

单词 she
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accustomed〕the little luxuries to which she was accustomed 她习惯了的小奢侈品麦克米伦高阶〔admission〕her admission of guilt = her admission that she was guilty 她的认罪韦氏高阶〔appreciation〕his appreciation for all the work she had done 他对她所做的一切的感谢牛津搭配〔attraction〕the strong attraction that she felt for him 她对他强烈的爱慕牛津搭配〔bend〕crooks her little finger when she holds a teacup; 她端茶杯时弯着小指头;美国传统〔best〕look your best. She was at her best in the freestyle competition.你看起来好极了。她在自由式泳赛中处于最佳状态美国传统〔birdlike〕the birdlike way she darted about.她像小鸟一样四处飞奔柯林斯高阶〔bust-up〕a bust-up which she says left her seriously hurt.一场她声称使她受了重伤的斗殴柯林斯高阶〔civilize〕a comedy about a man who tries to civilise a woman—but she ends up civilising him.一出有关一个男人试图教化一个女人,结果反而被那个女人教化的喜剧柯林斯高阶〔company〕moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps.很快成为朋友;被她的同伴知道了美国传统〔counter〕countered that she was too busy to be thorough.反驳说她太忙了所以做事不太彻底美国传统〔day〕on a/that/the following etc day She first met Steve on a cold but sunny day in March.她第一次见到史蒂夫是在 3 月的一个寒冷但阳光明媚的白天。朗文当代〔describe〕came back and reported what she had seen. 回来汇报其所见 美国传统〔disappointment〕her disappointment that she hadn't been picked 她对落选感到的失望朗文当代〔distress〕the distress that she felt when her parents argued 她父母争吵时她感到的苦恼牛津搭配〔dread〕the dread she felt at the thought of meeting him again 一想起要再见他她就感到的恐惧牛津搭配〔freedom〕at liberty to choose whatever occupation she wishes; 自由地选择她希望的任何职业;美国传统〔freshman〕a man she met when she was a freshman in college一个她大学一年级时遇见过的男人外研社新世纪〔gentleness〕the gentleness with which she treated her pregnant mother她对有孕在身的母亲温柔体贴外研社新世纪〔gruesome〕the gruesome details of how she was murdered 关于她如何被谋杀的骇人细节麦克米伦高阶〔hawker〕as soon as she saw that it was a visitor and not a hawker or tramp at her door.她一看到门口站着的是位访客而不是街头小贩或流浪汉…柯林斯高阶〔hide〕feelings that she had kept completely hidden all these years 她这些年完全埋藏在心底的情感牛津搭配〔into〕learning what she needs to know to grow into a competent adult.学习那些要想成为真正意义上的成年人她必须知道的东西柯林斯高阶〔journalistic〕journalistic descriptions of countries she visited.对她到访过的国家的新闻记述柯林斯高阶〔kiss-and-tell〕an actress who has written a kiss-and-tell book about the men she knew in her youth 写书记述自己年轻时与男人的风流韵事的女演员韦氏高阶〔lassie〕when she was just a wee lassie 当她还是个娇小的小姑娘时韦氏高阶〔lodge〕the story of the farming family she lodged with as a young teacher.她还是一名年轻教师时所寄宿的那个农家的故事柯林斯高阶〔name〕the dead sister for whom she had been named 她取了故去姐姐的名字牛津搭配〔opposite〕a political philosophy that was opposite to everything she believed in 和她所信仰的一切完全相反的一种政治哲学朗文当代〔out-of-body〕convinced she had an out-of-body experience while undergoing surgery.相信她在动外科手术时有过一场体外经历美国传统〔oversize〕the oversize white sweater she had worn at school.她在学校里穿的那件过大的白毛衣柯林斯高阶〔painting〕two hobbies she really enjoyed, painting and gardening.她的两大嗜好: 绘画和园艺柯林斯高阶〔picture〕a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancing with a celebrity in Stringfellows nightclub.宣称自己在斯特林费洛夜总会和某位名人跳舞的照片上了报纸的女子柯林斯高阶〔pompously〕a suggestion she had pompously dismissed 遭到她傲慢摒弃的一个建议韦氏高阶〔proper〕her habitual decorum, which she considered proper to her role as secretary她惯常的端庄得体, 自认为这是做秘书所应有的外研社新世纪〔raise〕the house where she was raised.她在其间长大的那幢房子柯林斯高阶〔record〕the 800 metres, where she is the world record holder.女子800米,她是该项目的世界纪录保持者柯林斯高阶〔recur〕a recurring nightmare she has had since childhood.一个从她童年起就不断出现的噩梦柯林斯高阶〔red-hot〕a red-hot fury she had never realized she possessed.她从来没有意识到自己会发那么大的脾气柯林斯高阶〔sally〕worrying about her when she sallies forth on her first date她第一次赴异性约会时对她的担心外研社新世纪〔settle〕settle yourself in/on etc sth Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep.唐娜不敢在椅子里坐得太舒服,她怕会睡着。朗文当代〔shadow〕the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows 她匆忙穿过阴暗处时不断涌入心中的恐惧牛津搭配〔shoot〕a stunt in which she was shot from a cannon 她从大炮被射出的特技表演韦氏高阶〔silver jubilee〕the Queen's silver jubilee(=because she has been queen for 25 years) 女王登基25周年纪念麦克米伦高阶〔snap〕snapped the governor as she was getting into her car.当州长进入汽车时,为她拍了一张相片美国传统〔sob story〕a sob story about how she lost all her money 讲她如何失去所有的钱的悲伤故事朗文当代〔stage〕on stage She is on stage for most of the play.在这出戏里,大部分时间她都在台上。朗文当代〔sureness〕her sureness that she had done the right thing 她确信自己做得对牛津高阶〔swing〕the swing of her long pleated skirt as she walked她走动时裙摆的摇荡外研社新世纪〔that〕the year that she was born她出生的年份21世纪英汉〔thought〕didn't give much thought to what she said.不要在乎她说什么美国传统〔throwaway〕a throwaway remark she later regretted.她脱口而出后就后悔的话柯林斯高阶〔unnerving〕her unnerving habit of continuously touching people she was speaking to.她与人说话时老是碰触对方的恼人习惯柯林斯高阶〔valedictory〕her valedictory aria, sung as she leaves her lover.她离开情人时唱起的离别咏叹调柯林斯高阶〔wangle〕wangled a job for which she had no training.骗取了一个她根本没有受过有关方面训练的工作美国传统〔watch〕watch She glanced nervously at her watch.她紧张地看了看表。朗文当代〔wherein〕the box wherein she kept her letters 她把信件保存在其中的那个盒子文馨英汉〔whether〕to ask whether she will help问她是否能帮帮忙21世纪英汉〔which〕that which he needed; the subject on which she spoke.那他所需要的;她谈到的话题美国传统〔whom〕a man like Adam, for whom she felt strong emotion一个像亚当那样、让她心动的男子外研社新世纪




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