

单词 blank cheque
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LET/ALLOW〕We cannot let our democracy become a matter of simply giving a bunch of politicians a blank cheque to govern us every five years. 我们不能让我们的民主变成这样——仅仅是给一群政客全权,让他们五年换一届随心所欲地统治我们。朗文写作活用〔blank cheque〕He was, in a sense, given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.从某种意义上来说,他已经全权负责建立新南非的协商工作。柯林斯高阶〔blank cheque〕He was, in a sense, given a blank cheque to negotiate the new South Africa.从某种意义上来说, 他已经全权负责建立新南非的协商工作。外研社新世纪〔blank cheque〕We are not prepared to write a blank cheque for companies that have run into trouble.我们不打算给那些陷入困境的公司开空白支票。柯林斯高阶〔grab〕The bill is a blank cheque to allow residents to grab water for municipal use.那项法案使得居民可以任意占用市政用水。外研社新世纪The board has been given a blank cheque to buy new assets.董事会得到全力支持购买新资产。牛津商务These laws do not give companies a blank cheque to pollute without paying.这些法律并未允许公司只污染而不付费。牛津商务




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