

单词 snap at
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BITE〕Every time your puppy snaps at someone, give him a smack on the butt with a rolled up newspaper. 你的小狗每次要咬人时,就用卷起的报纸在它屁股上打一下。朗文写作活用〔BITE〕Sean came running around the corner of the house with a small dog snapping at his heels. 肖恩在屋子转角处跑过来,身后跟着一只小狗要咬他。朗文写作活用〔disaster〕She was a disaster: unable to type twelve words a minute and snapping at people.她是个成事不足败事有余的人:一分钟打不满12个词,对人说话老是吆五喝六的。英汉大词典〔flash〕The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused.墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。柯林斯高阶〔fuse〕The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused.墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了。柯林斯高阶〔fuse〕The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused.墙上的插座由于电线短路烧断了保险丝,灯跟着熄灭了。外研社新世纪〔growl〕The dog growled at her and snapped at her ankles.那条狗咆哮着在她脚踝上咬了一口。剑桥高阶〔heel〕A little dog followed them, snapping at their heels.一只小狗跟在他们后面,猛咬他们的脚后跟。麦克米伦高阶〔knap〕To snap at or bite.咬,啃美国传统〔pull〕The dog snapped at her and she pulled back her hand.那狗要咬她,她把手缩了回来。牛津搭配〔pull〕The dog snapped at her and she quickly pulled back her hand.那狗要咬她,她马上把手缩了回来。牛津高阶〔snap at sb's heels〕With so many younger women snapping at her heels, this year may be her last chance to win the championship.今年也许是她夺冠的最后机会,因为许多更年轻的女选手都大有后来居上之势。剑桥高阶〔snap at〕He would only snap at you.他只会抢白你。21世纪英汉〔snap at〕He'd snap at this chance.他会马上抓住这个机会的。21世纪英汉〔snap at〕The dog snapped at my trousers.那只狗猛然咬住了我的裤子。21世纪英汉〔snap〕A terrier was snapping at his heels.一只狗正要咬他的脚后跟。麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕He snapped at Walter for no reason.他无缘无故地斥责沃尔特。朗文当代〔snap〕He snapped at the offer I made him.他马上就接受了我的提议。英汉大词典〔snap〕He is always snapping at his child.他老是在斥责孩子。英汉大词典〔snap〕He looks as though he may snap at any minute.他看起来随时都可能崩溃掉。外研社新世纪〔snap〕His hitting streak was snapped at 18 games.他的连续安打纪录在18场比赛后终结。韦氏高阶〔snap〕His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle.它猛地朝我的脚脖子咬下去,牙齿还咔咔直响。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕I snapped at him to sit down.我厉声命他坐下。英汉大词典〔snap〕I didn't mean to snap at you.我不是故意向你发脾气的。外研社新世纪〔snap〕I'm sorry I snapped at you just now.我很抱歉,我刚才对你说话太严厉。麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕I'm sorry, Casey, I didn't mean to snap at you like that.对不起,凯西,我不是有意要跟你凶的。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕She snapped at us.她发怒骂我们。牛津同义词〔snap〕The dog snapped at a fly.那只狗突然向一只苍蝇咬去。韦氏高阶〔snap〕The dog snapped at his ankles.狗对准他的脚踝猛地咬去。英汉大词典〔snap〕The dog snapped at me.那条狗猛咬我。牛津同义词〔snap〕The dog made a snap at my finger.狗猛地咬我的手指。英汉大词典〔snap〕The dog started snapping at my heels.这条狗开始咬我的鞋跟。朗文当代〔snap〕The dogs snapped at his heels.那些狗咬他的脚跟。外研社新世纪〔snap〕The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels.几条狗边叫边向着我们的脚后跟咬来。牛津高阶〔snap〕There's no need to snap at me - it's not my fault that you lost your wallet.何必对我这样恶声恶气——你丢了钱包又不是我的错。剑桥高阶〔snap〕They argued and snapped at each other all the time.他们一直在争论并相互厉声责骂。韦氏高阶〔strike〕To snap at or seize (a bait).抓或摄取(诱饵)美国传统He is always snapping at his subordinates. 他老是在斥责部属。译典通The dog chased him down the street, snapping at his heels (= trying to bite him) all the way.狗沿街追赶他,一路上要咬他脚后跟。剑桥国际The dog growled and snapped at her ankles as she tried to pass.当她试图走过时,那条狗吼着咬她的脚踝。剑桥国际The dog made a snap at her finger. 狗猛地咬她的手指。译典通There's no need to snap at me like that. It's not my fault that you lost your wallet.你何必那样恶声恶气地对我说话,你丢了钱包又不是我的错。剑桥国际




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