

单词 sculptor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Callimachus〕Greek sculptor who reputedly designed the Corinthian column.卡利马丘斯:希腊雕塑家,他设计的科林斯式柱享有盛誉美国传统〔Christo〕Bulgarian-born American sculptor and experimental artist best known for wrapping objects, especially large-scale items such as whole buildings, in fabric.克里斯多:保加利亚裔美国雕塑家和实验艺术家,以其包裹物体闻名,尤指用纺织物包裹整栋建筑等大型物体美国传统〔Fornax〕A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Sculptor and Eridanus.天炉座:一个位于南半球星空的星座,靠近玉夫座和波江座美国传统〔Lysippus〕Greek sculptor who was active during the reign of Alexander the Great. He created figures that were more lifelike than traditional forms.利西波斯:希腊雕刻家,活跃于亚历山大大帝在位时期。他创作的人物比传统的造型更具真实感美国传统〔PAINT〕Michelangelo, sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, died in 1564. 雕塑家、画家、建筑师兼诗人米开朗基罗于1564年去世。朗文写作活用〔Phidias〕Athenian sculptor who supervised work on the Parthenon. His statue of Zeus at Olympia was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.菲迪亚斯:雅典雕塑家,曾监管巴台农神殿的工作,他在奥林匹亚的宙斯雕像是世界七大奇观之一美国传统〔Polyclitus〕Greek sculptor and architect known for his bronze and marble statues of athletes.波利克里托斯:古希腊雕塑家和建筑师,以其创作的青铜和大理石的运动员雕塑而闻名美国传统〔appreciation〕She recently published an appreciation of an obscure sculptor who lived in the 17th century.她最近发表了一篇文章,积极评价了一位17世纪默默无闻的雕塑家。韦氏高阶〔artist〕One, such as a painter or sculptor, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.艺术家:能够通过想象和天赋创造出有美学价值艺术品的人,如画家或雕塑家,尤指(表现)在好的艺术作品中美国传统〔banker〕A workbench used by a mason or sculptor.石匠工作台,雕刻家工作台美国传统〔between〕She is among the best of our young sculptors.她是我们年轻的雕塑家中最好的之一。美国传统〔block〕The sculptor transformed the block of wood into a statue.雕塑师将这块木料雕成了一尊塑像。外研社新世纪〔cast〕The sculptor cast his statue in bronze.雕刻家用青铜浇铸塑像。牛津同义词〔chipped away at〕The sculptor chipped away at the stone/marble.雕刻家一点点地敲凿石头/大理石。韦氏高阶〔chip〕The sculptor chipped away/off bits of stone.雕刻家一点点地敲凿石料。韦氏高阶〔cunning〕With cunning hand the sculptor shaped the little statue.雕刻师以灵巧的手艺刻成了这个小巧的雕像。英汉大词典〔figure〕The sculptor figured the girl in clay.雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子形象。英汉大词典〔figure〕The sculptor figured the girl in clay.雕塑家用粘土塑造了这个女孩子的形象。21世纪英汉〔form〕A sculptor forms her material.雕塑家把材料塑造成雕塑品。牛津同义词〔index〕Painters and sculptors are indexed separately.画家和雕刻家被分开编入索引。外研社新世纪〔index〕Painters and sculptors are indexed separately.画家和雕刻家被分开,分别做了索引。柯林斯高阶〔influential〕Moore was enormously influential to me as a young sculptor.穆尔对我这个年轻的雕塑家有着巨大的影响。英汉大词典〔model〕One that serves as the subject for an artist, especially a person employed to pose for a painter, sculptor, or photographer.艺术模特:作为艺术家的描述对象,尤指被一个画家、雕刻家或摄影家雇佣摆出某种姿势的人美国传统〔oppose〕Your father opposed your wish to become a sculptor.你父亲反对你做雕刻家的愿望。外研社新世纪〔phoenix〕Phoenix A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Tucana and Sculptor. Phoenix 凤凰座:在南半球,靠近图科纳和斯柯普特的一个星座美国传统〔primitive〕Of or relating to late medieval or pre-Renaissance European painters or sculptors.原初主义画家的:属于或关于中世纪后期或文艺复兴之前的欧洲画家或雕塑家的美国传统〔prince〕He was known as the prince of sculptors.他是公认的雕刻名家。麦克米伦高阶〔regard〕She was highly regarded as a sculptor.她是位受人尊崇的雕刻家。牛津搭配〔sculptor〕Henry Moore, who died in 1986, is one of Britain's best-known sculptors.1986年去世的亨利‧摩尔是英国最著名的雕塑家之一。剑桥高阶〔sculpt〕To be a sculptor.当一个雕刻家美国传统〔shape〕The sculptor shaped the stone.雕刻家把那块石头塑造成形。牛津同义词〔statuary〕A sculptor.雕塑家美国传统〔stone〕He is a sculptor who works mainly in stone.他是个雕刻家,以石雕为主。牛津搭配〔stylistic〕Notice the stylistic similarities in the work of these three sculptors.注意这3位雕塑家作品风格的相似之处。剑桥高阶〔swap〕I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.我认识一个雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。柯林斯高阶All three sculptors explore the same subject matter, and their works have stylistic similarities.三位雕塑家所要表现的题材相同,他们的作品风格也相近。剑桥国际Henry Moore, who died in 1986, is one of Britain's best-known sculptors.死于1986年的亨利·摩尔是英国最有名的雕塑家之一。剑桥国际She is one of the best sculptors since Henry Moore. 她是自亨利‧莫尔之后最好的雕塑家之一。译典通The sculptor worked the clay into the shape of a woman. 雕刻家将泥土捏成一个妇女的形状。译典通




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