

单词 stirring
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLD〕Cool the jam by stirring it before putting it into jars. 装罐之前,搅动果酱使它冷却。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Cover and cook slowly until beets are tender, stirring occasionally. 盖上锅盖将甜菜慢慢煮软,偶尔翻炒一下。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕He's always seems intent on stirring up trouble among his colleagues. 他好像总是故意要在同事间挑拨离间。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Add the chocolate to the butter and eggs, stirring the mixture until it is thick and creamy. 在黄油和鸡蛋中加入巧克力,把混和物搅拌至浓稠软滑。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕Churchill's stirring speeches helped rally his countrymen to fight against the enemy. 丘吉尔一次又一次振奋人心的演说有助把国人团结起来共同抵抗敌人。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Right-wing activists used people's fear of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism. 右翼积极分子利用人们害怕失业的心理挑起极端主义。朗文写作活用〔agitation〕The stirring up of public interest in a matter of controversy, such as a political or social issue.鼓动;煽动:引起公众对有争议的问题,如政治或社会问题的注意美国传统〔boiling point〕Bring the sauce to boiling point, stirring frequently.把调味酱加热到沸腾,并不时加以搅拌。麦克米伦高阶〔breath〕A momentary stirring of air.轻拂:空气的瞬间搅动美国传统〔buzz〕She was buzzing round the town on her daily business of stirring up trouble.她每日在城里乱窜, 专门挑事生非。外研社新世纪〔caramelize〕Continue stirring until the sugar caramelizes.继续搅拌直到糖变成焦糖韦氏高阶〔clear〕The children enjoyed stirring the mud at the bottom of the pond, then watching the water slowly clear again.孩子们喜欢搅动池底的淤泥,然后看着水重新慢慢变清。剑桥高阶〔constantly〕Gradually add milk, stirring constantly.逐渐加入牛奶, 同时持续搅拌。外研社新世纪〔constantly〕Heat the sauce, stirring constantly.加热调味汁并不停地搅动。牛津高阶〔dissolvability〕Dissolve the sugar in the coffee by stirring it.通过搅拌使糖溶于咖啡中。21世纪英汉〔dolly〕A wooden implement for stirring clothes in a washtub.洗衣棒:用于洗衣盆中搅洗衣的木棒美国传统〔dust〕The wind gusted suddenly, stirring up dust.狂风乍起, 搅起一阵尘雾。外研社新世纪〔eye〕Louise was stirring the soup with half an eye on the baby.路易斯边搅拌汤边注意婴儿。朗文当代〔flurry〕A stirring mass, as of leaves or dust; a shower.一阵落叶;阵雨:活跃的物质,如树叶或尘土的骚动;骤雨美国传统〔gigantic〕This Sibelius symphony sounded deep and dark in its thoughts, gigantic in its climaxes, and stirring in its grand themes.这部西贝柳斯的交响曲听上去思想深邃莫测, 高潮处气势恢宏, 主题动人心魄。外研社新世纪〔hatred〕He is accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被指控煽动种族仇恨。牛津搭配〔intolerance〕The party was accused of stirring up a climate of fear and intolerance.该政党被指责制造了恐慌和不宽容的气氛。麦克米伦高阶〔lash〕His stirring words lashed the crowd into wild excitement.他那激动人心的话语令众人群情激奋。麦克米伦高阶〔made〕He made a stirring speech.他发表了一篇动人的演说。21世纪英汉〔manner〕Continue stirring in this manner until the sauce thickens.继续用这种方式搅拌直到酱汁变浓。韦氏高阶〔melt〕When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘伴着激动人心的乐曲走在教堂的走廊上时,即便最冰冷的心都会融化。柯林斯高阶〔melt〕When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.当新娘在激动人心的音乐声中走过教堂通道时, 即使是最冷酷的心也会融化。外研社新世纪〔moving〕An advocate for the homeless gave a stirring speech about their plight.一个倡导者为无家可归者的困境做了一个激动人心的演讲。美国传统〔occasionally〕Cook on medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes.用中档火煮10分钟左右,偶尔搅动一下。韦氏高阶〔occasionally〕Simmer the sauce for ten minutes, stirring occasionally.将调味汁煨10分钟,偶尔搅动一下。麦克米伦高阶〔one〕Add the eggs one by one, stirring as you do so.把蛋一个一个地加进去,一边加一边搅拌。麦克米伦高阶〔paddle〕An iron tool for stirring molten ore in a furnace.搅拌金矿的铁器:在熔炉中搅拌融化矿石的一种铁具美国传统〔poster child〕She was a stirring speaker and activist and soon became the poster child of the antiwar movement.她是个能鼓舞人心的演说家和活动家,很快就成了反战运动的代言人韦氏高阶〔pot〕He was stirring a pot of soup.他在搅拌一锅汤。柯林斯高阶〔pot〕He was stirring a pot of soup.他正在搅一锅汤。外研社新世纪〔puddling〕Purification of impure metal, especially pig iron, by heating and stirring in an oxidizing atmosphere.搅炼:尤指将生铁等不纯净的金属在氧化环境中加热并搅动将其炼纯美国传统〔rake〕She was a stirring sight, her three gently raked masts rearing over the fishing boats.这艘船颇为壮观, 三条桅杆微微倾斜, 伸过旁边渔船上空。外研社新世纪〔roil〕To make (a liquid) muddy or cloudy by stirring up sediment.搅混,使…混浊:通过搅动沉淀物使(液体)混浊或模糊美国传统〔speech〕She made a stirring campaign speech on improving the lot of the unemployed.她作了一次关于改善失业人员状况的激动人心的竞选演讲。牛津搭配〔stir about〕He was stirring about in the room before she came in.在她进来之前,他一直在屋里来回走动。21世纪英汉〔stir sth up〕The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble.老师让他不要再生事。剑桥高阶〔stir up〕I thought at first that Jay had been stirring things up.我起初认为杰伊一直在挑起事端。柯林斯高阶〔stir up〕She was one of those people who likes stirring things up.她是那种喜欢惹是生非的人。外研社新世纪〔stir up〕They saw a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up.他们先看到了一团尘土, 然后才看到了扬起尘土的汽车。外研社新世纪〔stir up〕They saw first a cloud of dust and then the car that was stirring it up.他们先看到了扬起的一团尘土,然后才看到了汽车。柯林斯高阶〔stir-fry〕To fry quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat while stirring continuously.爆炒:将少量的油加高温一边搅拌一边快炒美国传统〔stirring〕I feel a stirring of curiosity.我开始产生了好奇心。外研社新世纪〔stirring〕I feel a stirring of curiosity.我开始产生了好奇心。柯林斯高阶〔stirring〕She felt a stirring of anger.她感觉自己忍不住要生气了。牛津高阶〔stirring〕She felt a faint stirring of envy when she heard that one of her colleagues had been promoted.当她听说一个同事升职之后,心里感觉有点儿妒忌。剑桥高阶〔stirring〕Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female.斯托扮演了一位坚强而且充满活力的女性,她的表演震撼人心。柯林斯高阶〔stirring〕The Prime Minister made a stirring speech.首相发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲。外研社新世纪〔stirring〕The Prime Minister made a stirring speech.首相发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲。柯林斯高阶〔stirring〕We felt the first stirrings of hope when we heard the news.我们听到这个消息时感到有了一线希望。韦氏高阶〔stir〕A stirring, mixing, or poking movement.搅拌,拨开:搅拌、混合或拨弄的动作美国传统〔stir〕A slight breeze was stirring the branches.微风吹动着树枝。牛津高阶〔stir〕Around 7.30 am, the children begin stirring sleepily.大约上午7点半的时候孩子们开始睡眼惺忪地起床活动。麦克米伦高阶〔stir〕Boil the mixture, stirring frequently.把混合液煮沸,同时不停地搅动。牛津搭配〔stir〕Bring to the boil, stirring all the time.加热至沸腾,同时不停地搅动。牛津搭配〔stir〕Deep inside the awareness was stirring that something was about to happen.内心深处隐隐感觉到有什么事即将发生。柯林斯高阶〔stir〕He was accused of stirring up racial hatred.他被指责激起种族仇恨。麦克米伦高阶〔stir〕His restlessness keeps stirring him.他焦躁不安, 动个不停。外研社新世纪〔stir〕I read it through to the end without stirring from the table.我一步不移地坐在桌前把它读完。英汉大词典〔stir〕It's just the press stirring.这只是新闻界在搬弄是非。外研社新世纪〔stir〕John was always stirring up trouble in class.约翰总是在班里招惹是非。朗文当代〔stir〕Just ignore him, he's only stirring.别理他,他只是在搬弄是非。英汉大词典〔stir〕Nobody was stirring in the house.屋里没有人走动。英汉大词典〔stir〕She is not stirring yet.她尚未起床。英汉大词典〔stir〕She needs stirring up.她需要人家替她打打气。文馨英汉〔stir〕She was one of those people who like stirring things up.她是那种喜欢惹是生非的人。英汉大词典〔stir〕Slowly add the flour, stirring until completely blended.慢慢加入面粉,搅拌至完全混合。剑桥高阶〔stir〕The man needs stirring up.这人需要激励一下。英汉大词典〔stir〕The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination .这首诗能够激发起想象力。朗文当代〔stir〕The two women lay on their backs, not stirring.两名妇女一动不动地仰面躺着。外研社新世纪〔stir〕The two women lay on their backs, not stirring.两名妇女一动不动地仰面躺着。柯林斯高阶〔stir〕The wind was stirring up the dust.风搅起灰尘。文馨英汉〔stir〕There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea.贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。柯林斯高阶〔stir〕There's something you could study without stirring from this room.有些东西你不用离开这个房间也可以学习。柯林斯高阶〔stir〕We could see people stirring inside the shop.我们可以看见人们正在店里忙碌着。“韦氏高阶〔stir〕You're just stirring it! 你这不是搬弄是非吗!牛津高阶〔swizzle stick〕A small, thin rod for stirring mixed drinks.搅酒棒:用于搅拌混合饮料的又小又细的棒美国传统〔take over〕Here, you take over stirring the soup while I start making the salad.现在你来搅拌一下汤,我去做沙拉。韦氏高阶〔tale〕The movie is a stirring tale of courage.这部电影是个关于勇气的动人故事。韦氏高阶〔thicken〕Keep stirring until the sauce thickens.一直搅拌, 直至汤汁变稠。外研社新世纪〔thicken〕Keep stirring until the sauce thickens.不停地搅,一直搅到调味汁变稠。柯林斯高阶〔thinly〕They are stirring huge pots of rice and thin vegetable soup over a fire made of charcoal.他们搅动着架在木炭火堆上的大罐米饭和蔬菜清汤。柯林斯高阶〔vibrate〕Their hearts vibrated to the speaker's stirring appeal.他们听了演讲人激动人心的呼吁心潮起伏。英汉大词典〔warm〕Add the sour cream and cook, stirring, until just warm.加点儿酸奶,边煮边搅动,直到微温为止。牛津搭配As the band began to play the National Athem, he felt the stirring of national pride within him.当乐队开始演奏国歌时,他感到内心涌现出一阵国家自豪感。剑桥国际Deepening disillusionment bordering on open (= not secret) mutiny is stirring in the militia.民兵组织中产生了越来越深的失望,几乎要公开叛乱。剑桥国际He made a stirring speech. 他做了一个激动人心的演讲。译典通In children's books witches are often shown stirring cauldrons.在儿童读物中,巫婆经常被画成在搅拌一个架在火上的大锅。剑桥国际Keep stirring the tea until the sugar has dissolved.搅动茶水,直到糖溶解为止。剑桥国际Sam is not stirring yet. 山姆还没有起床。译典通Several journalists have noticed stirrings of interest among foreign buyers.有些记者注意到了在外国买主中开始涌现出的兴趣。剑桥国际She felt a faint stirring of envy when she heard that one of her colleagues had been promoted.当听说她的一个同事被提拔后,她感到有些嫉妒。剑桥国际She gave a stirring speech about the importance of European unity.她就欧洲联合的重要性发表了一篇激动人心的演说。剑桥国际Slowly add the flour, stirring until completely blended.慢慢地加面粉,搅拌至完全混合。剑桥国际The band played a stirring patriotic song.这乐队演奏了一首激动人心的爱国主义歌曲。剑桥国际The children enjoyed stirring the mud at the bottom of the pond, then watching the water slowly clear (=become able to be seen through) again.孩子们喜欢搅动池底的泥巴,然后看着水重新慢慢变清。剑桥国际The negative image of a witch in popular culture is an evil old woman stirring a simmering cauldron and casting spells, who wears a black cloak and a tall pointed hat and carries a broomstick.通俗文化中女巫的反面形象是一个正在搅拌着沸腾的大锅,念着符咒的邪恶老太婆。她身穿一件黑色斗篷,头戴一顶尖尖的帽子,并拿着一个扫帚柄。剑桥国际The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble.老师让他停止挑动是非。剑桥国际They have been accused of stirring up racial hatred against Asian immigrants.他们因挑动反对亚洲移民的种族仇恨而被指控。剑桥国际Use a wooden spoon for stirring and mixing ingredients while cooking.在烹饪时用木匙来搅拌、混合配料。剑桥国际We went out for a walk at five in the morning, when not a soul was stirring (= when no one else was awake or moving about).我们清晨5点外出散步时不见其他人影。剑桥国际




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