

单词 stimulate
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔breath〕receive a breath of fresh air to help stimulate limp sales 获得新的刺激以推动滞销英汉大词典〔burnish〕creams that can be used to burnish and stimulate healthy skin能够使皮肤更加光洁健康的护肤霜外研社新世纪〔circulation〕to have a massage to stimulate your circulation 以按摩来刺激血液循环牛津搭配〔employment〕policies designed to stimulate employment 旨在促进就业的政策牛津搭配〔fiscal〕a fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy.为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策美国传统〔fractionalization〕stimulate division of leadership and fractionalization of electorate 激励领导权之划分以及选举区之细分为小单位文馨英汉〔growth〕measures designed to stimulate economic growth 旨在刺激经济增长的措施麦克米伦高阶〔growth〕measures to stimulate economic growth 刺激经济增长的措施朗文当代〔immunity〕the use of vaccines to stimulate immunity 使用疫苗激活免疫力牛津搭配〔import〕pressure on the government to stimulate the faltering economy and boost imports 政府所面临的刺激低迷的经济、增加进口的压力牛津搭配〔industry〕government measures to stimulate new industry 政府刺激新兴产业的措施牛津搭配〔interest〕to stimulate interest among teachers 激发教师们的兴趣牛津搭配〔oral〕oral sex(= using the mouth to stimulate sb's sex organs) 口交牛津高阶〔production〕drugs to stimulate the body's production of hormones 刺激身体分泌荷尔蒙的药物牛津高阶〔recovery〕a reduction in interest rates to stimulate global economic recovery 降低利率以刺激全球经济的复苏牛津搭配〔region〕attempts to go outside of London and stimulate cultural life in the regions 走出伦敦并搞活地方文化生活的尝试韦氏高阶〔stimulability〕to stimulate one's appetite引发食欲21世纪英汉〔stimulability〕to stimulate one's gland with medicines用药物激发腺体分泌21世纪英汉〔stimulability〕to stimulate someone to study (或 studying) hard激励某人努力学习21世纪英汉〔stimulability〕to stimulate the development of the national economy刺激国民经济的发展21世纪英汉〔stimulate〕stimulate a petition 诱发请愿英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate discussion 引起讨论英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate economic growth 刺激经济发展英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate one's curiosity (interest) 激发好奇心(兴趣)英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate sb. into greater efforts 激励某人作更大的努力英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate the government into acting 促使政府采取行动英汉大词典〔stimulate〕stimulate the players to their best form 促使运动员进入最佳竞技状态英汉大词典〔stimulate〕drugs to stimulate the production of hormones 促进荷尔蒙分泌的药物麦克米伦高阶〔stimulate〕new measures to stimulate the economy 刺激经济的新举措麦克米伦高阶〔stimulate〕the President's plan to stimulate economic growth 总统刺激经济增长的计划朗文当代〔stimulate〕to stimulate interest.引起注意。牛津同义词〔stimulate〕to stimulate people to greater effort.激励人更出力。牛津同义词




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