

单词 sculpture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-looking〕Nine windows looked out over the sculpture gardens.9扇窗户俯瞰雕塑园。柯林斯高阶〔Calvary〕A sculptured depiction of the Crucifixion.耶稣蒙难像:耶稣被钉死于十字架的雕塑美国传统〔GOOD AT〕Teachers soon recognized and encouraged his talent for sculpture. 老师不久就意识到他在雕塑方面的天分,并加以鼓励。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The white-hot metal sculptures are moved to a cooling room. 白热的金属雕塑被移至一个冷却室里。朗文写作活用〔Hellenize〕Hellenize Roman sculpture 使罗马雕塑希腊化英汉大词典〔IDEA〕These figures are some of the most inventive of all African tribal sculptures. 这些雕像是所有非洲部落雕塑中最富于创造力的几件。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕Noland makes sculptures out of everyday objects. 诺兰的雕刻以日常的一些东西为题材。朗文写作活用〔Parian〕Of or being a type of white, semitranslucent marble quarried at Páros and highly valued in ancient times for making sculptures.属于或是在帕罗斯岛采掘的一种在古时候制作雕像有很高价值的白色半透明大理石的美国传统〔Romanesque〕A Romanesque style of architecture, painting, or sculpture.罗马式的建筑、绘画或雕塑美国传统〔Romanesque〕Of, relating to, or being corresponding styles in painting and sculpture.罗马风格的:属于、有关或具有绘画和雕刻等相应风格的美国传统〔SHOW〕The sculpture was first exhibited at the Canadian National Exhibition. 这尊雕塑第一次是在加拿大国家展览上展出的。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The gallery exhibits mainly contemporary sculpture and photography. 这个美术馆主要展出当代雕刻和摄影艺术。朗文写作活用〔STRANGE〕The museum has a collection of the weirdest sculptures I've ever seen. 这家博物馆收藏了一批我从来没有见过的奇怪雕塑。朗文写作活用〔THING〕The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico. 这件雕塑是用他在墨西哥海滩上找到的物件做成的。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕The value of the sculpture was estimated at $500,000. 这尊雕塑的价值估计为50万美元。朗文写作活用〔a certain je ne sais quoi〕Although the sculpture had flaws, it also had a certain je ne sais quoi that made it very appealing.尽管这个雕塑有缺陷,但自有其妙不可言之处,非常吸引人。韦氏高阶〔abomination〕Some people view the sculpture as art while others see it as an abomination.有些人将这座雕塑看作艺术,有些人则对它心生厌恶。韦氏高阶〔acquisition〕The museum's latest acquisition is a four-million-dollar sculpture.该博物馆最新购置的藏品为一尊价值400万美元的雕塑。剑桥高阶〔action〕The appearance of animation of a figure in painting or sculpture.动态:绘画或雕塑中人物活力的体现美国传统〔addition〕The sculpture is the newest addition to the museum's collection.这尊雕塑是博物馆的最新藏品。韦氏高阶〔antiquity〕Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.在创作这件雕塑之前,她研究了所有古典时期的雕塑杰作。剑桥高阶〔armature〕A framework serving as a supporting core for clay sculpture.支架:用于支撑塑像骨架的支架美国传统〔art therapy〕Psychotherapy that incorporates the production of visual art, such as painting or sculpture, in order to understand and express one's feelings.艺术疗法:为理解和表达某人的感情,结合视觉艺术品(如油画或雕塑)而进行的精神疗法美国传统〔authentic〕We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.我们见到了真正的古罗马雕塑。韦氏高阶〔baptism〕The sculpture represents the baptism of St Basilius.雕塑表现的是圣巴西勒的受洗。外研社新世纪〔bequeath〕Picasso bequeathed most of his paintings and sculptures to Spain and France.毕加索将他大部分的绘画和雕塑作品遗赠给了西班牙和法国。剑桥高阶〔build into〕She has built these scraps of metal into a sculpture.她把这些金属下脚料制成一尊雕刻品。21世纪英汉〔bust〕A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.半身像:刻画一个人的头部、肩膀和胸部的雕像美国传统〔busy〕It is no easy task placing sculpture in this cluttered and busy environment.在这个拥挤不堪的地方放置雕塑可不是件容易的事。外研社新世纪〔calathus〕A vase-shaped basket represented in Greek painting and sculpture.丰收篮,瓶状篮:一如形如花瓶的篮子,在希腊绘画和雕塑艺术中用来表示丰收美国传统〔carve〕We carved an ice sculpture.我们刻了个冰雕。韦氏高阶〔caryatid〕A supporting column sculptured in the form of a draped female figure.女像柱:一个雕刻成披着衣服的女子形象的支撑柱美国传统〔cast〕The sculpture was a bronze cast.这个雕塑是青铜铸成的美国传统〔cast〕The Rodin sculptures are cast in bronze.罗丹的塑像都是用青铜铸造的。麦克米伦高阶〔century〕This sculpture must be centuries old.这座雕塑一定有好几百年历史了。剑桥高阶〔choice〕His first career choice was sculpture.他最初选择的职业是雕塑。英汉大词典〔chryselephantine〕Made of gold and ivory, as certain pieces of sculpture or artwork in ancient Greece.由黄金和象牙制成的:由黄金和象牙制成的,如古希腊某些雕刻或工艺品美国传统〔clue〕The sculpture offers a clue as to how Picasso's last phase must be interpreted.这具雕塑为毕加索生命的最后阶段应该如何解读提供了线索。外研社新世纪〔collection〕The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.安大略美术馆收藏有世界上最多的亨利·穆尔雕塑作品。外研社新世纪〔collection〕The Art Gallery of Ontario has the world's largest collection of sculptures by Henry Moore.安大略美术馆是世界上收藏亨利·摩尔雕塑作品最多的美术馆。柯林斯高阶〔compliment〕He told her he admired her paintings and she returned/repaid the compliment by saying that she was a fan of his sculptures.他夸赞说他很欣赏她的画,她回敬说她是他的雕刻作品的崇拜者。韦氏高阶〔contour〕The sculpture reproduces the smooth contours of the human body.这尊雕塑再现了人体的流畅线条。麦克米伦高阶〔corbeil〕A sculptured basket of flowers or fruits used as an architectural ornament.花蓝饰:作建筑装饰用的雕塑花篮或果篮美国传统〔craft〕He is crafting a new sculpture.他在精心制作一尊新的雕像。韦氏高阶〔creation〕This 25-foot-high sculpture is her latest creation.这尊25英尺高的雕塑是她的最新作品。剑桥高阶〔crowning〕His ‘Beethoven’ sculpture is seen as the crowning achievement of his career.人们认为他制作的贝多芬雕像是他在事业上取得的最高成就。牛津高阶〔date〕These sculptures must date from the middle of the 7th century.这些雕刻品肯定可以追溯到7世纪中叶。麦克米伦高阶〔definition〕He has expanded the definition of sculpture.他扩展了对雕塑的定义。牛津搭配〔demonstration〕I went to a sculpture demonstration last weekend.上周末,我参观了一个雕塑展览。韦氏高阶〔depict〕To represent in a picture or sculpture.图示:用画或雕刻表示美国传统〔differentiate〕What differentiates sculpture from other media?是什么把雕塑和其他艺术表现方式区别开来?外研社新世纪〔disagreement〕There is considerable disagreement among art historians as to the age of the sculpture.关于这尊雕塑的年代,艺术史家之间有相当大的争议。牛津搭配〔disagreement〕There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture.考古学家在这尊雕塑的年代问题上意见不一。牛津高阶〔dotted〕Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house.多件雕塑作品散落在房子各处。柯林斯高阶〔dotted〕Many pieces of sculpture are dotted around the house.房子周围立着很多雕塑。外研社新世纪〔early〕These are some of my early (= first) attempts at sculpture.这些是我最初尝试雕塑创作时的一些习作。剑桥高阶〔ensconce〕The sculpture is safely ensconced behind glass.雕像被稳稳地放置在玻璃后面。韦氏高阶〔exchange〕Braque exchanged a painting for one of Chillida's sculptures.布拉克用一幅画换了奇利达的一件雕塑。外研社新世纪〔exhibition〕She never agreed to the public exhibition of her sculptures while she was still alive.她从未同意在生前公开展出自己的雕塑作品。朗文当代〔exhibition〕There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery.市艺术美术馆正在举行一场新的雕塑作品展。剑桥高阶〔exterior〕There is an abundance of fine sculpture, both on the exterior and inside.外部和内部都有大量精美的雕塑。牛津搭配〔exuberance〕The sheer exuberance of the sculpture was exhilarating.那尊雕塑表现出的勃勃生机让人振奋。外研社新世纪〔exuberance〕The sheer exuberance of the sculpture was exhilarating.那尊雕塑表现出的勃勃生机让人振奋。柯林斯高阶〔father〕Henry Moore is considered to be the father of modern British sculpture.亨利 · 穆尔被认为是现代英国雕塑之父。牛津高阶〔festoon〕A representation of such a string or garland, as in painting or sculpture.花彩饰物:象在图画或雕塑中的这样的线或花彩的图象美国传统〔field〕Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture and architecture.绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。柯林斯高阶〔field〕Exciting artistic breakthroughs have recently occurred in the fields of painting, sculpture, and architecture.绘画、雕塑和建筑领域最近出现了激动人心的艺术突破。外研社新世纪〔figurine〕A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.小雕像:小人像或小塑像;小雕像美国传统〔fine art〕Often fine arts Any of the art forms, such as sculpture, painting, and music, that are used to create this art. 常作 fine arts 美术品:用于创造这种艺术的艺术形式,例如雕塑、绘画和音乐美国传统〔fine art〕We saw the sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts.我们在美术博物馆看到了这尊雕塑。韦氏高阶〔first〕It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.在公园大道上露天展出费尔南多·博特罗的雕塑,这在纽约还是破天荒的事。柯林斯高阶〔framework〕An iron framework surrounds the sculpture.一个铁框把雕塑围了起来。韦氏高阶〔fusion〕The fusion of different cultural influences is evident in her sculpture.不同文化的融合在她的雕塑作品中有明显体现。韦氏高阶〔generic〕Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music and sculpture.美术是多门学科的通称,例如绘画、音乐和雕塑。朗文当代〔grisaille〕A style of monochromatic painting in shades of gray, used especially for the representation of relief sculpture.灰色模拟浮雕画法:一种用浓淡不同的灰色作画的单色画法,尤指模拟浮雕的画法美国传统〔grotesque〕A style of painting, sculpture, and ornamentation in which natural forms and monstrous figures are intertwined in bizarre or fanciful combinations.奇异风格,形状怪诞的图案:一种自然的形式和奇异的图形以一种奇异或古怪的方式结合在一起的绘画雕塑和装饰风格美国传统〔group〕Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture.群像:构成一个完整单元或设计的两个或两个以上塑像,如在雕塑中美国传统〔handle〕Christie's has been asked to handle the sale of the 250 paintings and sculptures.佳士得拍卖行受托处理这250件画作和雕塑的拍卖事宜。外研社新世纪〔hand〕This sculpture shows a master (或 master's) hand.这件雕塑品显示了高超的技艺。英汉大词典〔height〕None of these sculptures was less than three metres in height.这些雕塑的高度无一低于 3 米。朗文当代〔host〕The gallery is playing host to an exhibition of sculpture.这家美术馆正在举办雕塑展览。朗文当代〔image〕A reproduction of the form of a person or an object, especially a sculptured likeness.画像,塑像:人或物体的轮廓的复制,尤指雕塑出来的复制品美国传统〔in situ〕Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画和建筑作品都在威尼斯原地得到了仔细检查。柯林斯高阶〔in situ〕Major works of painting, sculpture, mosaic, and architecture were examined in situ in Venice.在威尼斯实地考察了重要的绘画、雕塑、镶嵌画及建筑作品。外研社新世纪〔in the raw〕The sculpture is still in the raw.这件雕塑还没有经过最后的润饰。韦氏高阶〔ingenious〕Johnny is so ingenious - he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.约翰尼真是手巧——他可以用最普通的材料制作出最棒的雕塑。剑桥高阶〔jump out at〕The sculpture jumps out at you when you enter the house.你一进屋就会注意到那座雕像。韦氏高阶〔knowledgeable〕He's very knowledgeable about paintings and sculpture.他很懂得油画和雕塑。英汉大词典〔latterly〕He devoted his time to painting, sculpture, and, latterly, to gardening.他把时间都花在绘画、雕塑上,后来又花在园艺上。韦氏高阶〔likeness〕A pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something; an image.相片,肖像:模仿某物的绘画、图片或雕像;肖像美国传统〔like〕His latest sculpture is an object of beauty, a masterpiece if you like.他最新的雕刻作品体现了美,可以说是个杰作。麦克米伦高阶〔lotus〕A representation of any of various lotuses or similar or related plants in Egyptian or classical sculpture, architecture, or art.莲饰:在埃及或古典雕刻,建筑或艺术品中几种莲属植物的,或与之相似或与之有关的任何一种植物的代表美国传统〔lunette〕A crescent-shaped or semicircular space, usually over a door or window, that may contain another window, a sculpture, or a mural.弦月窗:通常在门或窗上的新月形或半圆形空间,它可包含另外一个窗、雕刻或壁饰美国传统〔maquette〕A usually small model of an intended work, such as a sculpture or piece of architecture.设计模型:雕塑或建筑物等拟作作品的通常很小的模型美国传统〔marble〕A sculpture made from this rock.大理石雕:这种岩石雕成的雕刻品美国传统〔marble〕A metamorphic rock formed by alteration of limestone or dolomite, often irregularly colored by impurities, and used especially in architecture and sculpture.大理石:由石灰岩或白云岩变化而来的一种变质岩,常有不规则的杂质色块,专门用于建筑和雕塑美国传统〔medium〕Her preferred medium is sculpture.她喜欢的表现方式是雕塑。韦氏高阶〔mobile〕A type of sculpture consisting of carefully equilibrated parts that move, especially in response to air currents.可动雕塑:一种由经仔细设计达到平衡的部件组成的雕塑,气流通过时部件会运动美国传统〔monolith〕A large block of stone, especially one used in architecture or sculpture.整料:独块巨石,尤指用于建筑或雕塑美国传统〔monumentally〕I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.我对高大的雕塑没什么兴趣。柯林斯高阶〔monumental〕I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.我对纪念雕塑并不是真的感兴趣。外研社新世纪〔monumental〕The steps are flanked by monumental sculptures.台阶两侧是一座座高大的雕像。英汉大词典〔monument〕A structure, such as a building or sculpture, erected as a memorial.纪念碑:为纪念而树立的一座建筑物,如建筑物或雕塑美国传统〔movement〕The suggestion or illusion of motion in a painting, sculpture, or design.动态感:在绘画、雕刻和设计中动态的体现或感觉美国传统〔mutilate〕The sculpture was badly mutilated in the late eighteenth century.雕像在十八世纪末遭到严重破坏。朗文当代〔note〕The sculptures are worthy of note.这些雕塑值得关注。牛津搭配〔painting〕I like painting more than sculpture.相比雕塑,我更喜欢绘画。韦氏高阶〔pastel〕The show includes 85 paintings, pastels, and sculptures.此次展出包括85件油画、蜡笔画和雕塑作品。剑桥高阶〔peach〕The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.桃子:这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽美国传统〔peel〕They peeled back the sheet to display the new sculpture.他们揭开盖布展示那尊新雕塑。韦氏高阶〔pendant〕A sculptured ornament suspended from a vaulted Gothic roof or ceiling.悬饰:从哥特式穹顶上悬挂下来的雕刻饰品美国传统〔piece〕She makes her sculptures out of odd pieces of scrap metal.她用废金属的碎块制作雕塑品。牛津搭配〔pietà〕A painting or sculpture of the Virgin Mary holding and mourning over the dead body of Jesus.圣母怜子图:圣母玛利亚悲痛地抱着耶稣遗体的画或雕刻美国传统〔plaster〕In the Mus d'Orsay in Paris is a sculpture in plaster by Rodin.巴黎的奥赛博物馆里有一件罗丹的石膏雕塑作品。柯林斯高阶〔plastic arts〕The plastic arts include sculpture, pottery and painting.造型艺术包括雕塑、陶艺和绘画。牛津高阶〔polychromy〕The use of many colors in decoration, especially in architecture and sculpture.多色法:在装饰中对多种颜色的运用,尤指用在建筑和雕塑中美国传统〔proportioned〕The sculpture was poorly proportioned.这尊雕塑的比例不对。韦氏高阶〔pyrotechnics〕The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展。柯林斯高阶〔pyrotechnics〕The festival will feature pyrotechnics, live music, and sculptures.节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展览。外研社新世纪〔relief〕The projection of figures or forms from a flat background, as in sculpture, or such a projection that is apparent only, as in painting.浮雕:从平坦的背景上的凸起的物体或形状,如雕刻中的突出物,或只在绘画中才明显的突出物美国传统〔rhythm〕A regular or harmonious pattern created by lines, forms, and colors in painting, sculpture, and other visual arts.匀称:在绘画,雕塑及其它视觉艺术品中通过线条,形式及颜色创造的一种规则的或和谐的形式美国传统〔sarcophagus〕A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.石棺:石制棺材,常用凹凸纹来雕刻或装饰美国传统〔scale〕This is sculpture on a grand scale.这是一件规模宏大的雕塑作品。麦克米伦高阶〔sculpturesque〕Suggestive of or having the qualities of sculpture.有雕刻风味的:具有雕刻风味的或有雕刻风味特性的美国传统〔sculpture〕A work of art created by sculpture.雕刻品:雕刻创造出的艺术品美国传统〔sculpture〕Both studied sculpture.两人都学习雕刻。柯林斯高阶〔sculpture〕He collects modern sculpture.他收藏现代雕塑。牛津高阶〔sculpture〕He studied sculpture in art school.他曾在艺术学院里学习雕塑。英汉大词典〔sculpture〕He wanted to sculpture when he grew up.他长大后想从事雕塑工作。21世纪英汉〔sculpture〕He was professor of sculpture at the Academy.他是研究院的雕塑学教授。麦克米伦高阶〔sculpture〕He worked on the symbolic monumental sculpture for Oscar Wilde's tomb.他为奥斯卡・王尔德的墓地雕刻了一尊具有象征意义的纪念雕塑。牛津搭配〔sculpture〕She creates sculptures out of scrap materials.她利用废旧材料进行雕塑创作。牛津搭配〔sculpture〕She's studying sculpture.她在学习雕刻。韦氏高阶〔sculpture〕The college offers classes in sculpture.这所学院开设雕塑课。外研社新世纪〔sculpture〕The frieze shows ancient Greek relief sculpture at its most inventive.该饰带显示古希腊浮雕极富创意。牛津搭配〔sculpture〕The museum has several life-sized sculptures of people and animals.博物馆里陈列着几个实物大小的人和动物雕塑。剑桥高阶〔sculpture〕There are many famous sculptures in this city.这座城市里有许多著名的雕像。英汉大词典〔sculpture〕To make sculptures or a sculpture.雕刻美国传统〔sculpture〕To ornament with sculpture.以雕刻装饰:用雕刻作品来装饰美国传统〔sculpture〕To represent in sculpture.雕塑,塑造:通过雕刻作品来体现美国传统〔sculpture〕Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.汤姆在当地艺校教雕塑。剑桥高阶〔sculpture〕Tombs remain the most important monumental sculpture of this period.墓碑依然是这个时期最重要的大型雕刻物。牛津搭配〔sculpture〕Works to be shown include sculptures by Houdon and Carpeaux.展出的作品包括乌东和卡尔波的雕刻作品。麦克米伦高阶〔show〕Her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month.她的雕塑作品将会在博物馆中展览至月底。剑桥高阶〔show〕Her recent sculptures are being shown at the Hayward Gallery.她最近的雕塑作品正在海沃德画廊展出。朗文当代〔socle〕A plain square block higher than a plinth, serving as a pedestal for sculpture, a vase, or a column.台石:作为雕刻、花瓶或柱子基座,比柱基稍高的没有装饰的方形石块美国传统〔soft sculpture〕A sculpture made of pliant materials, such as cloth or foam rubber.软雕塑:用柔韧的材料,如布或泡沫橡胶做成的雕塑美国传统〔stabile〕An abstract sculpture, usually of sheet metal, resembling a mobile but having no moving parts.固定抽象雕塑:抽象雕塑,通常用金属板做成,好象可动但没有活动的部分美国传统〔stage〕Anne's sculpture took centre stage at the show.安妮的雕塑作品在展览会上成为大家关注的焦点。朗文当代〔stand in〕The sculpture stands in the centre of the flower terrace.塑像坐落于花坛的中央。21世纪英汉〔statement〕His sculpture can be seen as a positive statement of general relevance to modern society.可以认为他的雕塑作品正面地表现了同现代社会的普遍关系。英汉大词典〔stele〕An upright stone or slab with an inscribed or sculptured surface, used as a monument or as a commemorative tablet in the face of a building.石碑,石柱:刻有文字或图案的直立石板,用作纪念碑或建筑物表面的纪念匾额美国传统〔successive〕This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.这一概念相继应用于绘画、建筑和雕塑中。牛津高阶〔sunk in thought〕Rodin's sculpture "The Thinker" is of a man sitting with his head in his hand, sunk in thought.罗丹的雕塑《思想者》刻画的是一名坐着的男子,他手托着下巴,陷入沉思。剑桥高阶〔talaria〕Winged sandals such as those worn by Hermes and Iris as represented in Greco-Roman painting and sculpture.有翼凉鞋:希腊罗马的绘画和雕塑上表现赫尔墨斯和艾丽斯等神灵所穿的有翼的凉鞋美国传统〔technical〕In the realm of sculpture too, the technical skill of foreign artists was long recognised.在雕塑领域,外国艺术家的技艺也早已得到认可。柯林斯高阶〔tour de force〕His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.他的杰作是一件大象雕塑。外研社新世纪〔tour de force〕His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。柯林斯高阶〔track〕Sculpture developed along a similar track to painting.雕塑沿着与绘画相似的路径发展。牛津搭配〔upside down〕The sculpture looked like an upside-down pyramid.这座雕塑看上去像一个倒置的金字塔。韦氏高阶〔vacuous〕Much abstract sculpture is more vacuous than its realistic counterpart.许多抽象派雕塑较现实主义作品更为缺乏内容。英汉大词典〔varied〕She studies subjects as varied as chemistry and sculpture.她学习的科目五花八门,既有化学,也有雕塑。韦氏高阶〔view〕A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.一场关于当代雕塑的重要展览即将在波特兰美术馆开展。柯林斯高阶〔visual art〕Art work, such as painting, photography, or sculpture, that appeals primarily to the visual sense and typically exists in permanent form.视觉艺术:主要吸引视觉的艺术作品,如绘画、摄影或雕刻,一般以永久形式存在美国传统〔weld〕All the parts of the sculpture have to be welded together.这件雕塑所有的部件都必须焊接在一起。牛津高阶〔whacky〕The place is stuffed with whacky memorabilia like a sculpture of the Seven Dwarfs that Walt Disney gave to Debbie Reynolds.这个地方堆满了古怪的纪念品,比如沃尔特‧迪斯尼送给黛比‧雷诺兹的7个小矮人雕像。剑桥高阶〔whimsy〕Add a touch of whimsy to your room with these cat sculptures.把这个猫的雕塑放在你房间里可以增加些不一样的感觉。剑桥高阶〔work of art〕A product of the fine arts, especially a painting or sculpture.艺术品:精致艺术的产物,尤指画或雕塑美国传统〔work〕An artistic creation, such as a painting, sculpture, or literary or musical composition; a work of art.艺术品:一件艺术的创造,如绘画、雕刻或文学或音乐作品;艺术作品美国传统〔work〕He studied sculpture because he enjoyed working with clay.他学习雕塑是因为他喜欢玩黏土。柯林斯高阶A large sculpture has been erected in the main stairwell of the museum.一座大雕塑被竖立在博物馆主楼梯井中。剑桥国际Although the creator of the sculpture has long left us, his art is forever. 虽然这件雕刻作品的创作者早已离开了我们,他的艺术却永存。译典通Before creating this sculpture, she studied all the masterpieces of classical antiquity.在创作这座雕塑前,她研究了古希腊罗马时代的所有杰作。剑桥国际He specializes in creating roughly-hewn sculptures out of wood.他擅长于制作粗犷的木雕刻品。剑桥国际He was known for his sculpture of the Fates. 他以他那座命运三女神的雕塑而闻名。译典通Her sculptures will be on show at the museum until the end of the month.她的雕刻将在博物馆中展出至月底。剑桥国际Her interest in sculpture developed from her father's work as a mason.她是受当石匠的父亲影响而对雕塑发生了兴趣。剑桥国际His sculptures are famous for their verisimilitude.他的雕塑以逼真闻名。剑桥国际I took a course in sculpture last semester. 我上学期选了一门雕塑课。译典通Johnny is so ingenious--he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.强尼真是心灵手巧----他可以用最普通的材料制作出最出色的雕塑。剑桥国际Marble is often used in sculpture and to decorate parts of buildings.大理石常用于雕塑和建筑的装饰中。剑桥国际Picasso bequeathed Spain and France most of his paintings and sculptures/bequeathed most of his paintings and sculptures to Spain and France.毕加索将他大部分的绘画和塑像遗赠给西班牙和法国。剑桥国际Rodin's sculpture ‘The Thinker’is the image of a man sunk in thought (= thinking deeply).罗丹的雕塑“思考者”是一个陷入沉思的人的形象。剑桥国际Several of Epstein's symbolic sculptures resulted in accusations of indecency and blasphemy.爱泼斯坦的几座象征主义雕塑被谴责为下流和对上帝的亵渎。剑桥国际She sculptures statues out of/from the local stone.她用当地的石头雕刻塑像。剑桥国际Some of her sculptures are made of mashed-up (= wet and crushed) newspaper.她的有些雕塑作品是用湿烂的报纸制成的。剑桥国际The sculpture of four presidents in South Dakota is a masterpiece of masonry. 美国南达科达州的四位总统雕像可以说是石工技艺的杰作。译典通The sculpture was for many years incorrectly thought to be by Donatello.多年来这雕刻被错误地认为是出自多那太罗之手。剑桥国际The sculpture was made of glass.这雕塑是由玻璃制成的。剑桥国际The exhibition has three-dimensional sculpture, large amounts of bas-relief and architectural carving.展览会上有立体雕塑、大量的浅浮雕和建筑雕刻。剑桥国际The exhibition includes a wonderful group of animals sculptured in wax.展览包括一组出色的动物蜡像。剑桥国际The museum has a large collection of sculptures dating from the ancient world.这个博物馆收藏有大量早自上古时代起的雕塑作品。剑桥国际The museum has been heavily criticized over its acquisition of the four-million-dollar sculpture.这个博物馆由于购置了一件四百万美元的雕塑而受到了严厉的批评。剑桥国际The museum houses an abstract sculpture as well as several life-sized sculptures of people and animals.博物馆陈列着一个抽象雕塑以及一些如实大小的人和动物雕像。剑桥国际The place is stuffed with whacky memorabilia like a sculpture of the Seven Dwarfs that Walt Disney gave to Debbie Reynolds.这地方塞满了像沃尔特·迪斯尼送给戴比·雷诺兹的7个小矮人雕像那样的古怪纪念品。剑桥国际The show includes eighty-five paintings, pastels and sculptures by artists including C巣anne, van Gogh, Monet, Renoir and Sisley.这次展出包括了85 油画,色粉画和雕塑作品,它们是由包括塞尚、凡高、莫柰、雷诺阿和西斯莱这些艺术家创作的。剑桥国际There are two horses sculptured in bronze at the gate. 在大门口有两匹用青铜雕塑的马。译典通These are some of my early (=first) attempts at sculpture.这些是我最初试作的一些雕塑。剑桥国际Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.汤姆在当地艺术院校内教雕塑。剑桥国际We saw sculptures of ancient Roman gods. 我们看到古代罗马神的塑像。译典通




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