

单词 shot
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.球砸中他的脑袋,从而让他化解了一次射门。柯林斯高阶〔FAR〕The police officer fired one shot at long range and hit the man. 警察在很远的地方开了一枪打中了那人。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕I can't wait to get shot of this old car. 我迫不及待地想把这辆旧车扔掉。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Jo's shot up since I last saw her. 自从我上次见到乔以来,她长高了许多。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Aitkins lay in wait for his victims and shot them as they walked toward their front door. 艾特金斯埋伏着等候作案对象,等他们快走到自己家前门就开枪打死他们。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕To play this shot, you need to change your grip on the racquet slightly. 要击出这样的球,你需要稍微改变一下握球拍的方式。朗文写作活用〔MEDICAL TREATMENT〕The kids have to get their shots before they go to school. 孩子们得打过针后才能去上学。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕I knew that if I didn't obey, I would be shot. 我知道我如果不服从,就会被开枪打死。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕He had been shot in the chest but managed to crawl to safety. 他胸部中弹,但还是设法爬到了安全的地方。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕He pulled out a gun and fired three shots. 他拔出手枪开了三枪。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕Any prisoner who attempts to escape will be shot. 任何企图越狱的囚犯都会遭到枪击。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Waylan was ahead of Miller by three shots. 韦兰领先米勒三球。朗文写作活用〔a cheap shot〕I think her making fun of his wife was a cheap shot.我觉得他取笑自己的妻子实在不是大丈夫所为。剑桥高阶〔angle〕Beckham fired his angled shot just wide of the net.贝克汉姆射出一记弧线球, 只偏离球门一点点。外研社新世纪〔angle〕Littlejohn blasted an angled shot well wide of the goal.小约翰以斜角大力射门,球射飞了。麦克米伦高阶〔area〕He shot from just outside the area.他就在禁区外边拔脚射门。牛津高阶〔bank shot〕A shot in basketball in which the ball glances off the backboard before reaching the basket.擦板投篮:篮球中投球动作,篮球在入篮前擦过篮板美国传统〔basket〕She shot the winning basket.她投中了致胜的一球。麦克米伦高阶〔beauty〕The pass was a real beauty, but the shot was poor.传得非常漂亮,但是临门一脚太臭了。柯林斯高阶〔black〕Rory shot her a black look.罗里愤怒地瞪了她一眼。牛津高阶〔blood〕Unarmed civilians were shot in cold blood.手无寸铁的平民被残忍地枪杀了。麦克米伦高阶〔bounds〕His shot went out of bounds.他的球出界了。牛津高阶〔break〕She broke off in the middle of a sentence at the sound of a couple of shots.几声枪响,她一句话没讲完就突然住了口。英汉大词典〔bull's-eye〕A shot that hits this circle.打中靶心的一击美国传统〔bullet〕She was shot through the head by a sniper's bullet.她被狙击手射出的子弹击穿了头部。牛津搭配〔cheap shot〕He took a cheap shot at the quarterback.他犯规击打对方的四分卫。韦氏高阶〔chip〕Sports To make a chip shot in golf.【体育运动】 在高尔夫球中切削击球美国传统〔chokebore〕A shotgun bore that narrows toward the muzzle to prevent wide scattering of the shot.绞筒:一种向枪口逐渐变窄以防止射出子弹分散过开的猎枪枪膛美国传统〔click away〕Camera phones clicked away, trying to get a close-up shot of the president.手机上的相机咔嚓不停,都想拍到总统的近照。剑桥高阶〔close-up〕Get a close-up shot of them kissing.拍一个他们亲吻的特写镜头。韦氏高阶〔close〕The victim had been shot at close range (=from very close) .被害者是被近距离枪杀的。朗文当代〔compose〕Anthony dismounted with his camera and walked away from the walls to compose a shot.安东尼拿着照相机下了车,走向离城墙更远的地方,为拍摄构图。柯林斯高阶〔confusion〕There was confusion when a man fired shots.一名男子开枪的时候产生了混乱。外研社新世纪〔consummate〕He played the shot with consummate skill.他以高超的技巧投球进篮。牛津高阶〔corker〕It was a corker of a shot.这是一次绝佳的射门。外研社新世纪〔cover〕The cover shot was of three guys in army kit.封面上是三个穿着军服的家伙。朗文当代〔crack〕A shot cracked across the ridge.一颗炮弹飞过山脊爆炸了。牛津高阶〔darkly〕Every single one of those inspired guesses had been shots in the dark.所有那些凭直觉的猜测都是无根据的瞎猜。柯林斯高阶〔dark〕Garin shot him a dark glance, as if in warning.加林恶狠狠地瞥了他一眼, 好像是在警告。外研社新世纪〔dead〕He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home.他在家门外被持枪歹徒开枪打死。牛津高阶〔dead〕Two men were shot dead by terrorists.两名男子遭恐怖分子枪杀。朗文当代〔deceased〕The deceased shot her mother before killing herself.死者先朝她母亲开了枪,然后自杀身亡。剑桥高阶〔defend〕She tried to defend against the jump shot.她奋力阻止对方跳投。韦氏高阶〔desensitize〕The shot will help to desensitize the nerve.这一针将有助于使神经脱敏。韦氏高阶〔dogfight〕He was shot down in a dogfight over enemy territory.他在敌军领空进行激战时被击落。韦氏高阶〔down〕Any unauthorized war planes flying in the area are to be shot down.任何未经允许飞入该地区的军用飞机都将被击落。外研社新世纪〔drop〕He dropped his enemy at the first shot.他第一枪就把敌人撂倒了。英汉大词典〔eject〕He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.他用步枪瞄准, 射出一枚子弹, 然后退出空弹壳。外研社新世纪〔escape〕She was shot while trying to escape.她在试图越狱时中枪。麦克米伦高阶〔extinction〕Many species have been shot to the verge of extinction.许多物种遭到射猎而濒临灭绝。外研社新世纪〔fare〕Air fares have shot up by 20%.飞机票价已猛涨 20%。朗文当代〔film〕I shot five rolls of film on vacation.我在度假时拍了五卷胶卷。朗文当代〔fire〕Their vehicle came under fire(= was being shot at).他们的车遭到射击。牛津高阶〔friend〕She shot him a quick glance as if unsure whether he was friend or foe.她扫了他一眼,似乎不能肯定他是朋友还是敌人。朗文当代〔gunfire〕Two men were shot in an exchange of gunfire with the police.在与警方的交火中有两名男子受伤。朗文当代〔gun〕He was shot dead in a gun battle with police.在与警察的枪战中他被击毙。麦克米伦高阶〔hang ... up〕He has hung up a new record for shot put.他创造了铅球的新纪录。21世纪英汉〔hit〕He shot all his bullets, but no one hit.他射出了所有的子弹却没有一发命中。21世纪英汉〔hook〕Basketball To shoot (a ball) in a hook shot.【篮球】 投钩射球美国传统〔humble〕Varndell made his own reflector for these shots from a strip of humble kitchen foil.瓦恩德尔用一窄条普通的厨房用锡箔纸自制了反光板来拍摄这些照片。外研社新世纪〔hysteria〕The doctor gave her a shot to calm her hysteria.医生给她注射了一针,以镇静她的歇斯底里。文馨英汉〔in〕The guards fired a few shots in the air.卫兵们朝天开了几枪。麦克米伦高阶〔kill shot〕A shot in various games, especially racquet games, that is so forcefully hit or perfectly placed that it cannot be returned.扣杀:多种比赛中的击球,尤其指壁球比赛,用有力的击球或完美的放球使球不能击回美国传统〔linesman〕Sports A man in various court games whose chief duty is to call shots that fall out of bounds.【体育运动】 边员:在各种场地球类运动中主要职能为裁定球边界的人美国传统〔location〕Most scenes of the film were shot on location.影片的大部分镜头是在外景拍摄地拍的。英汉大词典〔lone〕He was shot by a lone gunman.他被一名独行枪手射杀。柯林斯高阶〔mark〕His third shot found its mark.他的第三枪击中了目标。麦克米伦高阶〔mark〕The shot found its mark.这一枪击中了目标。牛津搭配〔minuscule〕The film was shot in 17 days, a minuscule amount of time.这部电影仅用短短的17天便拍摄完毕。柯林斯高阶〔misdirect〕Vilas misdirected the shot, and the ball went over the net.维拉斯射球失准,球越网而过。剑桥高阶〔miss〕The shot missed badly.射门严重偏离。韦氏高阶〔mistaken identity〕He was shot in what seems to have been a case of mistaken identity.他像是被人认错了而遭到枪击的。牛津高阶〔moment〕They ran the risk of being shot at any moment.他们冒着随时会中弹的危险。柯林斯高阶〔mood〕The opening shot of dark, rainy streets sets the mood for the whole film.片首的镜头 — 黑漆漆、下着雨的街道 — 为整部影片定下了基调。朗文当代〔muzzy〕The shot was focused so that the foreground was muzzy.相机对好了焦, 所以前景虚化了。外研社新世纪〔neat〕A neat move between Black and Kerr left Clark in the clear, but his shot skimmed wide of the far post.克拉克凭借一次漂亮的跑位在布莱克和克尔之间扯出了空当儿, 但是他的射门却大大偏出了远门柱。外研社新世纪〔nose in the air〕She walks around with her nose in the air like she's some big shot.她傲慢地四处走动,仿佛是位大人物。韦氏高阶〔now〕Now and then we heard shots in the woods.我们时而听见林子里有枪声。英汉大词典〔open ... up〕In the second half the game opened up and several attractive shots began.下半场比赛变得更加激烈了,出现了几次精彩的射门。21世纪英汉〔openness〕I play normal bunker shots with an open stance.我打一般的沙坑球采取开立击球姿势。柯林斯高阶〔outside〕He borrowed a basketball and practised his outside shot.他借来一只篮球,练习远投。英汉大词典〔pain〕A sharp pain shot up his leg.他的腿上一阵剧痛。牛津搭配〔parting shot〕His parting shot was 'You're one cold-hearted woman, you know that?'他临走时甩下一句:“你是个冷漠无情的女人, 你知道吗?”外研社新世纪〔pitch〕Her shot landed short of the green and pitched into a bunker.她打出的这一球未到达球穴区,弹进了沙坑。韦氏高阶〔play〕Because he refused to play ball with these criminals, he was shot and seriously wounded.因为拒绝与这些犯罪分子同流合污,他遭到枪击,身受重伤。麦克米伦高阶〔pocket〕They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.比起遭到枪击, 他们被人扒窃的可能性更大。外研社新世纪〔point-blank〕He shot her at point-blank range.他在近距离射杀她。文馨英汉〔post〕The shot hit the post.(球)射中了门柱。韦氏高阶〔put〕He put the shot for the United States in the last three Olympic Games.他在最近3届奥林匹克运动会上均代表美国队参加铅球比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔raid〕She was shot during an armed raid on a security van.她在一起护卫车武装抢劫中中了弹。牛津搭配〔rally〕He was shot dead while addressing an election rally.他在一个竞选集会上发表演讲时中枪身亡。朗文当代〔range〕Both photographs were shot at close ranges.两张照片都是近距离拍摄的。韦氏高阶〔range〕The shot ranged short.这一发未射及目标。英汉大词典〔ranking〕Goellner has shot up the rankings.戈尔纳的排名迅速上升。柯林斯高阶〔rebound〕His shot on goal rebounded off the post.他射出的球被球门柱反弹回来。朗文当代〔reload〕He reloaded and fired a second shot.他重新装入子弹又开了第2枪。剑桥高阶〔reprisal〕Alfred was shot in reprisal for the killing of a rival gang member.艾尔弗雷德因为杀害对手团伙的一名成员而遭到枪杀报复。朗文当代〔robber〕The robbers shot a policeman before making their getaway.这伙强盗在逃走前开枪打了一名警察。剑桥高阶〔run〕Fear ran through the crowd as a shot was heard.听到枪响时,恐惧传遍整个人群。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕The goalie saved Johnson's long-range shot.守门员扑出了约翰逊的远射。牛津高阶〔scuffle〕The youth shot the riot police during the scuffle.这小伙子在混战中向防暴警察开了枪。英汉大词典〔self-defence〕He shot him in self-defence.他出于自卫开枪打死了他。朗文当代〔sequence〕A series of single film shots so edited as to constitute an aesthetic or dramatic unit; an episode.片断插曲:一组单独或连续的电影镜头编辑组成一个美学的或戏剧性的单元;插曲美国传统〔sequence〕Scenes of a film are often shot out of sequence.电影场景常常不按电影放映顺序拍摄。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot down〕The helicopter was shot down.直升机被击落了。韦氏高阶〔shoot out〕He shot out his arm and grabbed my stick.他突然伸出手, 一把抓住了我的拐杖。外研社新世纪〔shoot out〕Her left leg shot out in a savage kick.她一下子伸出左腿, 狠狠地踢了一下。外研社新世纪〔shoot up〕They shot up before the party.派对开始前他们注射了毒品。韦氏高阶〔shootout〕A means of resolving a tie after overtime in a soccer game, in which five players from each side alternately take individual shots on goal.点球决胜负:在足球比赛中,在决胜期以后决定胜负的一个方法,双方各派五个选手,分别射一次门美国传统〔shoot〕Four protestors were shot and killed by police.4 名抗议者被警察枪杀。牛津搭配〔shoot〕Giggs shot from the halfway line.吉格斯在中场线上射门。朗文当代〔shoot〕He shot 10 field goals during the game.比赛中他10次投篮得分。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕He shot an arrow into the air.他向空中射出一支箭。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕He was shot in the leg.他腿上中了一枪。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕I tried to help, but all my suggestions were shot down in flames , as usual.我想帮忙,但我所有的提议照例都被否定了。朗文当代〔shoot〕Mary Ann shot him a rueful look.玛丽•安懊悔地瞥了他一眼。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist.马斯特斯迅速把手伸到桌对面, 紧紧抓住他的手腕。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕Pain shot through my lower leg.我感到腿下部一阵疼痛美国传统〔shoot〕Petrol prices have shot up in the last six months.过去6个月中油价猛涨。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot〕Police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.警方击毙一名对他们拔枪的嫌疑人。朗文当代〔shoot〕She shot an arm out to catch it.她突然伸出一只胳膊去抓它。麦克米伦高阶〔shoot〕She shot her sister a disapproving glance/look.她不以为然地看了姐姐一眼。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕The day was shot as far as I was concerned.就我来说,这一天是白白浪费了。英汉大词典〔shoot〕The film was shot in Prague.这部电影是在布拉格拍摄的。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕The frog shot out its tongue at a fly.青蛙突然伸出舌头去捕苍蝇。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕The movie was shot on location in Southern India.这部电影是在印度南部实地拍摄的。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕The sports car shot past the entrance.这辆跑车飞驰过入口。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕Two of our officers were shot dead.我们有两位警员中枪身亡。麦克米伦高阶〔shot〕A man fired a volley of shots at them.一名男子向他们射出了一排子弹。柯林斯高阶〔shot〕Be sure to take/get a couple shots of the car.务必给车拍几张照片。韦氏高阶〔shot〕He accepted like a shot.他立刻接受了。外研社新世纪〔shot〕He fired four shots at the car as it drove off.车驶离时,他向其连开4枪。剑桥高阶〔shot〕He had only one shot at goal.他只有一次射门得分。柯林斯高阶〔shot〕He has blocked 850 shots in his NBA career.他在效力美国职业篮球联赛的职业生涯中共拦截了 850 次投篮。牛津搭配〔shot〕Her apology was shot with irony.她的道歉中夹杂着讽刺美国传统〔shot〕Her evening dress is made of green shot silk.她的晚礼服是用绿色闪色绸做的。剑桥高阶〔shot〕He’s a good shot.他是神枪手。牛津同义词〔shot〕His chances are shot.他的机会丧失了。英汉大词典〔shot〕My back tires are shot.我的后轮胎磨坏了。朗文当代〔shot〕Shaw took a shot at the goal from the halfway line, but missed.肖从中场线射门,但没有射中。朗文当代〔shot〕She admits her confidence is totally shot.她承认自己已经完全没有自信了。外研社新世纪〔shot〕She couldn't resist a parting shot (=one that you make just before you leave) – 'And you were a lousy lover!' 她临走时忍不住扔下一句话 — “而且你是个非常糟的情人!”朗文当代〔shot〕She's a good shot.她是个神枪手。外研社新世纪〔shot〕The shot hit the raider in the upper chest and killed him instantly.这一枪击中袭击者的上胸部,当即把他打死了。朗文当代〔shot〕The arms race isn't over by a long shot.军备竞赛远远没有结束。外研社新世纪〔shot〕The chill air was shot with the fragrance of violets.寒冷的空气中透出紫罗兰花香。英汉大词典〔shot〕The goalkeeper parried his first shot but he scored from the rebound.守门员挡开了第一次射门,但是他补射得分。牛津搭配〔shot〕The space shot was shown live on television.此次太空发射在电视上做了实况转播。牛津高阶〔shot〕The tires on the car are shot.这辆车的车胎磨得不像样。韦氏高阶〔shot〕This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.这个论点前后矛盾,漏洞百出。柯林斯高阶〔shot〕To load or weight with shot.给…装弹丸或用铅丸加重于美国传统〔shot〕We were glad to get shot of that old car.我们很高兴终于把那辆旧车处理掉了。外研社新世纪〔shot〕Why don't you take a shot at writing it yourself? 你为什么不试试自己来写?英汉大词典〔site〕China's Northeast is the site where we shot the movie.中国的东北是我们这部电影的拍摄地点。英汉大词典〔skid〕Police shot out a tyre and the van skidded to a halt.警察射坏一只轮胎后,运货车一打滑停了下来。英汉大词典〔sky〕She skied her tee shot.她开球那一杆打了一个高空球。牛津高阶〔slam-dunk〕To make a very dramatic, highly forceful dunk shot.灌篮:做一记非常有戏剧性的、极其有力的扣篮美国传统〔slice〕He managed to slice a shot over the net.他设法把球斜切过网。牛津高阶〔sound〕It sounded like a pistol shot.那听起来像手枪声。文馨英汉〔sting〕When you get the shot, you'll feel a little sting.接受注射时,你会感觉到一点刺痛。韦氏高阶〔stray〕Stray shots were heard.偶尔能听到零星的枪声。英汉大词典〔territory〕He was shot down in enemy territory.他在敌方领土上被击落。剑桥高阶〔territory〕I'm a cop – getting shot at goes with the territory.我是个警察 — 遭到枪击是难免的。朗文当代〔time〕She timed the shot perfectly.她的投篮时间把握得恰到好处。韦氏高阶〔truss〕Police said the couple had been trussed up and robbed before being shot.警方说夫妇俩先遭到捆绑和抢劫,最后才被枪杀。剑桥高阶〔tumult〕A tumult of shots and yells could be heard.能听到枪声和叫喊声, 一片喧闹。外研社新世纪〔unidentified〕He was shot by unidentified intruders.他被身份不明的闯入者开枪打死。外研社新世纪〔view〕He was shot in full view of a large crowd.他在众目睽睽之下被人枪杀了。牛津高阶〔volley〕A volley of shots rang out.一排子弹呼啸而出。牛津高阶〔vulgarity〕The film is tasteless, vulgar and even badly shot.这部电影毫无品位、庸俗不堪,甚至可以说拍得很烂。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕He had intended only to fire a warning shot .他原本只是想鸣枪警告。朗文当代〔whistle〕Her shot went whistling past the goalpost.她的射门呼啸着越过球门柱。麦克米伦高阶〔wide〕Her shot fell just wide of the target.她的子弹偏离了目标。牛津搭配〔wince〕He winced as a sharp pain shot through his left leg.他左腿一阵剧痛疼得他直龇牙咧嘴。牛津高阶David has really shot up since I saw him last.戴维真的比上次我见到他时长高了不少。剑桥国际He shot out of the office a minute ago--I think he was late for a meeting.他一分钟前冲出了办公室----我想他是开会迟到了。剑桥国际He shot quail for the market. 他把打下的鹌鹑卖到集市上去。译典通He shot the arrow from the bow. 他拉弓把箭射了出去。译典通He started the final round with a lead of seven shots, but by the halfway stage this had fallen to three.最后一回合开始时他以七分领先,但赛程过半比分差距缩小为三分。剑桥国际He was shot and fatally injured by a sniper on the outskirts of the city.他在市郊受到狙击手的袭击,身受重伤。剑桥国际He was shot in the chest at point blank range.他在近距离被射中了胸部。剑桥国际Her evening dress is made of green shot silk.她的晚礼服是绿色闪色绸制成的。剑桥国际I got/took some really good shots of the harbour at sunset.我拍了一些确实很棒的日落海港的照片。剑桥国际I know you won't win, but just give it your best shot (= do as well as you can).我知道你不会赢,但只要尽力而为。剑桥国际In this game, we were severely routed by our opponent. The only saving grace was that we made a buzzer-beater shot. 在这场比赛中,我们被对手狠狠修理了一番。唯一可保住颜面的是我们投进了一个压哨好球。译典通Inflation has shot up (= risen very noticeably) over the last two years.通货膨胀在上两年内迅速加剧。剑桥国际It was this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief. 是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。译典通It was very sportsmanlike (= fair) of you to admit your shot had gone out after the umpire had said it was in.在裁判认为你开枪打中后,你却能承认自己射偏了,你具有运动家的非常品格。剑桥国际Observers glimpsed the shooting star as it shot through the sky.当流星划过天空时,观察人员看到了它。剑桥国际One man was shot and a second was necklaced with a burning tyre.一人遭枪杀,第二人被套上烧着的轮胎烧死。剑桥国际Partridges are shot for sport and food.打斑鸡是运动,打下来也可吃。剑桥国际People came running at the sound of shots.人们听到枪声便奔跑过来。剑桥国际The first half of the film was shot on location in Southern India.电影的前半部分是在南印度拍的外景。剑桥国际The moment I let go of the dog, she's off like a shot.我一放开那条狗,她就飞快地跑掉了。剑桥国际They should be shot for selling drinks at that price! 他们的饮料卖这样的价钱太过分了!剑桥国际Two police-officers were shot and several buildings were petrol-bombed in the attack.在攻击中两名警官被射死,几座建筑物被汽油弹燃着。剑桥国际Violators of the curfew will be shot.违反宵禁的人将被枪毙。剑桥国际We downed (= shot to the ground) three enemy planes with our missiles.我们用导弹击落了3架敌机。剑桥国际When I shout“Pow!” that means I've shot you and you've got to pretend to be dead.我喊“砰!”时表示我打中了你,你应该装死。剑桥国际You admit you fired the gun and we now know that the shot killed the victim so you are, ipso facto, responsible for his death.你承认你开过枪,我们现在知道子弹杀死了受害者,因此根据该事实你应对他的死负责。剑桥国际




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