

单词 sexually
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGE〕Elephants do not become sexually active until they are fifteen to eighteen years of age. 大象大概在15至18岁时开始进入性活跃期。朗文写作活用〔AGE〕Kids should be taught to resist peer group pressure to become sexually active too early. 应该教育孩子学会避免受同辈的影响,不要过早地有性行为。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕She was kidnapped and sexually assaulted at gunpoint. 她遭人绑架,在枪口威逼之下被强暴了。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕The newspaper has described the killer as perverted and sexually deviant. 报纸上将凶手描述为乖戾的性变态者。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Erik testified he was sexually abused by his father since the age of 6. 埃里克证实,自六岁起他一直受到父亲的性虐待。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕I suppose some men might find pictures like this sexually exciting. 我想有些男人会觉得这种照片能激起情欲。朗文写作活用〔HPV〕HPV causes anogenital warts, one of the most common sexually acquired infections.人乳头瘤病毒导致肛门生殖器疣,这是一种最常见的性传染疾病。剑桥高阶〔IN CHARGE OF〕She accuses her former boss of sexually harassing her. 她指控前任老板对她进行性骚扰。朗文写作活用〔INSULT〕The way pupils use sexually abusive language to insult each other presents particular problems for teachers. 学生们使用下流脏话互相辱骂给教师带来了难题。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕The Trobrand islanders are happy, sexually uninhibited people. 特罗布里恩群岛上的居民天性愉快,性行为不受拘束。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕It's enough for me that my husband thinks I'm sexually attractive. 我丈夫认为我性感有魅力,这就够了。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕Several of the most sexually suggestive scenes have been cut from the film. 影片中有几个最具挑逗性的镜头被剪掉了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕He had been sexually abusing his daughter since she was eleven years old. 女儿11岁起他就对她进行性虐待。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕He was getting sexually excited, and his breathing became short and fast. 他变得性兴奋起来,呼吸越来越急促了。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Male and female behaviour is partly sexually determined and partly learned. 男性和女性的行为一部分是由性别决定的,一部分是后天习得的。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The film "Tom Jones’ is famous for its sexually suggestive eating scene. 影片《汤姆·琼斯》中的那个挑逗性的用餐镜头很出名。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕You are more likely to have a useful conversation about safer sex if you don't leave it until you are sexually aroused. 在安全性交问题上的沟通,只要不是等到激起了性欲才去谈,就更有可能起到作用。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Sexually transmitted diseases have long been implicated in infertility. 性传播疾病很早就被认为是不育的一个原因。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕Winfrey revealed on the air that she had been sexually abused as a child. 温弗里在广播中透露她小时候受到过性侵犯。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕She was sexually abused as a child.她小时候遭到过性虐待。朗文当代〔abuse〕The boy had been sexually abused.这个男孩曾遭受过性虐待。牛津高阶〔accost〕To approach and speak to in an aggressive, hostile, or sexually suggestive manner.勾引:以一种挑衅,敌对或有性暗示的方式走近或谈话美国传统〔active〕By the age of 18, 65% of teenagers report being sexually active.65% 的青少年报称 18 岁之前已定期有性行为。牛津搭配〔active〕It is important to educate children before they become sexually active.在孩子们进入性活跃期之前对他们进行有关教育很重要。剑桥高阶〔ambisexual〕Sexually attracted to either sex indiscriminately.双性的:受两性性吸引的,对两性都有性欲的美国传统〔ambivalent〕In his latest film, he plays a sexually ambivalent bartender.他在最新的电影中扮演一位性取向不明确的酒吧服务员。牛津搭配〔aroused〕Some men feel that they get most sexually aroused in the morning.一些男人感觉自己在早上性欲最强。外研社新世纪〔aroused〕Some men feel that they get most sexually aroused in the morning.一些男人感觉自己在早上性欲最强。柯林斯高阶〔ascospore〕A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus.子囊孢子:在子囊内形成由有性生殖产生的真菌孢子美国传统〔assault〕An elderly woman was robbed and sexually assaulted.一个老妇人遭到了抢劫和强暴。麦克米伦高阶〔assault〕Four women have been sexually assaulted in the area recently.近来这个地区有四名妇女遭到强奸猥亵。牛津高阶〔assault〕He had attempted to sexually assault the woman.他试图对该妇女进行性侵犯。剑桥高阶〔assault〕She may have been sexually assaulted by her killer.她可能遭到过凶手的性侵犯。柯林斯高阶〔assault〕She was sexually assaulted by her killer.她死前遭到了凶手的性侵。外研社新世纪〔basidiospore〕A sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium.担孢子:生在一个担子上的有性繁殖的真菌孢子美国传统〔bimbette〕A woman considered as sexually provocative and mentally vacuous.胸大无脑的女人:身材火辣但缺乏智慧的女人美国传统〔brutalize〕She claimed she had been sexually brutalized.她声称受到了性虐待。韦氏高阶〔constipated〕He asserted that Canadian society is hypocritical, culturally constipated, and sexually inhibited.他声称加拿大社会虚伪、文化受限而且性压抑。外研社新世纪〔coupling〕The act of uniting sexually.交配,性交:交配的行为,性交的行为美国传统〔diestrus〕The sexually inactive period of the estrous cycle.间情期:发情期内性欲不活跃阶段美国传统〔dioecious〕Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异体的:雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的美国传统〔dreamboat〕A person considered exceptionally good-looking and sexually attractive.有魅力的异性,梦中情人:被认为异常好看且具性吸引力的人美国传统〔facultative apomict〕A plant capable of reproducing either sexually or asexually.兼性植物:既能进行有性生殖又能进行无性生殖的一种植物美国传统〔fast〕Flouting conventional moral standards; sexually promiscuous.蔑视礼节的;性行为不检点的美国传统〔feel〕To touch or fondle (someone) sexually.挑逗,调情:带有性欲地触摸或抚摸(某人)美国传统〔freemartin〕A sterile or otherwise sexually imperfect female calf born as the twin of a bull calf.雄化牝犊:不育或有性缺陷的小雌牛,与小雄牛为双胞胎美国传统〔gene pool〕The collective genetic information contained within a population of sexually reproducing organisms.基因库:一整套基因信息,包括一群有性生殖的有机物美国传统〔harass〕A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room.一名女记者投诉他们中有一人在衣帽间对她进行性骚扰。外研社新世纪〔harass〕A woman reporter complained one of them sexually harassed her in the locker room.一名女记者投诉说,他们中有一人在更衣室里对她进行性骚扰。柯林斯高阶〔harass〕Connors is alleged to have sexually harassed three women at the conference.对某人进行性骚扰麦克米伦高阶〔harass〕One woman engineer claimed that she had been sexually harassed by a male manager.一位女工程师声称遭到过一位男性经理性骚扰。朗文当代〔harass〕She claims she has been sexually harassed at work.她声称在工作中受到性骚扰。牛津高阶〔harass〕She had been sexually harassed at work.她在工作中遭受过性骚扰。牛津搭配〔hassie〕Women in the west are often hassied sexually when they looked for jobs.西方的妇女在找工作时,常常受到性骚扰。21世纪英汉〔heterogynous〕Having two types of females, one able to reproduce sexually, the other infertile, as in ants.具异雌的:具有两种类型的雌性的,一种可异性繁殖,另一个则无生育功能,如蚂蚁美国传统〔heterosexual〕Sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex.异性恋的:对异性者有性倾向的美国传统〔horny〕Sexually aroused.性冲动的美国传统〔hot stuff〕A person who is sexually aroused or arousing.辣妹,帅哥:非常性感或是令人感觉性感的人美国传统〔hot〕Sexually avid; lascivious.性欲旺盛的;淫欲的美国传统〔hot〕Slang Sexually excited or exciting.【俚语】 性冲动的,令性冲动的美国传统〔hunky〕Having a well-developed physique; sexually attractive.体格非常强健的;非常性感吸引人的美国传统〔hunk〕Slang A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique.【俚语】 有魅力的健壮男子:肌肉发达的性感的有吸引力的男子美国传统〔imago〕An insect in its sexually mature adult stage after metamorphosis.成虫:蜕变后处在性成熟状态的昆虫美国传统〔immature〕The boy was sexually immature.这男孩在性方面尚未成熟。外研社新世纪〔incontinent〕Here is a man who was a sexually incontinent rogue.这是个荒淫无度的流氓。外研社新世纪〔inhibited〕Carol is sexually inhibited, but she dresses very seductively.卡萝尔在性方面很保守, 但她穿得却非常性感。外研社新世纪〔lascivious〕The man was lascivious, sexually perverted and insatiable.这个人是一个欲壑难填的变态色情狂。柯林斯高阶〔lubricious〕Sexually stimulating; salacious.色情的:性刺激的;好色的美国传统〔mature〕Most girls are sexually mature by about 14 years of age.多数女孩到 14 岁左右性发育就成熟了。朗文当代〔molestation〕He was accused of sexually molesting a female colleague.他被指控对一位女同事进行性骚扰。柯林斯高阶〔molest〕He was accused of sexually molesting a female colleague.他被控对一位女同事实施性骚扰。外研社新世纪〔neuter〕A sexually undeveloped or imperfectly developed insect, such as a worker bee.无性昆虫:性不发达或不完善的昆虫,如工蜂美国传统〔neuter〕Zoology Sexually undeveloped.【动物学】 性不发达的美国传统〔note〕The yearbook also noted a sharp drop in reported cases of sexually transmitted disease.年鉴同时指出,性传播疾病报告病例数显著下降。柯林斯高阶〔nubile〕Sexually mature and attractive. Used of young women.性成熟的:性机能发育成熟的,性感的。用于年轻女子美国传统〔nudism〕The belief in or practice of going nude, especially in secluded, sexually mixed groups for reasons of health.裸体主义:信仰或实行裸体,尤指在隐蔽的两性混杂的群体中为了健康的原因美国传统〔nymphet〕A pubescent girl regarded as sexually desirable.性感撩人的发育期的女孩美国传统〔partner〕People who have had multiple partners are more at risk from sexually transmitted diseases.有多个性伴侣的人得性传播疾病的风险更大。牛津搭配〔pedophile〕An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.恋童癖者:对孩子有性爱恋的成年人美国传统〔phallus〕The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris.交接器原基:胚胎中无差别的性组织,它会成长为阴茎或阴蒂美国传统〔phone sex〕Sexually explicit talk engaged in by telephone, especially to enhance autoerotic pleasure.电话性爱,电爱:透过电话进行的性爱露骨交谈,尤指会促进自体性愉悦者美国传统〔piece〕Vulgar Slang A sexually attractive person.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性感的人美国传统〔pinup〕A picture, especially of a sexually attractive person, that is displayed on a wall.性感女郎照:挂于墙上的照片、画像,尤指较性感的人物画像美国传统〔pornography〕Pictures, writing, or other material that is sexually explicit and sometimes equates sex with power and violence.色情资料:直接了当描绘性行为的图片、书籍或其它资料,这些资料往往将性视同于权力和暴力美国传统〔preference〕It would be wrong to discriminate against a candidate because of their sexual preference (= the sex of the people they are sexually attracted to).出于应聘者的性取向而对他们有所歧视是错误的。剑桥高阶〔pregnancy〕Condoms don't always protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.避孕套无法总是达到避孕和防止性病传播的效果。麦克米伦高阶〔protected sex〕Sexual activity in which a condom or similar device is used to minimize the risk of pregnancy or of spreading or contracting a sexually transmitted disease.安全性行为:使用保险套或类似物的性行为,以降低怀孕的风险或传播、感染性病的危险美国传统〔provocatively〕Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.一些青少年可能相比同龄人在性方面更成熟、更具挑逗性。柯林斯高阶〔provocative〕Models find themselves wearing sexually provocative clothing.模特们发现自己的穿着妖冶撩人。牛津搭配〔provocative〕Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.一些青少年可能相比同龄人在性方面更成熟、更具挑逗性。外研社新世纪〔provocative〕The gesture was sexually provocative, leaving no room for doubt as to her intentions.那个手势是挑逗性的, 她的意图暴露无遗。外研社新世纪〔prudish〕She was sexually not so much chaste as prudish.在两性关系方面她并不贞洁,只不过是表面正经而已。英汉大词典〔put〕Vulgar Slang To be sexually active. Used of a woman.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性生活上频繁,尤其用于妇女美国传统〔raunchy〕Sexually explicit.淫荡的:性欲外露的美国传统〔repressed〕Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed and inhibited.一些人谴责说清教徒的性欲受到压抑,并且个性拘谨。柯林斯高阶〔reproduce〕These plants can reproduce sexually and asexually.这些植物既可以进行有性繁殖,也可以进行无性繁殖。剑桥高阶〔reproductive〕Zoology A reproductive organism, especially a sexually mature social insect.【动物学】 母体:一种能繁殖的生物,尤指性器官成熟的群居昆虫美国传统〔safe sex〕Sexual activity in which safeguards, such as the use of a condom, are taken to avoid acquiring or spreading a sexually transmitted disease.安全性交:采取了预防措施(如用避孕套)以避免染上或传播通过性交传播的疾病的房事美国传统〔score〕To succeed in seducing someone sexually.勾引:成功地用性勾引某人美国传统〔screw〕Vulgar Slang To be sexually promiscuous.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 乱交美国传统〔sex appeal〕Physical attractiveness or personal qualities that arouse others sexually.性感:引起他人性欲的身体魅力或个人性格美国传统〔sex linkage〕The condition in which a gene responsible for a specific trait is located on a sex chromosome, resulting in sexually dependent inheritance of the trait.性连锁:将形成特定遗传特征的基因定位于性染色体的状况,由此产生性依赖型的遗传特征美国传统〔sex-linked〕Sexually determined. Used especially of inherited traits.性别决定的:性别决定的。尤用于遗传特征美国传统〔sexual harassment〕Unwanted and offensive sexual advances or sexually derogatory or discriminatory remarks, as those made by an employer to an employee.性骚扰:无理或冒犯性的求爱或含有性毁损或性歧视的评论,如雇主对雇员做的这些行为美国传统〔sexually〕He made sexually suggestive remarks.他说了些调情挑逗的话。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕How many kids in this school are sexually active?这所学校有多少学生性行为活跃?外研社新世纪〔sexually〕I find her sexually attractive.我觉得她性感迷人。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕I was sexually harassed by my boss.我遭到老板的性骚扰。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕I was not sexually abused as a child.我小时候未受过性虐待。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕If you're sexually harassed, you ought to do something about it.如果遭到了性骚扰,你应该采取行动。柯林斯高阶〔sexually〕Our society is still not sexually equal.我们的社会仍未实现性别平等。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕She had been sexually assaulted as a teenager.她十几岁时遭到了性侵犯。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕She was sexually attracted to him.她觉得他性感迷人。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕She was sexually discriminated against.她受到性别歧视。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕She's fun to be with, but I don't find her sexually attractive (= do not want to have sex with her).和她在一起很有趣,但在性方面她对我没有吸引力。剑桥高阶〔sexually〕Syphilis may be sexually transmitted.梅毒可因性交传染。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕The film contains sexually explicit scenes.该影片有露骨的性爱场面。外研社新世纪〔sexually〕The first organisms that reproduced sexually were free-floating plankton.最早开始有性繁殖的生物是四处漂浮的浮游生物。柯林斯高阶〔sexual〕Employees had been sexually harassed.雇员们已经遭受到性骚扰。麦克米伦高阶〔sexual〕Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys.女孩比男孩性成熟早。牛津高阶〔sexual〕I no longer found her sexually attractive.我不再觉得她性感了。朗文当代〔sexual〕She finds him sexually attractive.她觉得他富有性魅力。牛津高阶〔sexual〕She found him sexually attractive.她觉得他很性感。麦克米伦高阶〔sexual〕She had been sexually assaulted.她遭到过性侵犯。朗文当代〔skank〕One who is digustingly foul or filthy and often considered sexually promiscuous. Used especially of a woman or girl.肮脏猥亵的人,粗俗下流的人:一个污秽或肮脏并经常被认为滥交的人。特别用于形容妇女或女孩美国传统〔sleep〕To be sexually active with more than one partner.到处与人发生性关系:在性方面与一个以上伙伴发生关系美国传统〔slut〕A woman considered sexually promiscuous.荡妇:一个被认为有性乱行为的女人美国传统〔social disease〕A sexually transmitted disease; a venereal disease.性病:通过性传染的疾病;性病美国传统〔soldier〕A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws specialized to serve as fighting weapons.兵蚁:性发育不完全的某种蚂蚁和白蚁,头很大且颚有力,作为打架的武器美国传统〔stereotype〕We tried not to give the children sexually stereotyped toys.我们尽量不给孩子们玩带有性别成见的玩具。剑桥高阶〔stimulate〕Erotic images are often more sexually stimulating to men than to women.色情影像在性方面对男性的刺激作用大于女性。剑桥高阶〔studly〕Having a well-developed physique; sexually attractive. Used of men.体形健美的;性感的。用于男性美国传统〔stud〕Slang A man regarded as virile and sexually active.【俚语】 性欲旺盛的男子美国传统〔swinging〕Sexually promiscuous.性乱交的:性方面滥交的美国传统〔tart〕A woman considered to be sexually promiscuous.一名被认为在性上乱交的女人美国传统〔tomcat〕To be sexually active with more than one partner. Used of men.滥交:与不止一个对象进行性活动,用于男人美国传统〔toothsome〕Sexually attractive or exciting.有性诱惑力或使人性亢奋的美国传统〔turned-on〕Sexually aroused.性欲被激发的美国传统〔turn〕To excite or become excited sexually.(使)激发性欲美国传统〔unprotected〕Engaged in without taking precautions against the risk of pregnancy or infection by sexually transmitted disease.未防范的:未采取针对怀孕或性传播疾病感染风险的预防措施而进行的美国传统〔venereal disease〕Any of several contagious diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, contracted through sexual intercourse; a sexually transmitted disease.传染病,性病:几种传染病的统称,如梅毒和淋病,通过性交而传染;一种通过性交传染的疾病美国传统〔venereal〕Of or relating to a sexually transmitted disease.性病的:属于或关于性传染疾病的美国传统〔venereology〕The study of sexually transmitted diseases.性病学:对性传染疾病的研究美国传统〔violate〕To assault (a person) sexually.性攻击,强奸美国传统〔virile〕Capable of performing sexually as a male; potent.有性交能力的:作为男性能进行性交的能力的;有性交能力的美国传统〔whore〕A person considered sexually promiscuous.性关系混杂的人美国传统〔wolfish〕He gave her a wolfish grin (= smiled at her in a sexually interested way).他对她色迷迷地笑了笑。剑桥高阶AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease.艾滋病是一种性传播疾病。剑桥国际Eating oysters is said to make men function better sexually.据说吃牡蛎可以壮阳。剑桥国际He claimed that she told him she was sexually experienced (= that she had previous experience of sex).他说她告诉他她以前发生过性关系。剑桥国际He considered it an invasion of privacy to be asked about his sexual orientation (= the sex of the people whom he was sexually attracted to).他认为询问他对哪个性别的人感兴趣是侵犯隐私。剑桥国际He gave her a wolfish grin (= smiled at her in a sexually interested way).他挑逗地对她笑了一下。剑桥国际He got a sexually transmitted disease.他传染上了性病。剑桥国际He was very good/bad in the sack (= was/was not sexually skilled).他床上功夫很好/差。剑桥国际He's a dreadful flirt (=he behaves as if he is sexually attracted to a lot of people).他是个可恶的到处勾引女人的家伙。剑桥国际He's always making sexually suggestive jokes.他老是讲黄色笑话。剑桥国际He's always making sexually suggestive remarks (= those which suggest a desire for sex).他常常说一些猥亵挑逗的话语。剑桥国际He's not very adventurous sexually.他在性的方面不是很喜欢冒险。剑桥国际It would be wrong to discriminate against a candidate because of their sexual preference (= the sex of the people they are sexually attracted to).由于候选人的性别偏好而对他们有所歧视是错误的。剑桥国际It's cruel the way she just dallies with him/his affections (= is romantically or sexually involved with him without really caring about him).她只是在玩弄他的感情,这样做太残酷了。剑桥国际Lingerie is usually designed to be sexually exciting for the wearer and her partner.女性内衣通常被设计得使穿着者和她的性伴侣感到性感。剑桥国际Most women think Mike is a highly desirable (= sexually attractive) man.大多数妇女认为迈克非常地性感。剑桥国际Musk is produced naturally by the musk deer and is used to attract other deer sexually.麝香是由麝天然产生并用来吸引异性的。剑桥国际People complain about the filth (=esp. sexually offensive material) on TV and in the press.人们抱怨电视和报刊上有秽亵的内容。剑桥国际Several of the children had been sexually / physically / emotionally abused.几个儿童受到了性/身体/精神虐待。剑桥国际She claims she has been sexually harassed at work.她声称在工作中遭受过性骚扰。牛津商务She emphasised that it was important to educate children before they became sexually active.她强调在孩子们性活跃以前对他们进行性教育是很重要的。剑桥国际She knew he was sexually interested in her, but she preferred to keep the relationship platonic.她知道他对她有性方面的兴趣,但她更喜欢与他保持一种纯精神恋爱关系。剑桥国际She told her husband that she had been sexually frigid of late. 她跟她的丈夫说,她最近感到性冷感。译典通She was wearing a rather daring (= sexually exciting) skirt that only just covered her bottom.她穿着一件刚够盖住臀部的裙子,大胆得令人咋舌。剑桥国际She's a nice bit of crumpet (=She is a sexually attractive woman).她是个性感的女人。剑桥国际She's a pleasant, attractive girl, but utterly sexless (= not sexually attractive or exciting).她是个可爱动人的女孩,可就是一点也不性感。剑桥国际She's fun to be with, but I don't find her sexually attractive (= do not want to have sex with her).和她在一起很有趣,但我发觉她没有性的吸引力。剑桥国际Some men can't get through breakfast without titillation (= being sexually excited), judging by the number of bare-breasted women in the daily papers.据日报上有那么多裸胸女人的照片看来,一些男人没有性兴奋就吃不完早饭。剑桥国际Some people think that magazines with sexually explicit pictures (= pictures showing clear and full details of sexual activity) should not be on public display.有些人认为印有明显的性图片的杂志不应公开展示。剑桥国际The robber also attempted to sexually assault the woman but was scared off when she shouted for help.那名强盗本还想对该女子进行性袭击,但在她呼救后逃走了。剑桥国际The shop sells blue movies and dirty (= sexually exciting) magazines.这家商店出售色情影片和黄色杂志。剑桥国际These plants can reproduce sexually and asexually.这些植物既可以有性繁殖,也可以无性繁殖。剑桥国际They maintain an easy, joking, flirtatious relationship with one another (=they pretend to behave as if they are sexually attracted to each other).他们之间保持着一种随随便便,互开玩笑,打情骂俏的关系。剑桥国际To understand why Moreno was so sexually hung-up, you need only look at his childhood.要明白为什么马里诺如此为性所困扰,你只需了解一下他的童年。剑桥国际We tried not to give the children sexually stereotyped toys.我们尽量不给孩子有性别成见的玩具。剑桥国际When the male deer is in rut (= sexually excited) it may fight its rivals for the female.当雄鹿处于发情期,它会和对手搏斗争夺雌鹿。剑桥国际You really do something to me (= I find you sexually attractive), you know.要知道,你对我真的很有吸引力。剑桥国际




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