

单词 telecom
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROFIT〕British Telecom made over $3 billion last year. 英国电信公司去年赚了三十多亿英镑。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Lawyers are questioning the validity of the city's new telecom contract. 律师们对市里新电信合约的合法性提出质疑。朗文写作活用〔below〕British Telecom agreed to keep overall price increases to 7.5 per cent below inflation.英国电信同意将整体价格增幅控制在低于通货膨胀7.5%的水平。柯林斯高阶〔break〕Their goal was to break the monopoly of the state telecoms corporation.他们的目标是打破国营电信公司的垄断。麦克米伦高阶〔bubble〕At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height.当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。牛津高阶〔cast〕Telecoms companies are casting around for ways of recouping huge losses.电信公司在拼命想办法弥补巨大的亏损。朗文当代〔fit〕Telecom and computer businesses fit together well.电信业和计算机业相辅相成。朗文当代〔flight of capital〕TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital from telecom and Internet-related businesses.德州仪器的股票因为资金从电信和因特网相关企业外逃而遭受损失。柯林斯高阶〔foray〕Power Grid has recently forayed into telecom.电网公司最近开始涉足电信业务。外研社新世纪〔growth〕They estimated that growth in demand for telecoms services would double over the next five years.他们预计, 在接下来的五年内电信服务的需求量将翻倍。外研社新世纪〔offspring〕It is the offspring of a committee of telecoms companies.它是电信公司的一个委员会的产物。外研社新世纪〔provide〕British Telecom provide telecoms and Internet services to many big consumers.英国电信公司为很多大客户提供电信和互联网服务。外研社新世纪〔telecom〕We sell the devices mostly to big cable and telecom companies.我们的设备绝大部分出售给大的有线电视和电信公司。剑桥高阶〔textbook〕France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company.法国电信是国有公司成功的典范。外研社新世纪〔textbook〕France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company.法国电信是国有公司成功的典范。柯林斯高阶Telecoms companies are known for generating (= producing) cash.电信公司因赚钱而闻名。牛津商务Telecoms were stronger on the pan-European indices.在泛欧股指数中电讯板块更为强劲。牛津商务A judge threw out a lawsuit that tried to stop the company building a telecom mast in the area.法官否决了试图阻止这家公司在本地区架设电讯桅杆的诉讼。牛津商务China Telecom (= its share price) finished the morning session at HK$1.45.中国电信的股价在早市以 1.45 港元收盘。牛津商务France Telecom 法国电讯公司牛津商务France Telecom issued 113 million shares in part payment for the company.法国电讯公司以部分付款方式为公司发行了 1.13 亿股股票。牛津商务He has an extensive inside knowledge of the telecoms industry.他对电讯产业的内幕了解很深。牛津商务In 1999 he made a successful raid on Telecom Italia.1999 年,他成功突袭收购了意大利电讯。牛津商务She holds 100 British Telecom shares and thirty shares in British Gas.她拥有100股英国电信股票和30股英国天然气股票。剑桥国际Some telecoms companies only have wireline, others just have wireless.有些电讯公司只有有线技术,其他公司只有无线技术。牛津商务Some aircraft and telecoms companies are still struggling with excess capacity.某些飞机制造商和电讯公司仍然因产能过剩而吃力地经营下去。牛津商务The telecom group have made a healthy profit.电信集团赚取了可观的利润。牛津商务The bonds are convertible into France Telecom shares.债券可转换成法国电信的股份。牛津商务The company is in the front line of the global telecoms industry.这家公司处于全球电讯产业的前线。牛津商务The firm is majority-owned by France Telecom.这家公司由法国电讯控股。牛津商务The fund's holdings include Samsung Electronics Co. and SK Telecom Corp (= shares in these companies).该基金持有的股份包括三星电子公司和 SK 电讯公司股份。牛津商务The government has announced the break-up of China Telecom.政府已宣布分拆中国电信。牛津商务The group is trying to challenge Korea Telecom for market leadership.集团正试图挑战韩国电信公司的市场领导地位。牛津商务They wanted to get a foot in the door of the developing telecoms industry.他们想涉足发展中的电讯业。牛津商务We've got some shares in British Telecom.我们有一些英国电信的股份。剑桥国际




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