

单词 soundtrack
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INVENT〕Theremin invented the weird electronic instrument that provided soundtracks to 1950s science-fiction movies. 塞里明发明了奇怪的电子乐器,这种乐器为20世纪50年代的科幻电影做配乐录音。朗文写作活用〔Mickey Mouse〕Relating to a soundtrack that accompanies the action in an unsubtle, melodramatic way suggestive of music written for animated films.为电影配制的伴随动作的背景音乐的:关于伴随动作的电影背景音乐的,简单夸张,使人联想起为动画片配制的音乐美国传统〔WRITE〕Who wrote the film soundtrack for ‘The Bodyguard’? 《保镖》的电影原声音乐是谁写的?朗文写作活用〔bear〕Sakamoto's soundtrack certainly bears comparison with Angelo Badalamenti's exquisite score for 'Twin Peaks'.坂本的电影配乐无疑可以媲美安吉洛•巴达拉门蒂为《双峰镇》所作的优美配乐。外研社新世纪〔compact disc〕The soundtrack of 'Highlander II' will be released on compact disc at Easter.《挑战者2》的电影原声光盘将在复活节时发行。柯林斯高阶〔compact disc〕The movie's soundtrack will be released on compact disc at Easter.这部电影的原声光盘将于复活节发行。外研社新世纪〔dub〕To insert a new soundtrack, often a synchronized translation of the original dialogue, into (a film).配音:在(电影)中插入一条新声道,一般是原对话的同步翻译美国传统〔edit〕To assemble the components of (a film or soundtrack, for example), as by cutting and splicing.剪辑:集中(如,影片或录音)的各部分,如通过剪裁和拼凑美国传统〔fuzzy〕The soundtrack is fuzzy in places.这电影声带有些地方模糊不清。牛津高阶〔laugh track〕Recorded laughter added to a soundtrack, as of a television or radio show.罐头笑声:加在声带中的笑声录音,例如在电视剧或广播剧中美国传统〔link〕The next stage is to link the film up with the soundtrack.下一步是给电影配音。朗文当代〔mixer〕A device used to combine and adjust sounds from a variety of sources in order to create a final recorded audio product, such as the soundtrack of a movie.混频器:用来混合和调整不同来源的声音以创造出最终被录的音频产品的装置,如一部电影的音道美国传统〔mix〕To combine all of the audio components of a recording into a final soundtrack or mix.混音:合成一个录音的所有音频成分以形成最后的声道或混音美国传统〔mix〕To produce (a soundtrack or recording) in this manner.混录,混音:以这种方式产生(一个音带或录章)美国传统〔mono〕This model has a mono soundtrack.这款汽车有单声道音响设备。柯林斯高阶〔mono〕This model has a mono soundtrack.这种型号带有单声道。外研社新世纪〔mope〕The songs about beaten-down boys and waiting at bus stops were the perfect soundtrack for a mope.这些描写失意沮丧男孩和公交车站候车的歌曲非常适合那些忧郁烦闷的人。外研社新世纪〔out of sync〕The soundtrack was out of sync so they stopped the film.由于声音和画面不同步,他们停放了电影。韦氏高阶〔record〕It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film.乐师们花了两天半的时间为电影录制配乐。柯林斯高阶〔record〕It took the musicians two days to record the soundtrack.几名音乐家花了两天时间来录制电影配乐。外研社新世纪〔redeem〕She took me to see a really dull film, the only redeeming feature of which (= the only thing which prevented it from being completely bad) was the soundtrack.她带我去看了场极为乏味的电影,唯一不错的就是配乐。剑桥高阶〔remaster〕The soundtrack of "The Godfather" was digitally remastered and transformed from mono to stereo.电影《教父》的声带已经用数码技术重新灌制,并从单声道转成了立体声。剑桥高阶〔silent〕Having no spoken dialogue and usually no soundtrack. Used of a film.无声的:没有口头对话的,通常没有配乐。用于形容电影美国传统〔soundtrack〕Abba provided the soundtrack to my teenage years.我少年时代听阿巴乐队的音乐带。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕He composed the soundtrack ‘Wonderworld' for a film.他为一部影片谱了配乐“奇妙世界”。英汉大词典〔soundtrack〕I've just bought the soundtrack of the latest Miyazaki movie.我刚买了宫崎骏最新电影的原声唱片。牛津高阶〔soundtrack〕She composed the soundtracks to several hit movies.她曾为几部热门影片配乐。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕The soundtrack of ‘Casablanca’ took weeks to edit.《卡萨布兰卡》的声带花了好几个星期才剪辑好。牛津高阶〔soundtrack〕The best thing about the movie is its soundtrack.这部电影最成功的地方就是它的配乐。剑桥高阶〔soundtrack〕The movie has a soundtrack featuring music by Strauss.该影片的配乐主旋律是施特劳斯的乐曲。牛津搭配〔soundtrack〕The movie's soundtrack is now available on CD.这部电影中的配乐CD现在已经出了。韦氏高阶〔soundtrack〕The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。牛津搭配〔sync〕The soundtrack is not in sync with the picture.声迹与画面不同步。牛津高阶I've just bought the soundtrack (= recorded music) from/to/of “Chariots of Fire.” 我刚买了电影《火战车》的原声音带。剑桥国际It's a fast-moving film, underpinned by an exciting soundtrack.这是一部快节奏电影, 配有令人兴奋的音乐。剑桥国际She took me to see a really dull film, the only redeeming feature of which (= the only thing which prevented it from being completely bad) was the soundtrack.她带我去看了一场实在无聊的电影,唯一可补偿的是电影的声道。剑桥国际The film had an exciting soundtrack.这部电影的配乐很刺激。剑桥国际The quality of the soundtrack on that old film is really poor.那部老片子的配乐质量实在太差。剑桥国际




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