

单词 scale model
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COPY〕The 1957 photo shows him holding a scale model of an ocean liner he built entirely by hand. 在这张摄于1957年的照片上,他拿着一艘自己完全用手工制作的按比例缩小的远洋邮轮模型。朗文写作活用〔craft〕These are the scale models he has crafted.这些是他精制的标尺模型。21世纪英汉〔drop-test〕Small scale models were drop-tested.小型模型被做了冲式试验。21世纪英汉〔mockup〕A usually full-sized scale model of a structure, used for demonstration, study, or testing.实体模型:一种通常是建筑物的全尺寸模型,用作陈列,研究或试验美国传统〔model〕The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为计划建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。牛津高阶〔scale〕Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house.富兰克林为他的母亲制作了一个复杂精细的房屋模型。柯林斯高阶〔scale〕He was building a scale model of the Empire State Building.他正在做一个帝国大厦的比例模型。剑桥高阶〔scale〕He's made a scale model of the Eiffel Tower.他按比例做了一个埃菲尔铁塔模型。牛津搭配〔visual aid〕An instructional aid, such as a scale model, filmstrip, or videotape, that presents information visually.直观教具:一种以视觉形式呈现出信息的教学辅助,如比例模型、幻灯片或录相等美国传统He was building a scale model of Concorde.他正在做一架协和飞机的模型。剑桥国际Making small scale models takes/requires a great deal of patience.做小的秤盘模型需要极大的耐心。剑桥国际The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex.建筑师为将要建设的大型购物中心制作了一个比例模型。牛津商务




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