

单词 sighting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOT〕Experts are not sure what is causing the recent rash of mountain lion sightings. 专家不能肯定是什么原因导致美洲狮最近频频现身。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕No further sightings of the fur seal were reported until the early 90s. 直到90年代初才有人报告说再次发现海狗。朗文写作活用〔UFO〕Several UFO sightings have been reported.已接到了数起发现不明飞行物的报告。剑桥高阶〔UFO〕There has been a surge of UFO sightings in America.美国不明飞行物目击事件激增。柯林斯高阶〔afloat〕At last sighting it was afloat but we expect it to sink.最后一次看见它时它还浮着, 不过我们觉得它是会沉下去的。外研社新世纪〔alidade〕An indicator or a sighting apparatus on a plane table, used in angular measurement.旋标装置:飞机控制板上的指示器或观测仪,用来测量角度美国传统〔bead〕A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting.准星:枪炮口上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准星美国传统〔confirmed〕There have been no confirmed sightings of the girls since 8:30 on Tuesday morning.从周二早上8点30分以后就没有人确定目击过这些女孩了。外研社新世纪〔cross hair〕Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.十字丝:呈十字形交叉于光学仪器的目镜焦点上的两根细丝之一,用于校准或瞄准参考美国传统〔disbelieve〕I disbelieved reports of UFO sightings.我不信关于见到不明飞行物的各种报道。21世纪英汉〔dive〕This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。柯林斯高阶〔landfall〕The act or an instance of sighting or reaching land after a voyage or flight.初见陆地:在经过航海或飞行后看到或接触到陆地的动作或瞬间美国传统〔recorded〕There have been 350 recorded UFO sightings in the area.这个地区有350次目睹不明飞行物的记载。外研社新世纪〔report〕I don't believe these reports of UFO sightings.我不相信这些有关目击不明飞行物的传言。牛津高阶〔sighting〕No further sightings of the monster were made.没有再发现那头怪物。文馨英汉〔sighting〕Sea-serpent sightings have diminished of late.近来见到海蛇的机会减少了。英汉大词典〔sighting〕The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.国家气象局报告称伊利诺伊州有人目击了几场龙卷风。外研社新世纪〔sighting〕The National Weather Service has reported several tornado sightings in Illinois.美国国家气象局报道说在伊利诺伊州出现了几次龙卷风。柯林斯高阶〔sighting〕The police are now following up a reported sighting of the man's car.有人报案称看见那个男子的汽车,警方正在跟进调查。牛津搭配〔sighting〕There have been several sightings of whales swimming off the island.人们好几次发现有鲸在这个岛屿附近游。韦氏高阶〔sighting〕There were two unconfirmed sightings of UFOs in the area.这个地区有两起未经证实的目击不明飞行物的事件。朗文当代〔sighting〕This is the first sighting of this particularly rare bird in this country.这是在该国首次目击这种极为珍稀的鸟。剑桥高阶〔sighting〕We now have three confirmed sightings of an enemy plane.我们现在已经证实曾 3 次目击到敌机。牛津搭配〔traverse〕A line established by sighting in surveying a tract of land.横断线:在测量一块土地时通过目视确定的线美国传统Several UFO sightings have been reported in the Pennine foothills.有报道说在本宁山山麓人们目击过几次不明飞行物。剑桥国际This is the first sighting of this particularly rare bird (= the first time it has been seen) in this part of the country.这是在该国的这个地区首次看到这种特殊的罕见鸟类。剑桥国际




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