

单词 science
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AREA〕new discoveries in the realm of science 科学界的新发现朗文写作活用〔advance〕two major advances in medical science 医学上的两项重大进展牛津搭配〔alphabet〕the alphabet of science 科学的基本原理英汉大词典〔articulate〕articulate a science program for all grades 统一制订各年级的科技教学计划英汉大词典〔articulate〕to articulate a science program for all grades为各年级统一制订科学教学计划21世纪英汉〔combination〕the combination of science and art.科学与艺术的结合柯林斯高阶〔core〕the core subjects of English, maths, and science 英语、数学和科学这些核心科目朗文当代〔curricular〕curricular changes in the science program 理科课程的变化韦氏高阶〔deification〕the deification of science in the 1940s.20 世纪 40 年代对科学的神化柯林斯高阶〔division〕the division of science into chemistry and physics将理科分为化学和物理外研社新世纪〔embrace〕embrace science 相信科学英汉大词典〔enlist〕enlist in the argument raging between science and theology 积极参加科学与神学之间的激烈论争英汉大词典〔expansion〕the bewildering expansion of science during the last century 上一世纪科学领域中令人眼花缭乱的发展英汉大词典〔faculty〕the Faculty of Science 理学院剑桥高阶〔fantastic〕fantastic progress in science 科学上极大的进步英汉大词典〔gene therapy〕advances in the science of gene therapy 基因治疗科学的进步韦氏高阶〔gospel〕spreading the gospel of science 传播科学真理朗文当代〔hot〕one of the hottest issues facing medical science 医学面临的最有争议的话题之一朗文当代〔identification〕the science of biometric identification 生物识别科学牛津搭配〔intelligent design〕the legal battle about the teaching of intelligent design as science 围绕将智创论作为科学进行教授的法律战牛津高阶〔in〕advances in medical science 医学的进步剑桥高阶〔lab〕science labs 实验室牛津高阶〔lab〕a science lab 科学试验室麦克米伦高阶〔lab〕the school science lab 学校的科学实验室朗文当代〔literature〕the current literature in science and natural history 目前科学和博物学方面的文献牛津搭配〔marvel〕the marvels of science 科学的奇迹英汉大词典〔mass〕a TV programme that brings science to the masses 普及科学知识的电视节目牛津高阶〔metaphysics〕demarcate science from metaphysics 把科学与形而上学区别开来作界定英汉大词典〔nascent〕the still nascent science of psychology.方兴未艾的心理学柯林斯高阶〔natural science〕a new approach to natural science 研究自然科学的新方法韦氏高阶〔new〕a problem new to science 科学界首次遇到的问题英汉大词典〔novel〕a newly published science fiction novel 新出版的科幻小说朗文当代〔oscillation〕his oscillation, as a teenager, between science and art 十几岁的他对学文科还是学理科的犹豫不决牛津高阶〔overstress〕overstress the importance of science 过分强调科学的重要性英汉大词典〔parameter〕the parameters of science fiction 科幻小说的特征英汉大词典〔period〕a double period of Science 一连两节的自然科学课朗文当代〔phrenologist〕the ancient science of phrenology.古老的骨相学柯林斯高阶〔political science〕a degree in political science 政治学学位韦氏高阶〔project〕a science project 科学研究课题韦氏高阶〔pulpy〕a pulpy science fiction thriller一部低俗的科幻惊悚片外研社新世纪〔reader〕a voracious reader of science fiction 科幻小说迷牛津搭配〔reader〕an avid reader of science fiction 科幻小说迷牛津高阶〔realm〕an idea that belongs in the realm of science fiction 属于科幻小说领域的构思朗文当代〔science〕science students/teachers/courses 理科学生╱教师╱课程牛津高阶〔science〕science teachers/students/classes 理科教师/学生/课程韦氏高阶〔science〕a science of international politics 国际政治学牛津高阶〔science〕developments in science and technology 科学技术的发展朗文当代〔science〕students majoring in a science 主修一门自然科学课程的学生韦氏高阶〔science〕the science of philology 语文学英汉大词典〔science〕the science of purchasing.购买技巧美国传统〔science〕the advance of modern science 现代科学的进展牛津高阶〔science〕the laws of science 科学定律牛津高阶〔science〕the laws of science 科学规律韦氏高阶〔science〕the modern science of ecology 现代生态学麦克米伦高阶〔technology〕the development of new technologies and new branches of science 新技术及新科学分支的发展麦克米伦高阶〔term〕a life artificially prolonged by medical science beyond its natural term通过医疗科学人工延长、超越自然期限的生命外研社新世纪〔the〕the Science Museum 科学博物馆麦克米伦高阶〔torch〕the torch of science 科学之光英汉大词典〔turgid〕a turgid Social Science textbook 一本枯燥乏味的社会科学教科书朗文当代〔upgrowth〕the upgrowth of nuclear science 核科学的发展英汉大词典




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