

单词 soliciting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Do me a favor〕He was arrested for soliciting sexual favors [=sex acts done in exchange for something, such as money] from a prostitute.他因召妓而被捕。韦氏高阶〔busk〕To play music or perform entertainment in a public place, usually while soliciting money.街头卖艺:在公共场所演奏音乐或表演娱乐节目,通常会收些钱美国传统〔fundraising〕The organized activity or an instance of soliciting money or pledges, as for charitable organizations or political campaigns.募捐活动:如为慈善机构或政治运动筹集资金或物品的有组织的活动或事件美国传统〔hitchhike〕To travel by soliciting free rides along a road.沿途免费搭他人的便车旅行美国传统〔soliciting〕Girls could get very heavy sentences for soliciting — nine months or more.女子拉客可能会被处以重刑—— 9 个月或 9 个月以上监禁。柯林斯高阶〔soliciting〕No soliciting is allowed on store property.店区之内禁止举行募捐活动。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕Campaign workers were busy soliciting votes.竞选工作人员正在忙着拉选票。英汉大词典〔solicit〕He was arrested for soliciting prostitutes.他因嫖妓而被拘捕。英汉大词典〔solicit〕Morgan is accused of illegally soliciting campaign contributions.摩根被指控非法征募竞选捐款。朗文当代〔solicit〕No soliciting is allowed in this building.本大楼内谢绝推销。英汉大词典〔solicit〕No soliciting on company premises is allowed.请勿进公司推销产品。朗文当代〔solicit〕Police have been carrying out raids on prostitutes suspected of soliciting.警察一直在突击搜查被怀疑卖淫的妓女。麦克米伦高阶〔solicit〕Salesmen used to call at the houses of newcomers to a district— soliciting for custom.过去推销员常到区里新搬来的住家拜访,以招揽顾客。英汉大词典〔solicit〕She was arrested for soliciting.她因拉客卖淫被逮捕。朗文当代〔solicit〕Special interest groups are soliciting Congress for funds.特殊利益集团正在向国会寻求资金。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The center is soliciting donations to help victims of the earthquake.这个中心正在募集捐赠款物帮助地震灾民。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The company is soliciting bids from various firms.这家公司正在向多家企业招标。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The organization is soliciting for donations.这个机构正在募捐。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The organization is soliciting new memberships/subscriptions.这个组织正在招募新会员。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The prostitutes were arrested for soliciting customers.这些妓女因招徕嫖客而被捕。韦氏高阶〔solicit〕The tradesman was vigorously soliciting for my custom.那个店主极力向我拉生意。21世纪英汉〔solicit〕They were soliciting signatures in every street for the sports.他们为这次运动会四处征集签名。21世纪英汉They are busy soliciting votes. 他们正忙著拉选票。译典通




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