

单词 soundings
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔leadsman〕The person using the lead line in taking soundings.使用测深绳测量水深的人美国传统〔lead〕A lead weight suspended by a line, used to make soundings.铅锤:用绳子悬挂一块铅制的重物,用来测量水深美国传统〔make/take soundings〕Can you take some discreet soundings to see what her future plans are? 你能否谨慎地试探一下她今后的计划?剑桥高阶〔piloting〕Nautical Coastal navigation, as by reference to buoys and soundings.【航海】 地标领航:岸上导航,如以浮标和外景为参照物美国传统〔pollster〕Soundings by opinion pollsters had suggested widespread support for the proposal.根据民意调查测定,这项建议获得了广泛的支持。英汉大词典〔sounder〕One that sounds, especially a device for making soundings of the sea.测探器:探测深度的人或物,尤指用于探测海洋深度的装置美国传统〔soundings〕They took soundings and found that the water was 120 feet deep.他们进行水深测量,发现水深120英尺。剑桥高阶〔soundings〕We're taking soundings to find out how people feel about the changes.我们在探听人们怎样看待这些变化。朗文当代〔sounding〕He bears you no malice. If you like, I'll just step in and take soundings.他对你不抱恶意。如果你乐意的话,我可插手去试探一下。英汉大词典〔sounding〕He reported his soundings to the cabinet.他向内阁报告调查结果。英汉大词典〔sounding〕None of the soundings could be accurate without research.任何未经研究的调查结果都不可能准确。英汉大词典〔sounding〕Often soundings Water shallow enough for depth measurements to be taken by a hand line. 常作 soundings 探测深度:测深绳所能达到的浅水水域美国传统〔sounding〕She said she'd take soundings among party members.她说她会在党员中征集意见。麦克米伦高阶〔sounding〕She will take soundings of the people's wishes before deciding on a course of action.在决定行动方针之前,她会对人们的愿望作一番调查。柯林斯高阶〔sounding〕The sailors were taking soundings as the ship approached the coast.船舶驶近海岸时,水手们在进行水深测量。韦氏高阶〔sounding〕They took soundings along the canal.他们沿运河测量了水深。牛津高阶〔sounding〕They will take soundings among party members.他们将在党员中间征询意见。牛津高阶〔sounding〕We were soon out of soundings, and well into the Bay of Biscay.我们很快就驶离近海,进入比斯开湾深水区。英汉大词典〔sounding〕What do your soundings show? 你的调查结果如何?牛津高阶They took soundings (= measured the depth of water) and found that the water was 120 feet deep.他们进行水深探测,发现水的深度为120英尺。剑桥国际




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