

单词 shire
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alderman〕The chief officer of a shire in Anglo-Saxon England.郡长:盎格鲁-撒克逊时期英格兰一个郡的首要官员美国传统〔folkmoot〕A general assembly of the people of a town, district, or shire in medieval England.民间集会:中世纪英国的一个城镇、区或郡的人民的大集会美国传统〔moot〕An ancient English meeting, especially a representative meeting of the freemen of a shire.(古英国的)会议:古代英国的会议,尤指州郡中自由民的代表会议美国传统〔ship money〕A tax once levied on English maritime towns and shires to provide ships for war.造船费:以前英国政府对沿海城镇和郡征收的用来造战时船只的税美国传统〔shire〕Often Shire A Shire horse. 常作 Shire 夏尔马美国传统〔shire〕Smart country people are fleeing back to the shires.精明的乡下人正纷纷逃回各郡。柯林斯高阶〔wapentake〕A historical subdivision of some northern counties in England, corresponding roughly to the hundred in other shires.小邑:旧时英格兰北部一些国家的小行政区,大致与其他郡的分区相对应美国传统He spent his time in the shires riding, hunting, and shooting. 他在英国中部地区整天骑马、狩猎和射击。译典通




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