

单词 simply
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔A〕use one's car simply as a means of getting from A to B 把自己的汽车仅用作从一地到另一地的交通工具英汉大词典〔CHEAT〕a handsome con-man who charms women into giving him money, then simply disappears from their lives 一个长相英俊、诱使妇女给他钱然后就从她们生活中消失的骗子朗文写作活用〔call〕a character whom the writer calls simply 'The Girl' 作者干脆称为“那女孩”的一个角色牛津搭配〔consumerism〕policies that simply promote greed and uncontrolled consumerism 只会助长贪婪和无节制消费主义的政策麦克米伦高阶〔couple〕a square dance performed by four couples. The term may also mean simply "few": 由四对表演的四方舞。 这个名词也可以指简单的“几个”: 美国传统〔discard〕the parts of the animal that people may simply discard as inedible 动物身上被认为不能吃而直接丢弃的部分牛津搭配〔dropping〕shaped pots that simply drop into their own container.可轻松放入配套的盒子里、有特制外形的锅具柯林斯高阶〔formula〕a new situation comedy that simply uses an old formula.只沿用旧方案的新系列幽默剧美国传统〔furnished〕a simply furnished room 有简单家具的房间牛津搭配〔passion〕the belief that the woman may passively, simply by her presence, arouse a man to passion认为单单是女性的出现就可能被动地激起男性的性欲这一看法外研社新世纪〔point〕comments that simply point up flawed reasoning.一番评论恰恰强调了推论的错误美国传统〔purely〕be admitted purely and simply on merit 完全凭自身的优点被接纳英汉大词典〔simply〕simply delicious.真是鲜美极了美国传统〔simply〕simply drawn figures 简笔画人物韦氏高阶〔simply〕a simply decorated apartment 一套朴素装修的公寓剑桥高阶〔simply〕behave simply toward sb.全无心计地同某人打交道英汉大词典〔simply〕to put it simply 简单地说文馨英汉




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