

单词 shawl
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Afghan〕A coverlet or shawl of wool, knitted or crocheted in colorful geometric designs.阿富汗披肩:针织或钩编而成的有多彩几何花纹的羊毛披肩美国传统〔about〕She wore a shawl about her shoulders.她披了一件披肩。牛津高阶〔around〕She wore a beautiful silk shawl around her shoulders.她在肩上围了一条漂亮的真丝披巾。朗文当代〔chuddar〕A cotton shawl traditionally worn in India by men and women.披巾:一种通常由印度男人和妇女披的棉披巾美国传统〔cover〕She wore a low-cut dress, partly covered by a thin shawl.她穿了件低胸连衣裙,搭了一条薄薄的披肩。朗文当代〔decay〕Her grandmother's shawl had moldered away in the trunk.她奶奶的围巾已经在箱子里腐烂了。美国传统〔drape〕She had a shawl draped around her shoulders.她肩上披着一条围巾。牛津高阶〔fold〕She folded the baby tighter in her shawl.她把披巾里的婴儿裹得更紧了。外研社新世纪〔gather〕She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.为了抵御风寒,她用披肩裹住了她的双肩。21世纪英汉〔humeral veil〕A vestment resembling a shawl worn over the shoulders by a subdeacon during High Mass and by a priest when holding the monstrance.(天主教教士的)披肩:一种类似披肩的法衣,由副执事在做大弥撒和教士来执圣餐盘时披在肩上美国传统〔ineligible〕Shawls will be brought by injudicious mothers at precisely the most ineligible moments.考虑欠周的母亲们偏偏会在最不合宜的时刻把围巾带来。英汉大词典〔knit〕She's knitting the baby a shawl.她在给宝宝织一床小被子。牛津高阶〔likewise〕Nanny put on a shawl and told the girls to do likewise .南妮披上披肩并叫女孩子也这样做。朗文当代〔make〕This wool makes up into a warm shawl.这种羊毛织成了很暖和的围巾美国传统〔muffle up〕She muffled up her face in her shawl.她用围巾蒙住了脸。21世纪英汉〔muffle〕To wrap up, as in a blanket or shawl, for warmth, protection, or secrecy.裹上:为保暖、保护或保密的目的用毯子或毛巾包起来美国传统〔over〕I put a shawl over my shoulders.我在肩上披了条披肩。剑桥高阶〔serape〕A long blanketlike shawl, often brightly colored and fringed at the ends, worn especially by Mexican men.瑟拉佩:一种毛毯似的长披肩,色彩常常是亮丽多彩的,而且在底边上加有穗边,尤指由墨西哥男子披用的美国传统〔shawl〕Ellianne wrapped the shawl around her shoulders.埃莉安在肩上披了条披肩。牛津搭配〔shawl〕Ruth draped a shawl over her shoulders.露丝在肩上搭了条披肩。牛津搭配〔shawl〕She pulled her shawl about her protectively.她把披巾紧紧裹在身上。牛津搭配〔shawl〕She was wearing a shawl tied around her waist.她腰上系着一条披巾。牛津搭配〔snug〕Wrap your baby snugly in a shawl or blanket.拿一条披巾或毯子把宝宝舒舒服服地裹起来。柯林斯高阶〔stitch〕The shawl was knitted with beautiful neat stitches.这条围巾编织得非常漂亮齐整。麦克米伦高阶〔throw〕A scarf or shawl.头巾,围巾美国传统〔throw〕The woman threw a shawl over her shoulders.那女人匆忙地把披肩披在肩上。文馨英汉〔tightly〕Her shawl was tightly wrapped around her.她的披肩紧紧裹在身上。外研社新世纪〔wind〕She wound the baby in a shawl [wound a shawl round the baby].她用披肩把婴儿包好。文馨英汉〔wrap ... up〕Mother wrapped the baby up in a warm shawl.妈妈把婴儿裹在暖和的毛巾里。21世纪英汉〔wrap〕A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.外套,披肩:裹在或围在人身上的衣服,尤指外罩,如罩袍、大氅、披肩或大衣美国传统〔zizith〕The tassels or fringes of thread on the corners of a garment, especially a prayer shawl, worn by men as prescribed by ritual law.流苏:在衣服的角上由线制成的穗或须边,特别是祷告用的披巾,按宗教仪式法则要求男人们戴的披巾美国传统A woman in a black shawl came out of the shop. 一个披著黑头巾的妇女从店舖走了出来。译典通The shawl was arranged decoratively over the back of the chair.那条披肩盖在椅子背面,起装饰作用。剑桥国际The baby was enveloped in a shawl. 婴儿裹在围巾里。译典通




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