

单词 station
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Islington station is one stop before Finsbury Park on the Victoria Line. 伊斯灵顿在维多利亚铁路线上是芬斯伯里公园的前一站。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕Police are encouraging people to turn illegal weapons in at their local police station. 警方鼓励人们将非法拥有的武器上交到当地的警察局。朗文写作活用〔LISTEN〕What station are you listening to? 你在听哪个台?朗文写作活用〔North-West〕This was situated to the north-west of the town, a short walk from the railway station.这里地处镇子的西北方,离火车站仅有一小段步行距离。柯林斯高阶〔OPPOSITE〕There's a hotel across from the station where we can go. 车站对面有一家旅馆,我们可以去那儿。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Murdoch bought several TV stations, as part of his strategy for building a media empire. 作为建立媒体帝国战略的一部分,默多克买下了几家电视台。朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station. 穿上全套防暴装备的警察在警察局外待命。朗文写作活用〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕There are coastguard stations every ten miles along the coast. 沿着海岸每隔十英里就有一个海岸警卫站。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The exhibit includes numerous hands-on activities, including several archaeological dig stations. 展览会上有许多实践活动,其中包括几个考古挖掘站。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕I'm at the station. Can you come and collect me? 我在火车站,你能来接我吗?朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Smith hosts a sports show on a local radio station. 史密斯在当地一家电台主持体育节目。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The station was flooded with calls from listeners after the show. 节目播出后,电台接到大量听众打来的电话。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕She rushed to the station, worried that she might miss her train. 她急匆匆地跑去车站,担心赶不上火车。朗文写作活用〔afoot〕There are plans afoot to launch a new radio station.成立一家新广播电台的计划正在酝酿之中。剑桥高阶〔after〕We get off at the station after Newport.我们在新港之后的一站下车。麦克米伦高阶〔airplay〕The broadcasting of a phonograph record, tape, or compact disc on the air by a radio station.唱片播送:无线电台对图片、磁带或唱片的空中播送美国传统〔air〕The station is now off the air.这家电台现在停播了。韦氏高阶〔air〕The polar station is maintained entirely by air.南极站全靠空运维持。英汉大词典〔around〕There are over 40 radio stations dotted around the country.有 40 多家广播电台遍布这个国家。朗文当代〔arrive〕The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late.火车迟了 20 分钟到站。牛津高阶〔arrive〕We arrived at the station as the train was leaving.我们到达车站时火车就要开出了。21世纪英汉〔bound〕The line did not close completely, but inbound and outbound trains (= trains which were arriving and leaving) had to share one of the two tracks near the station.铁路线没有全部关闭,但进出站的火车只能使用车站附近两条轨道中的一条。剑桥高阶〔broadcast〕This station broadcasts round the clock in six languages.这家电台一天24小时用6种语言广播。英汉大词典〔busk〕He started his career busking outside underground stations.他从在地铁站口卖艺开始他的职业生涯。麦克米伦高阶〔call〕This train calls at all stations to Broxbourne.这列火车开往布罗克斯本,沿途各站都停。朗文当代〔cell〕He spent a night in the cells at the local police station.他在当地警察局的隔离室里呆了一晚上。朗文当代〔claim〕A caller to the broadcasting station claimed responsibility for the bombing.有人打电话给广播电台,声称对这次爆炸负责。英汉大词典〔claim〕They went to claim their luggage at the station.他们去车站提取行李。英汉大词典〔clank〕The train clanked into the station.火车咣当咣当地进站了。外研社新世纪〔close down〕This station is now closing down until six o'clock tomorrow morning.本台广播到此为止,明天早晨七点再见。21世纪英汉〔close〕The entrance to the train station was closed off following the explosion.爆炸发生后随即封锁了火车站入口。牛津高阶〔close〕The orbiter closed with the space station in preparation for docking.飞船接近空间站准备相接美国传统〔come to〕The car came to a halt outside the police station.汽车在警察局外面停了下来。外研社新世纪〔commercially〕Classic FM, the first national commercial radio station.国内首家商业广播电台——经典调频柯林斯高阶〔constable〕He was a constable at Sutton police station.他是萨顿警察局的警员。柯林斯高阶〔convey〕A taxi conveyed us to the train station.一辆出租汽车将我们载至火车站。英汉大词典〔corner〕The petrol station is around the corner. 加油站就在拐角的地方。朗文当代〔cross〕He was hit by a car when he tried to cross over the road near Euston station.他在尤斯顿车站附近过马路时被一辆汽车撞倒了。朗文当代〔cut it close〕It's cutting it a bit fine to get to the station at 9:45 when the train leaves at 9:50! 火车9:50发车,9:45才赶到火车站,这可真是有点悬!韦氏高阶〔deal〕The TV station has signed an exclusive deal to show every game of the season.这家电视台已经签署独家转播本赛季所有比赛的协议。牛津搭配〔defuse〕Bomb disposal experts have defused a 110-pound bomb at a subway station this afternoon.今天下午,排弹专家在一个地铁站拆除了一枚110磅的炸弹。剑桥高阶〔desirable〕It is hardly desirable to sell alcohol at petrol stations.在加油站卖酒是很不可取的。麦克米伦高阶〔device〕A powerful device exploded outside the station.一枚威力巨大的炸弹在车站外爆炸了。牛津高阶〔dig up〕Yesterday they continued the search, digging up the back yard of a police station.昨天他们继续搜寻,在一座警察局的后院里挖掘寻找。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕I couldn't find the station, so I asked someone if they could direct me.我找不到车站,只好问路。剑桥高阶〔discharge〕The authorities are particularly concerned about discharges from nuclear power stations.当局特别关注核电站的排放物。麦克米伦高阶〔divisional〕An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters.在部门总部和警察局之间连有警报器。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The shuttle was scheduled to dock with the space station.航天飞机计划与太空站对接。韦氏高阶〔draw ... into〕The train is just drawing into the station.火车刚开进站。21世纪英汉〔draw〕The train drew into the station.列车驶进了车站。麦克米伦高阶〔drive〕His daughter Carly drove him to the train station.他女儿卡莉开车将他送到火车站。柯林斯高阶〔drive〕I drove her to the train station this morning.我今早开车送她去火车站了。韦氏高阶〔déclassé〕Lacking high station or birth; of inferior social status.不高的社会地位的,出生不高贵的;社会地位低的美国传统〔emission〕Britain agreed to cut emissions of nitrogen oxide from power stations.英国同意减少发电站氧化氮的排放量。朗文当代〔expose sb to sth〕It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation.人们担心居住在发电站附近的居民可能已受到辐射。剑桥高阶〔expressly〕Punctually at 7.45, the express to Kuala Lumpur left Singapore station.7点45分,开往吉隆坡的特快列车准时驶离新加坡火车站。柯林斯高阶〔fact〕They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.他们抱怨说被困在了警察局里,但实际上,有人看见他们大多数人通过毗邻的屋顶,安全地逃到了附近的建筑物内。柯林斯高阶〔fare〕The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station.计程车司机在车站接了一名乘客。牛津高阶〔fast〕The fast train (= one that stops at fewer stations and travels quickly) to London takes less than an hour.到伦敦的快车需时不到一小时。剑桥高阶〔fingerprint〕He was arrested, taken to the police station, and fingerprinted.他被逮捕了,并被带到警察局做了指纹采样。韦氏高阶〔flagship〕The next game will be broadcast on our flagship station.下一场比赛将在我们最大的电台播放。韦氏高阶〔folk〕These are the folks from the local TV station.这些是当地电视台来的人。柯林斯高阶〔fringe area〕A zone just outside of the range of a broadcasting station in which signals are weakened and distorted.线条区(电视接收边缘区):刚刚超出无线电台所能及的范围,所收信号微弱或被扭曲美国传统〔fuelled〕It is less polluting than power stations fuelled by oil, coal and gas.比起以石油、煤和天然气为燃料的发电站来说,它的污染要小。柯林斯高阶〔fuel〕The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.这家工厂对从核电站回收的废燃料进行后处理。牛津搭配〔get〕I'll get out at the next station.我将在下一站下车。英汉大词典〔get〕You can get a bus to the station.你可以乘巴士去火车站。朗文当代〔golden oldie〕The radio station plays golden oldies from the 1950s.这家电台播放20世纪50年代的经典老歌。韦氏高阶〔handy〕My new house is very handy for the station.我的新家离车站很近。牛津搭配〔hide or hair〕We haven't seen hide nor hair of a gas station.我们根本没看到什么加油站。韦氏高阶〔hold〕The rebels held the radio station.叛乱者占据了电台。牛津高阶〔hope〕She waited at the station, half hoping that he would not show up.她在车站等着,说不清自己是否希望他别露面。麦克米伦高阶〔importune〕He was arrested for importuning a young boy outside the station.他因在车站外向一男孩卖春而被捕。剑桥高阶〔in keeping with〕The new bus station offers wireless Internet access in keeping with the expectations of modern travelers.为了满足现代旅客的期望,新公共汽车站提供无线网络。韦氏高阶〔incident〕An incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.在距离失事现场附近的警局设立了一个事件调查办公室。牛津搭配〔internship〕Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station.简暑期在当地一家电视台实习。剑桥高阶〔intrigue〕Intrigue surrounds a woman who walked into a police station having lost her memory.一个失忆的女人走进警察局,她被裹挟进了阴谋之中。牛津搭配〔ironic〕It is ironic that the robber's car crashed into a police station.那辆劫匪的车居然撞进了警察局,这太好笑了。韦氏高阶〔juice up〕They juiced the car up at a gas station.他们在加油站给汽车加了油。外研社新世纪〔lift〕I'll give you a lift to the station.我用车顺便送你去车站。牛津高阶〔listenership〕The people who listen to a radio program or station.听众:收听某一个广播节目或电台的人美国传统〔meet〕We met at the station.我们在车站相遇。英汉大词典〔message〕A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.信息:从一个人、一站或一群人传给另一人、另一站或另一群人的以书面、信号或其他方式传送的,通常是较短的消息美国传统〔militate〕Environmental factors militate against building the power station in this area.环境因素使发电站不能建在这个地区。朗文当代〔modern〕We're in the very modern-looking building opposite the station.我们在车站对面那座非常现代化的大楼里。剑桥高阶〔mollify〕Nature reserves were set up around new power stations to mollify local conservationists.新的发电站附近建立了自然保护区,以安抚当地的自然环境保护主义者。朗文当代〔muster〕If it doesn't pass muster, a radio station could have its licence challenged.如果不合要求, 电台可能会被吊销执照。外研社新世纪〔network〕A company that produces the programs for these stations.广播公司:播送广播或电视节目的公司美国传统〔number〕She did a bag-lady number on one of the platforms in the bus station for one year.在公共汽车站的一个站台上,她携带行李露宿达1年之久。英汉大词典〔on〕She got on at the last station.她在最后一站上了车。韦氏高阶〔order〕A group of soldiers, under orders from the president, took control of the television station.一群军人奉总统之命控制了电视台。牛津搭配〔out of station〕I am at present out of station and will reply on my return.我目前不在,将会在返回之后回复。剑桥高阶〔outpost〕The station occupied by such troops.前哨地:这种支队的驻地美国传统〔outstation〕A remote station or post.边防哨,分站:边远地区的站或哨所美国传统〔own〕The club now has its very own radio station.完全属于自己的麦克米伦高阶〔panic〕It was panic stations here on Friday.星期五这里是一片忙乱。朗文当代〔personnel〕Over 10,000 military personnel were stationed in the country.在这个国家驻扎了1万多名军事人员。韦氏高阶〔picketing〕The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations.矿工开始罢工,并在发电站周围设置了纠察队。柯林斯高阶〔picket〕The miners went on strike and picketed the power stations.矿工开始罢工, 并在发电站周围部署了纠察队巡视。外研社新世纪〔pickup〕The apparatus for transmitting a broadcast from an outside place to the broadcasting station.转播装置:把外界广播转入广播站的机器装置美国传统〔pick〕I don't think this thing can pick up foreign stations.我认为这东西收听不了外国电台。麦克米伦高阶〔pirate〕One that operates an unlicensed, illegal television or radio station.非法播放者:未经允许而非法播放电视或广播的人美国传统〔pitch〕The flower seller was at his usual pitch outside the station.那个卖花人在车站外他平时的摊位上。剑桥高阶〔police station〕Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。柯林斯高阶〔prelacy〕The office or station of a prelate.高级教士的职位或身份美国传统〔profanity〕It was the song's opening line, a series of profanities, that caused the record to be banned on the radio station.正是因为这首歌的第一句使用了一连串的脏话,导致这张唱片在电台禁放。剑桥高阶〔pull out〕The train pulled out of the station.列车驶离了车站。外研社新世纪〔pump ... out〕The radio station recently pumps out pop music.这家广播电台近来连续播放流行音乐。21世纪英汉〔radiation〕An accident at the power station could result in large amounts of radiation being released.发电站发生事故会造成大量核辐射泄漏。朗文当代〔radio frequency〕The frequency of the waves transmitted by a specific radio station.射频:某一无线电台发出的电波的频率美国传统〔radio silence〕Radio silence may be imposed on other stations during a distress call.在收到求救信号后,其他电台被要求保持电波静默。剑桥高阶〔radio〕A station for radio transmitting.无线电台:无线电传送站美国传统〔reach〕We live within (easy) reach of the station.我们家离车站很近。剑桥高阶〔rear-end〕My new car was rear-ended while it was parked outside the station.我的新车停在车站外时,被别的车追尾了。剑桥高阶〔recharger〕The idea of plugging your car into a recharger instead of driving to a petrol station is becoming more acceptable. 把车插入一个充电器而不是开到加油站加油这样的想法已越来越被接受。剑桥高阶〔redesign〕In 1993 NASA redesigned the planned space station.1993年太空总署重新设计了计划中的空间站。剑桥高阶〔refuel〕The driver stopped the car at the petrol station to refuel.司机将汽车停在加油站加油。21世纪英汉〔relay〕The broadcasting station will relay the news of the President's death.广播电台将转播总统逝世的消息。21世纪英汉〔requirement〕The increase in gas-fired power stations means traditional coal ones are becoming surplus to requirements.燃气发电站的增多意味着传统的燃煤发电站变得过剩了。朗文当代〔ribbon〕The ribbon was cut and the new station was officially open.剪彩后,新车站正式开始运营。朗文当代〔rock〕Ryan changed the radio to a rock station.瑞安将这个电台变成了摇滚乐电台。牛津搭配〔see〕Anne saw Terry off at the station.安妮到车站为特里送行。麦克米伦高阶〔service〕He serviced the railway station with his one-horse cab.他用单匹马车在火车站接送旅客。英汉大词典〔shipmate〕His shipmates stayed at their stations.与他同船的船员都坚守在岗。外研社新世纪〔shortly〕We will shortly be arriving in King's Cross Station.我们马上就要到国王十字车站了。剑桥高阶〔shudder〕The train began to pull out of the station — then suddenly shuddered to a halt.火车渐渐驶出了车站,然后突然猛震几下停了下来。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕The station signs on with the playing of the National Anthem.电台以奏国歌开始一天的广播。英汉大词典〔single〕The radio stations play her new single several times a day.每天电台多次播放她新发行的单曲。牛津搭配〔skyline〕The skyline is dominated by a power station. 在天际线上突显出来的是一座发电站。牛津搭配〔slap bang〕Anne's house is slap bang next to the station.安妮的家就在车站隔壁。朗文当代〔squad room〕A room in a police station where officers assemble, as for assignment or briefing.集合厅:警察局中下达简令或分配任务的集合厅美国传统〔start〕The station started him as a news announcer.电台起用他当新闻播音员。英汉大词典〔station〕I want to get off at the next station.我要在下一站下车。朗文当代〔station〕I went into a polling station and cast my vote.我去投票站投了票。牛津搭配〔station〕Many cities have their own local radio station.许多城市有自己的地方电台。英汉大词典〔station〕Ron was stationed in Germany for three years.罗恩被派驻德国3年。麦克米伦高阶〔station〕The police led me into the station house.警察带我去了警局。牛津搭配〔station〕They drove him to the bus/train station.他们开车送他去公共汽车站/火车站。韦氏高阶〔station〕They saw the numerous tanks and trucks stationed along the river.他们看见沿河停放着数不清的坦克和卡车。21世纪英汉〔station〕United States military personnel stationed in the Philippines.美国驻扎在菲律宾的军事人员柯林斯高阶〔stop〕Our first stop has to be the gas station.我们行程的第一站必须是加油站。韦氏高阶〔stranded〕Hundreds of people remain stranded at railway stations.上百人一直被困在火车站。外研社新世纪〔street〕Tourists need to be wary of street hustlers near the station.游客要警惕车站附近的街头骗子。牛津搭配〔strike on〕I struck on turning on the radio on the way to the station.在去车站的路上,我突然想到我的收音机还依然开着。21世纪英汉〔suspect〕A suspect parcel was found at the station.在车站发现了一个可疑包裹。剑桥高阶〔target〕Railway stations are prime targets (=very likely targets) for bombs.火车站是炸弹袭击的主要目标。朗文当代〔test pattern〕A geometric chart transmitted by a television station to assist viewers in adjusting reception.测试图:电视台播送的一种帮助观众调整接受器的几何图象美国传统〔that〕The train reached the terminal station, and, with that, my trip ended.列车到达终点站,我的旅行随即结束。英汉大词典〔thermo〕The main thermo power station in the area has been damaged.该地区那座主要的热电厂已被损毁。柯林斯高阶〔tie in〕They will tie the generating station in with the power system.他们将把发电站与供电系统连接起来。21世纪英汉〔tling〕The train whistled before reaching the station.进站前火车鸣了笛。21世纪英汉〔trek〕I'm afraid it's a bit of a trek to the station.到车站恐怕有点路。朗文当代〔tremendous〕Suddenly, there was a tremendous bang, and the whole station shook.突然一声巨响,整个车站都晃动了。朗文当代〔troop〕In 1988, about 220,000 American troops were stationed in Western Europe.1988年大约有22万美国军队驻扎在西欧。剑桥高阶〔tune〕People get their information by tuning in to foreign radio stations.人们通过收听外台来获得信息。朗文当代〔vedette〕A mounted sentinel stationed in advance of an outpost.骑哨:先于前哨基地驻扎的骑马的哨兵美国传统〔vote of confidence〕The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.这份为期十年的协议是对煤电站支持的表示。外研社新世纪〔walkie-talkie〕The policeman was speaking to the station on his walkie-talkie.那位警察正在用对讲机与总部通话。剑桥高阶〔whistle〕The train whistle blew as we left the station.我们离开车站时火车的汽笛响了。牛津高阶〔whizz through〕Trains whizz through the station by the village on their way to London every day.开往伦敦的火车每天飞快地驶过村边小站。21世纪英汉〔whoosh〕A train whooshed by the station just now.刚有一列火车从车站飞速驶过。21世纪英汉〔would〕They said they would meet us at 10.30 at the station.他们说他们 10 点 30 分会在车站接我们。朗文当代A bunch of idiots was let loose on a nuclear power station.一群白痴在核电站里到处乱跑。剑桥国际A man stopped me and asked me how to get to the station.一位男士拦住我,向我询问如何去车站。剑桥国际Annie's the film critic for the local radio station, so she's got a free pass for all the cinemas in the area.安妮是当地电台的影评人,因此她有一张可进入该地区所有电影院的免费入场证。剑桥国际Emigre pressed 3000 copies and sent some out to college radio stations.埃米加制作了3000份,送了一些给校广播站。剑桥国际He did his best to reach the station before the train left. 他拼命地赶在火车开出之前到达车站。译典通He offered to walk her home/to the station.他提出陪她走回家/走到车站。剑桥国际He squinted at the departure board at the other end of the station to see which platform his train was leaving from.他眯着眼看车站另一端的出发时刻表,想看一下他的火车从哪个站台出发。剑桥国际I'd better fill up with petrol at the next station.我最好在下一站加汽油。剑桥国际I'll pick you up in the station forecourt.我在车站前广场接你。剑桥国际If you want to get to the station before 10 o'clock, your best bet would be to take a taxi.如果你想在10点之前到达车站,最保险的办法是乘出租车。剑桥国际On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.一来到警察局,他们就被领进一个会见室。剑桥国际One oil company controls 60% of the country's petrol stations.一家石油公司控制着国家 60% 的加油站。牛津商务Our school is two miles from the station. 我们学校离车站两英里。译典通Protesters claim there is a link between the nuclear power station and the increased incidence of cancer in the area.抗议者宣称在核电站和这地区上升的癌症发病率之间有联系。剑桥国际Radio station frequencies are often given in terms of kilohertz.电台的频率常常以千赫为单位。剑桥国际Religious programmes will be the first to get the axe (=be removed) if she's put in charge of the station.如果她负责电台的工作,首先就要取消宗教节目。剑桥国际She claims that operating risks are virtually nil for this type of nuclear power station.她说管理这样的核电站实际上是没有风险的。剑桥国际Some Taiwanese TV stations aired historical drama series made in China to ratchet up their viewership ratings. 有些台湾的电视台为了冲高收视率引进大陆拍的历史剧。译典通The station always has a filler ready in case the speech / ceremony / tennis match ends earlier than expected.电(视)台总是预备着一些补白用的(音乐或谈话)节目以防演说/仪式/网球比赛比预计时间提前结束。剑桥国际The TV stations agreed not to announce the projected winner until after the polls closed.电视台同意所有的投票点都关闭以后再宣布预计的获胜者。剑桥国际The cabs were lined up outside the station.出租车在站外排列成行。剑桥国际The closure of the railway station is being strenuously opposed by local residents.火车站的关闭正受到当地居民的强烈反对。剑桥国际The fast train (= one that stops at fewer stations and travels quickly) to London takes less than an hour.到伦敦的快车需时不到一小时。剑桥国际The house is conveniently situated near the railway station and five minutes’walk from the shops.房子位于火车站附近,去商店只要步行五分钟,十分方便。剑桥国际The new power station is expected to be on-line by the end of next year.这座新的发电站预期到明年年底并网。剑桥国际The newspaper seller was in his usual place outside the station.卖报人在车站外他的老地方。剑桥国际The police brought several young men in for questioning (= took them to the police station because they might have been involved in a crime).警察带了几个年轻人回警局问话。剑桥国际The radio station claims that it plays‘the world's most beautiful music’.电台声称这是“世界上最美的音乐”。剑桥国际The radio station forecasts clear skies tomorrow. 无线电台预报明天天晴。译典通The terrorists had planted a bomb near the police station.恐怖分子在警察局附近安放了一枚炸弹。剑桥国际The ticket collector at the station was very surly when I couldn't find my ticket.车站的检票员见我找不到车票态度非常恶劣。剑桥国际Their house abutted (onto) the police station. [T; I + prep] 他们的房子与警察局毗连。剑桥国际There is a lot of interest in carrying out experiments in the weightless conditions which are experienced aboard space stations.在太空站体验在失重环境下做实验饶有兴趣。剑桥国际Two guards were stationed at the gate. 在大门口有两名警卫站岗。译典通We got off at the terminal station. 我们在终站下车。译典通We live within (easy) reach of the station.我们住在离车站不远处。剑桥国际When he arrived at the train station, he hurried through his breakfast, manifestly ill at ease and keeping a sharp eye about him. 到达火车站后,他匆忙吃完早餐,显然很不自在,并警惕地注视四周。译典通Workers at two nuclear power stations are receiving an annual dose of radiation three times the legal limit.在两家核电站工作的工人每年受到的放射能剂量是法定限度的3倍。剑桥国际




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