

单词 tanked
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔tank up〕Frank got tanked up again last night.弗兰克昨晚又喝醉了。21世纪英汉〔tank up〕He heads for the pub and gets tanked up.他去了酒馆, 结果喝得烂醉。外研社新世纪〔tank up〕They tanked up a great deal at dinner.他们在用餐时痛饮一番。21世纪英汉〔tank up〕They tanked up at the service station before taking off for the town.他们在加油站加满了油,然后动身开车进城。21世纪英汉〔tanked up〕He went down the pub and got tanked up.他去了酒馆,喝得酩酊大醉。朗文当代〔tanked〕He got tanked at the party.他在聚会上喝得酩酊大醉。韦氏高阶〔tank〕At a picture show a latecomer tanked over my feet climbing into his seat.在看电影时,一个迟到的观众横冲直撞地从我的脚上跨过,摸到自己的座位上去。英汉大词典〔tank〕Car exports in the year to April tanked 23 percent.汽车出口在到四月份的一年间下跌了23%。剑桥高阶〔tank〕Having tanked my car up, I took off for the city.我给汽车加满汽油之后便动身开车进城。英汉大词典〔tank〕He tanked up and drove off.他给汽车加满油开走了。牛津高阶〔tank〕His last film tanked in the States, but did well in the UK.他最新的电影在美国一败涂地,但在英国却很成功。朗文当代〔tank〕If you get me tanked up, who will drive you home? 假使你们把我灌醉了,谁开车送你们回家呢?英汉大词典〔tank〕Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.董事长辞职后不久,该公司的股票就暴跌了。朗文当代〔tank〕Shares went up to $2.60 and then tanked.股价涨到了2.6美元, 然后就崩盘了。外研社新世纪〔tank〕She lost so quickly that we thought she had tanked.她输得太快,我们都认为她是故意的。21世纪英汉〔tank〕Some people say she deliberately tanked the match.有些人说她故意输掉了比赛。韦氏高阶〔tank〕The company's shares tanked on Wall Street.这家公司的股票在华尔街彻底崩盘了。牛津高阶〔tank〕The movie tanked.这部电影彻底失败了。韦氏高阶〔tank〕The state was expecting an increase in tax revenues, but that was before the economy tanked.政府预期税收会有所增加,但那是在经济下跌之前。剑桥高阶〔tank〕We tanked nine tons of diesel.我们在油罐中装了9吨柴油。外研社新世纪〔tank〕We tanked up at the filling station.我们在加油站给汽车加满了油。英汉大词典By the time I got to the party Patrick and Delia were completely tanked up.我到聚会时,帕特里克和迪莉娅已喝得酩酊大醉。剑桥国际The company's shares tanked on Wall Street to a new low.这家公司的股票在华尔街股市暴跌至新低。牛津商务




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