

单词 symmetrical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHAPE〕Palladio built the Villa Rotunda following a symmetrical plan. 帕拉迪奥的圆形别墅是照着一个对称的平面图建造的。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The leaves of most trees are symmetrical in shape. 多数树木的叶子形状都是对称的。朗文写作活用〔centric〕Of or relating to diatoms of the class Centrales, distinguished by their radially symmetrical form.中心类硅藻的:中心类硅藻的或与之相关的,以其辐射状对称形态为特征美国传统〔cerebral hemisphere〕Either of the two symmetrical halves of the cerebrum, as divided by the longitudinal cerebral fissure.脑半球:由纵向脑沟分开的对称大脑两半球的任一个美国传统〔conformation〕A symmetrical arrangement of the parts of a thing.对称:对某物件各部分所作的对称性配置美国传统〔diphycercal〕Having or designating a tail fin in which the vertebral column extends to the tip, with symmetrical upper and lower parts.原形尾鳍的,双尾的:尾鳍上下两片相同或接近相同,脊柱延伸至末端而不上翘的美国传统〔equivalence relation〕A reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive relationship between elements of a set that establishes any two elements in the set as equivalent or nonequivalent.等价关系:一组元素之间的可反射的、对称的、可转移的关系,这种关系对任意两个元素来说要么相等,要么不相等美国传统〔espalier〕A tree or shrub that is trained to grow in a flat plane against a wall, often in a symmetrical pattern.墙树,树篱:在平坦的平地靠着墙对称生长的树或灌木美国传统〔fret〕An ornamental design consisting of repeated and symmetrical figures, often in relief, contained within a band or border.回纹饰:一种带有重复性的、对称性图案的装饰性设计,常见于浮雕中的条饰或边沿美国传统〔hemisphere〕A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry.半球体:一个对称的、近似球体的物体的一半,如被对称面分开者美国传统〔homocercal〕Relating to, designating, or characterized by a tail fin having two symmetrical lobes extending from the end of the vertebral column, as in most bony fishes.正尾的,等形的:与一种尾鳍有关的或以其为特点的,这种尾鳍有对称的两叶从脊椎一头延伸出来,大多数多骨鱼均如是美国传统〔median plane〕A plane dividing a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves.正中平面:将左右对称的动物分成左右两半的正中垂直纵切面美国传统〔median〕Anatomy Of, relating to, or situated in or near the plane that divides a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left halves; mesial.【解剖学】 正中面的,正中面内的:(位于)把左右对称的动物分成左右两半的平面上(或附近)的;位于正中平面内的美国传统〔orderly〕Workers set up chairs on the stage in orderly and symmetrical rows.工作人员把舞台上的椅子摆成整齐且对称的几排。美国传统〔papilionaceous〕Having a bilaterally symmetrical corolla somewhat resembling a butterfly, characteristic of most plants of the pea family.有蝶形花冠的,蝶形的:有蝴蝶似的左右对称花冠的,是大部分豆科植物所具有的特点美国传统〔pennate〕Of or relating to diatoms of the class Pennales, distinguished by bilaterally symmetrical form.硅藻的:属于或有关以双侧对称形状著名的硅藻的美国传统〔perfectly〕The crystal is perfectly symmetrical.这晶体完全对称。英汉大词典〔radial symmetry〕Symmetrical arrangement of constituents, especially of radiating parts, about a central point.辐射状对称:部分(尤指辐射状的部分)绕一个中心点的对称排列美国传统〔sagittal plane〕A longitudinal plane that divides the body of a bilaterally symmetrical animal into right and left sections.矢形面:把两边对称的动物身体分成左右两边的纵向平面美国传统〔sea urchin〕Any of various echinoderms of the class Echinoidea, having a soft body enclosed in a round, symmetrical, calcareous shell covered with long spines.海胆:任一种棘皮纲的棘皮动物,具有被圆形对称的螺旋状贝壳包含的柔软躯体,贝壳表面布满棘刺美国传统〔shapeless〕Lacking symmetrical or attractive form; not shapely.形状怪异的:缺乏匀称或有吸引力的形式的;不美好的美国传统〔skew〕Statistics Not symmetrical about the mean. Used of distributions.【统计学】 歪斜,扭曲:斜的或倾斜的运动,位置或方向美国传统〔spheral〕Symmetrical.对称的,匀称的美国传统〔symmetrical〕The front of the church is completely symmetrical.这座教堂的正面完全是对称的。麦克米伦高阶〔symmetrical〕The human body is symmetrical.人体是对称的。韦氏高阶〔symmetrical〕The pattern was perfectly symmetrical.这图案十分对称。朗文当代〔symmetrical〕There were neat rows of perfectly symmetrical windows.有一排排整齐的完全对称的窗户。外研社新世纪〔symmetrize〕To give symmetry to; make symmetrical or proportional.使对称;使匀称或使合乎比例美国传统〔zygomorphic〕Bilaterally symmetrical. Used of organisms or parts.两侧对称的:两边对称的,用于生物体或器官美国传统A new house of any size was now almost invariably symmetrical. 现在新建的房子不管大小几乎都是对称的。译典通




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