

单词 soups
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barley〕Oats, barley, and lentils are all delicious in soups.燕麦、大麦和兵豆做汤都很好吃。外研社新世纪〔bill of fare〕The bill of fare includes several soups.菜单上有好几种汤。韦氏高阶〔bouillon cube〕A small cube of evaporated seasoned meat, poultry, or vegetable stock, used in making broth or to add flavor to soups or stews.肉汤调味粉块:由经脱水及调味的畜肉、禽肉或者蔬菜梗做成的小块,用于做肉汤或给汤类或炖品调味美国传统〔clam chowder〕Any of various soups made with clams, salt pork, potatoes, onions, and milk or tomatoes.烧蛤糊,蛤汤:一种用蛤、腌猪肉、土豆、洋葱和牛奶或西红柿做的汤美国传统〔dash〕Some soups are delicious with a dash of cream.有些汤里加一点儿奶油就会香甜可口。外研社新世纪〔dehydrated〕Dehydrated meals, soups and sauces contain a lot of salt.脱水后的饭菜、汤和调味料中含有很多盐分。柯林斯高阶〔dehydrated〕Dehydrated meals, soups, and sauces contain a lot of salt.脱水餐、汤和调味料含有大量盐分。外研社新世纪〔demand〕There's always a great demand for our soups in winter.冬天人们对我们的汤的需求量总是很大。牛津搭配〔filé〕Powdered sassafras leaves used to thicken and season soups, stews, and gumbos.粘稠擦树叶粉:粉碎的擦树嫩叶,用于变浓或加味于汤、炖品和杂烩美国传统〔freeze〕Most soups freeze (= can be preserved by being stored at a very low temperature) well.大多数汤都可以冷冻保存。剑桥高阶〔kreplach〕Small pockets of noodle dough filled with ground meat or cheese, usually boiled and served in soups.三角形肉(或酪)包:装有碎肉或奶酪的小袋生面条,煮熟后放在汤里食用美国传统〔miso〕A thick fermented paste made by grinding together cooked soybeans, rice or barley, and salt and used especially in making soups and sauces.日本豆面酱,味噌:一种由烹调过的大豆、大米或大麦和盐磨在一起制成的粘稠的发酵过的酱,尤其用于做汤和调味汁美国传统〔option〕Menu options at the café include soups, salads, and sandwiches.这家咖啡馆的菜单上有汤类、沙拉和三明治可供选择。韦氏高阶〔panada〕A paste or gruel of bread crumbs, toast, or flour combined with milk, stock, or water and used for making soups, binding forcemeats, or thickening sauces.面糊:将碎面包、烤面包或面粉放在牛奶、肉汤或水里煮成的面糊,用于作汤、肉馅或果酱美国传统〔pastina〕Tiny pieces of pasta, often cooked in soups or used as baby food.面糊片:小片面糊食品,常用来做汤或婴儿食品美国传统〔pistou〕A sauce made of garlic, basil, tomato, Parmesan, and olive oil, used on pasta or in soups and stews.蔬菜蒜泥浓汤:一种由蒜、罗勒、西红柿、干酪和橄榄油制成的调味汁,用于生面团或汤或炖汤美国传统〔soup〕She made wonderful soups for the sick.她为病人做各种美味的汤。英汉大词典〔soup〕Spring soups the roads and the whole operation shuts down.春天使道路变得泥泞不堪,全部工程只得停顿下来。英汉大词典〔sour cream〕A smooth, thick, artificially soured cream, widely used as an ingredient in soups, salads, and various meat dishes.人工酸奶油:一种光滑、稠黏的人造酸奶油,广泛用作制作汤、沙拉以及各种肉类菜的成分美国传统〔stomach〕If you can stomach replacing most of your meals with shakes and soups, this is the diet for you.如果你能习惯以奶昔和汤取代大部分膳食, 这就是你的规定饮食了。外研社新世纪〔tureen〕A broad, deep, usually covered dish used for serving foods such as soups or stews.深底盖碗:一种带盖的深底器皿,在吃饭时盛烧好的食好,如汤或炖制的食品美国传统After an illness, nourish yourself on/with healthy soups.病后喝一些有营养的汤滋补一下你自己。剑桥国际I always thicken my soups by adding flour. 我总是加面粉将汤调浓。译典通In your recipe book you'll see that soups come under‘starters’.在你们的烹饪书中,汤类是归入‘第一道菜’之下的。剑桥国际Most soups freeze (=can be preserved by being stored at a very low temperature) well.大多数汤可以冷冻保存。剑桥国际There were three different soups on the menu that evening--tomato, chicken and lentil --but Rachel didn't like any of them.那天晚上菜单上有三种不同风味的汤----番茄汤、鸡汤和小扁豆汤----但雷切尔一种也不喜欢。剑桥国际These packet soups contain vegetables that have been dehydrated/dehydrated vegetables.这些袋装汤料含有脱水蔬菜。剑桥国际




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