情故事外研社新世纪〔illegitimacy〕high rates of illegitimacy and teenage pregnancy 未婚生育和青少年怀孕的高比率韦氏高阶〔infuriate〕a teenage craze guaranteed to infuriate your parents必然激怒父母的青少年时尚外研社新世纪〔mass〕a mass of grinning teenage faces.一张张少年的笑脸柯林斯高阶〔mix up〕teenage boys getting mixed up with gangs 和帮派厮混的少年们韦氏高阶〔moonstruck〕a celebrity mobbed by moonstruck teenage girls 一位被痴情少女们团团围住的名人韦氏高阶〔pine after〕teenage girls pining after rock stars 热烈追逐摇滚歌星的少女们韦氏高阶〔play〕a play about teenage runaways 关于离家出走青少年的剧本牛津搭配〔pregnancy〕the escalating rate of teenage pregnancies 急剧攀升的少女怀孕率麦克米伦高阶〔primarily〕a book aimed primarily at the teenage market一本以青少年市场为主要目标的书外研社新世纪〔prolific〕a pop star with a prolific following of teenage fans 拥有大批少男少女歌迷的流行歌星牛津高阶〔prowl〕teenage gangs on the prowl 四处寻衅滋事的少年团伙麦克米伦高阶〔rebellion〕teenage rebellion 青少年的叛逆牛津高阶〔rebellion〕signs of teenage rebellion 青少年叛逆的表现韦氏高阶〔rebel〕teenage boys rebelling against their parents 不服从父母的十几岁男孩朗文当代〔runaway〕teenage runaways 青少年离家出走韦氏高阶〔runaway〕teenage runaways living on the streets 流落街头的离家出走的青少年牛津高阶〔runaway〕a teenage runaway.离家出走的十几岁的孩子柯林斯高阶〔runaway〕a teenage runaway离家出走的十几岁孩子外研社新世纪〔sixfold〕a sixfold increase in teenage pregnancies 青少年怀孕数字的六倍增加朗文当代〔slang〕teenage slang 青少年俚语牛津高阶〔sweep〕the latest craze sweeping through the teenage population 在青少年中风靡一时的最新时尚朗文当代〔swoon〕crowds of teenage girls swooning over popstars 一群群痴迷明星的少女朗文当代〔teenage〕teenage boys/girls 十几岁的男孩/女孩韦氏高阶〔teenage〕teenage magazines/pregnancies 青少年杂志/怀孕现象麦克米伦高阶〔teenage〕teenage pregnancies.少女怀孕柯林斯高阶〔teenage〕teenage rebellion 青少年的叛逆朗文当代〔teenage〕teenage rebellion 青少年的叛逆行为牛津高阶〔teenage〕a teenage boy 十几岁的男少年朗文当代〔teenage〕a teenage club 青少年俱乐部英汉大词典〔teenage〕a violent gang of teenage boys青少年暴力团伙外研社新世纪〔teenage〕boys of teenage 十几岁的少年英汉大词典〔teenage〕my teenage daughter 我那十多岁的女儿朗文当代〔teenage〕the teenage years 青少年时代朗文当代〔teenage〕the problem of teenage pregnancy 少女怀孕的问题朗文当代〔teenage〕the rate of teenage pregnancy少女怀孕率外研社新世纪〔uniform〕my standard teenage uniform of sweatshirt and jeans 我少年时代标准的衣着:运动衫和牛仔裤牛津高阶〔year〕those who start to smoke in their teenage years 少年时期就开始抽烟的那些人朗文当代




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